Chapter 1866 Are All Eating

   Jiang Xiaobai and Lin Baixin walked side by side and walked into the hall.

   Jiang Xiaobai arrived, and the dinner began. Lin Baixin stood in the middle with the microphone and looked at everyone and said: "Today's dinner is a theme, and that is to welcome Jiang Xiaobai, the chairman of Huaqing Holding Group from the mainland.

  I would like to invite Dong Jiang..."

   There was fierce applause in the venue.

  Jiang Xiaobai did not decline either, and walked past the microphone in the middle of the stage.

  "Thank you for coming, thank you for the dinner organized by Mr. Lin, I hope you can have a good time tonight, and I hope you can become friends in the future.

  In the near future, everyone will be a family..."

   Jiang Xiaobai said, everyone knew in their hearts that Jiang Xiaobai was talking about the return of Xiangjiang.

  Some people feel a little uncomfortable, because after the return, they will be under the jurisdiction of the mainland.

   But what Jiang Xiaobai said was politically correct, and no one could say anything.

  And at this moment, when Jiang Xiaobai said such things, no one could find the fault, although it sounds like Jiang Xiaobai has the initiative, which means it is particularly strong.

  "I hope to strengthen cooperation with you in the future, and start more cooperation in each comprehension, and win-win cooperation is the spirit of our Huaqing Holding Group..."

   Jiang Xiaobai said, the whole banquet hall was silent, and there were many second generations of Jiang Xiaobai about the same age, and the third generations were a little envious.

  They don’t have this status. They can speak alone and let so many people listen quietly.

   "Okay, let me announce that the dinner party has officially started." Lin Baixin said with a smile.

   Then walked down with Jiang Xiaobai, and the two of them walked and chatted: "Jiang Dong, you are also optimistic about the real estate industry."

   "Of course I am optimistic about the real estate industry. Our country has a population of more than one billion people. With the development of the economy, more and more people will flood into the city, so the price of land in the city is inevitable.

  The domestic market with a population of 1.4 billion has huge potential. Once it breaks out, it will be unimaginable..."

   Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

  Lin Baixin nodded, and asked: “What about the real estate of Xiangjiang, the current housing price of Xiangjiang has reached a ceiling.

  If it goes up again, I don’t think there is much room for it. "

"What about returning? Did the old man think about it?" Jiang Xiaobai took the food and started to eat. Whether he has been to a dance party or a dinner party, the first thing is to eat. Only when he is full, he can talk about dancing. .

   "Think about it, but I think it's probably a bad result." Lin Baixin said.

   Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said, "I think there are two possibilities."

   "Huh? Those two possibilities?" Lin Baixin became interested.

  "One is to become bad. Just as you think, many capitals hold prejudices about returning. Because they don’t understand the reasons, there will be prejudices, and these people may choose to escape Hong Kong.

  In this case, if the impact is relatively large, then property prices may fall. "

   Jiang Xiaobai was eating and chatting with Lin Baixin.

  Lin Baixin also followed Jiang Xiaobai's appearance, holding a tray and started eating while listening to Jiang Xiaobai's words.

  In the past, he was not used to eating at dinner parties, because such etiquette would make people feel a bit low-end.

  But after eating with Jiang Xiaobai, he felt very satisfied.

  This is the arbitrary idea. Poor myself at such an age, I can't even break this thing.

   is also entangled in some so-called rules, some so-called upper-class social etiquette.

  As for Jiang Xiaobai's words, he still listened to him with a level and insight. Of course, Jiang Xiaobai was able to achieve this level of business without long-term vision and insight.

  The other people around looked at Jiang Xiaobai and Lin Baixin, two big men, eating no one else, and they all felt a little surprised.

  Who is Jiang Xiaobai? Everyone doesn't know much about it, but Mr. Lin, it's the same.

  Upper society, attending a dinner party means drinking and socializing, making friends, and chatting. Everyone is a circle of people communicating.

  Where is the reason for holding a plate and eating?

   But inside the court, the two highest-ranking bosses did just that, and they did it so naturally.

  Even some people can’t help but reach out and start taking their plates after seeing the incense of the two big guys.

   "Mr. Wang, let's have something to eat too? I happen to be a little hungry."

   "Okay, eat some, this food is still good, and it's usually rare to see it."

  Several people were talking, and they started to eat. Some people started to take the lead, and more people were eating.

  Finally, in the entire banquet hall, almost half of the people were eating with plates.

  But the chef in charge of the food panicked a bit. According to the hope of the dinner party, some high-end ingredients are usually prepared, and then they are basically presented for everyone to see.

  No one can pull his face down, and really eat, to fill his stomach.

  This kind of behavior will make everyone despise, so every dinner, it is a symbolic preparation of something, but it will be left in the end.

  Never said how many people are going to come, the food should be prepared according to the number of people.

   But now that everyone has done this, no one despises it. Everyone is happy, but the restaurant is crazy.

  Many ingredients are not prepared so much.

  The restaurant has become busy for an unprecedented time. The chef’s reprimands are constantly ringing in the kitchen, and the whole back kitchen has become busy.

  If the food prepared is not enough for the guests, then it's a joke, the Lin family can't afford to lose this person.

   Jiang Xiaobai was still talking to Lin Baixin: “But there is another situation, that is, after the return, the housing prices in Xiangjiang have risen again. After all, there are some inland markets.

  All aspects of Xiangjiang can rise a step, and the original ceiling naturally does not exist. "

  Lin Baixin nodded: “This situation is not impossible, but I don’t think the chances are too great.”

  According to his understanding, the first situation is more likely to occur, because many friends have concerns in this regard.

  And many people have already begun to prepare, among these people, there is no shortage of that kind of pivotal figure.

  If these people escape from Hong Kong, they will definitely cause a lot of shock. Not to mention the real estate industry, even the economic turbulence of various industries in Hong Kong is not uncommon.

  So his current idea is how to keep the Lixin Group stable in the next turmoil, without too much turmoil,

  As for the second case, the probability is too small, he is unwilling to gamble, and Lixin Group is not suitable to gamble either.

  (End of this chapter)

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