Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1870: Jiang Xiaobai's strength

   Chapter 1870 Jiang Xiaobai's Strength

   "Haha, Mr. Lin, for this kind of ineffectiveness, he should be self-reliant. There are too many children in the family, and sometimes unavoidable neglect of discipline.

  It turned out that the main house was also established in the mainland. When the concubine was in the second room, there were many children in the family, and those who were disobedient were killed. "

  A smile appeared on Jiang Xiaobai's face, and the tone of his speech softened, but the meaning of the words made people shudder.

   "Haha." Lin Baixin smiled reluctantly, how harsh he heard these words.

  This Jiang Xiaobai is not a good person. If you turn your face, you turn your face, and you laugh when you say it.

  But it’s really ruthless to talk about hiding needles in cotton.

  I don’t know if Jiang Xiaobai is like this, but he deliberately showed it and used the Lin family to build his prestige.

  Lin Baixin thinks that the latter should be a little bit more. After all, Jiang Xiaobai has been able to go to this day. He is not a young man anymore. He has a spirit and a certain degree. It is probably because of the problem.

  Now Lin Baixin dare not look down on Jiang Xiaobai anymore, or treat Jiang Xiaobai as a young man.

  This is exactly an old fox, who speaks and works very well.

   is also very good at seizing opportunities, just such a small matter, you have to ignore others and directly stand up for yourself.

   "Then I wish Jiang Dong a happy time." Lin Baixin was about to leave, and he was not in the mood to stay any longer.

   "Okay." Jiang Xiaobai nodded.

   "Dad, Dad, I was wrong, please don't drive me away." At this time, Lin Kang sat down and hugged Lin Baixin's thigh begging for mercy.

  It is as miserable as it is, and as pitiful as it is.

  Just needless to say Jiang Xiaobai, even the people watching the excitement around, there is not a pitiful person, on the contrary, he is very disgusted.

  If Lin Kang can leave here first with a bit of spine, then everyone will respect him as a man.

   But now kneeling down and begging for mercy, this is a real loss of face, and it is not only his own face, but also the Lin family's face.

   Before this, Lin Kang was still one of the successors of the Lin family.

  The result is just such a commodity.

  Lin Baixin's face was dark, and he cursed directly: "Go away."

   Then left without looking back, Lin Sheng waved two security guards over at this time, helping Lin Kang up from the ground.

   "Dong Jiang, let me get out of the company first." Lin Sheng and Jiang Xiaobai said hello and got Lin Kang out.

  In a car near Lin's house, he watched Lin Kang collapse into the car, showing no bones all over his body.

  Lin Sheng is a little disgusted, such a person can also become his own competitor.

  Does it have a long brain? Who can offend and who can’t offend is not at all in the heart?

  Jiang Xiaobai is his guest, yes, he is his partner.

  But Jiang Xiaobai is not a heavyweight with them. He belongs to the big brother type. Like the founders of many old-fashioned families in Xiangjiang, you should mess with him.

  I just don’t know how dead words are written.

   "I don't know what to call, take him to the hotel." Lin Sheng waved his hand and said to the driver.

  It's just an adopted son. If it is abandoned, it is really abandoned. There will be no chance of a comeback.

  Because everyone knows that this kind of thing will leave a crack in the heart.

  In the future, Lin Baixin, no matter what, he dare not treat him well, and it's hard to think of letting Lin Kang take over.

  Lin Sheng smiled as he watched the black car go away. This Jiang Xiaobai was really his lucky star.

  Since then, I haven’t started to cooperate. I just helped myself solve my strongest competitor by just a meeting.

   But thinking about it, Lin Sheng was also a little scared. This Jiang Xiaobai was too strong and very domineering.

  Cooperating with him is tantamount to seeking a tiger's skin. If one is not good, you may swallow all the bones and scum left.

  There are pros and cons. Thinking of Lin Sheng, he was even more in awe of Jiang Xiaobai by three points.

After the incident between Jiang Xiaobai and Lin Kang was revealed, the whole banquet became even more lively. After all, everyone had a new topic of discussion.

  But no one dared to invite Zhao Xiaojin to dance.

  The elder brother who is more romantic and suave, and is usually a playboy, no one dares to come over to provoke Zhao Xiaojin at this time.

  After all, someone has personally experimented for them, and the results were terrible, and they are all expelled from the house now.

  Even many men dare not look at Zhao Xiaojin more for fear of causing trouble.

  Women, most of them are, except for this Zhao Xiaojin, there is no woman in Xiangjiang. If you have to stare at Zhao Xiaojin, it is really seeking death.

  However, many women came over to invite Jiang Xiaobai to dance. Just now, Jiang Xiaobai's masculine spirit made many of the girls at the scene bewildered.

  With a trace of worship, men conquer the world, and women conquer the world by conquering men. A man like Jiang Xiaobai can arouse enough interest and desire to conquer women.

  At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai forced Lin Baixin to expel one of the Lin’s overtime workers, Lin Kang, from the home, and began to spread through various channels in Xiangjiang.

  The last time Jiang Xiaobai came to Xiangjiang, he opened a branch for Flower Bank and packed up an ordinary rich second generation.

  As a result, when I came here this time, I actually abolished one of the successors of an old family.

   Jiang Xiaobai’s strength began to spread throughout Xiangjiang.

  After the dinner, Lin Sheng sent Jiang Xiaobai, Zhao Xiaojin, Mr. Huang and others back to the hotel.

  I made an appointment to go to Lixin Group the next day to formally talk about cooperation, and then Lin Sheng just left.

  Get out of the hotel where Jiang Xiaobai stayed and sit in the co-pilot of Laosilaisi Yinspike.

  Lin Sheng was not in a hurry to let the driver drive away, and lighted a cigarette, and started to smoke.

  Lin Sheng smoked two cigarettes in a row, then as if he had made some important decision, he took out his phone and dialed out.

   "Wang Zhuxian, where are you now? Let's meet."

   "Now? Okay, aren't you with Jiang Xiaobai? How can I still think of me when I discovered my conscience."

  On the phone, Wang Zhuxian’s voice was very happy.

  But Lin Sheng was not interested anymore. After asking the address, he asked the driver to drive to pick up Wang Zhuxian.

  Half an hour later, Lin Sheng and Wang Zhuxian met in a coffee shop.

   "If you still have a conscience, after dealing with Jiang Xiaobai, you can still think of me. I thought you had completely forgotten me." Wang Zhuxian said cheerfully.

   "I..." Lin Sheng opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

  But Wang Zhuxian continued: "Well, I forgive you. Knowing that you value career, I understand you."

  Lin Sheng lowered his head, not daring to look at Wang Zhuxian, but he said word by word: "I've got it all done, let's break up."

  (End of this chapter)

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