Chapter 1872

   "Yes, our two can strengthen cooperation, I am very willing." Lin Sheng said with a smile.

  The current Lixin Group still has a majority stake in ATV.

  A few years ago, the old man Lin Baixin almost turned the entertainment circle of Xiangjiang into the entertainment circle of the Lin family.

   But even if it is a failure, in the current Xiangjiang entertainment industry, the old man Lin Baixin still has a great say.

   is not comparable to others.

  "There is also the clothing industry. You Lixin Group started as a garment factory. It also acquired 60% of the shares of the veteran crocodile shirt from Xiangjiang.

  And our Huaqing Holding Group also has apparel companies, which have a heavy weight in the Mainland.

  We can cooperate with each other, such as in the field of technical personnel and in the market..." Jiang Xiaobai continued.

  The Lin Family, one of the top ten families in Xiangjiang, is definitely not a word, but an experience of strength in all aspects.

  The two chatted for a while, and finally started talking about business.

   "900 million Hong Kong dollars, 49% of the shares, our Flower Bank will take a stake in your Lixin Development Company." Jiang Xiaobai immediately missed 100 million.

  It sounds like a lot, but the valuation of this kind of company is not fixed, and it is impossible to follow the valuation completely if it is more or less.

  A company, in the first round of financing, one million, occupying 10% of the shares, then its valuation will reach ten million.

  But it does not mean that the market value of this company is really worth 10 million.

  These are two concepts, so Jiang Xiaobai’s counter-offer is not too outrageous. On the contrary, it is a very sincere counter-offer.

   But no matter how sincere a counter-offer is, Lin Sheng will not agree to it all at once.

  So Lin Sheng said bitterly, "Jiang Dong, your counter-offer is too cruel.

  To be honest, our Lixin Development Company can now be valued at 2 billion Hong Kong dollars, giving you 1 billion Hong Kong dollars and 49% of the shares, which is already a very sincere price.

  You wiped out 100 million Hong Kong dollars in one fell swoop. We can’t accept it. "

  "Your Lixin Development Company has prospects for development, but the prospects are after all prospects, which are different from actual values.

   To be honest, the times are developing so fast, and sometimes the valuation of this brand is often not as high as estimated. "

  "Lixin is an old brand in Xiangjiang, let alone our garment company, even Lixin Development Company is considered an old brand.

  It is trusted by consumers. We also have this foundation and successful experience, such as Causeway Bay Plaza, Changshawan Commercial Plaza, and Lixin Plaza.

  We have accumulated a lot of experience, have a wealth of operation mode and familiar management and operation methods..."

  "Familiarity belongs to familiarity, mature to mature, but the market is constantly changing. Maybe the market today is still very good, and it is a model you are familiar with.

  But what about tomorrow, what about the day after tomorrow? The market is not static. It is a good thing to have experience, but sometimes it may not be a fetter..."

  "Dong Jiang, the market of our Lixin company is not only in Xiangjiang, but there are even markets and successful cases all over the world.

  My father opened up the Philippine market, so it completely laid the foundation for our Lixin Group. "

   Jiang Xiaobai paused. He had heard Mr. Huang talk about this.

  Lin Baixin has the title of "King of the Philippines".

  At that time, Lixin was still only making clothes. The main market for Hong Kong's ready-made clothes was in Southeast Asia.

  One time, Lin Baixin received an East African order for 700 dozen shirts and requested delivery within a time limit.

  At that time, Xiangjiang only had one steamer every month from abroad to Feizhou via Xiangjiang.

  Only staying in Xiangjiang for three or four days, Lixin ordered man-made fiber fabrics from abroad, striving to complete the construction and send the loan in time during the stay in Xiangjiang.

  After the ship arrives, the terminal receives the goods, and the finished shirts must be unloaded before the ship leaves the port and sails directly to the Philippines. If the same ship cannot be used to ship to East Africa, the credit will inevitably expire.

  As a result, the whole factory started cutting overnight, sent out sewing the next morning, then returned to the factory to pick up the collar, nail the buttons... to the packaging, all the processes were completed within three days, and the goods were delivered to the ship in time, breaking all records.

  As a result, Lin Baixin successfully opened up the Philippine market and was named the "King of Philippine" by his peers.

  Later, the Lin family achieved fruitful results in foreign markets.

  But this cannot affect Jiang Xiaobai’s bargaining. What happened to the King of the Philippines? The Philippine King is also old.

   Jiang Xiaobai and Lin Sheng were negotiating fiercely.

  Prices are also slowly getting closer, and both parties are sincere, so this is an inevitable process.

  Wait until noon for dinner, the difference between the two sides still has a gap of 40 million, but it does not matter, such a big business.

  Involving one billion Hong Kong dollars investment, if it can be negotiated within a day or a morning, that would be a joke.

   "Dong Jiang, you are really amazing, and your eloquence is really good. There is an idiom in the mainland called Tongue Fighting Group Confucian. I think you are like this." Lin Sheng complimented Jiang Xiaobai on the way to dinner.

  Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Lin Sheng, and said jokingly: "Xiaoshengzi, you praise me now. You didn't let me at the negotiating table just now."

   "Haha, Dong Jiang, I will apologize at the wine table for a while." Lin Sheng said with a smile. He could see that although Jiang Xiaobai was serious at work, he was a very easygoing person in private.

  You can make jokes and things like that, no harm, as long as it’s not too much, there’s no problem.

  Compared to other big brothers, that's a very good person to get along with.

   will not be emotional because of work.

  Jiang Xiaobai also laughed: "Okay, I'll have a drink for you in a while. I'll fill you more at noon, and the negotiation will be fine in the afternoon."

   "Haha, I still drink well."

   "Then I will try." A group of people chatted to the hotel.

  Although he said that he wanted to fight for wine, it was just a taste and the negotiation continued in the afternoon.

  By the end of the first day of negotiations, there was a gap of 20 million between the two parties.

   Jiang Xiaobai gave 940 million Hong Kong dollars to acquire 49% of the shares of Lixin Development Company, while Lin Sheng insisted on 960 million Hong Kong dollars before giving 49% of the shares.

  But overall, the negotiations are still very smooth.

  That night, Lin Sheng gave a guest, saying that yesterday’s dinner had an accident, and today he apologized.

   Jiang Xiaobai readily agreed, but at the dinner, Lin Sheng brought his wife to come forward.

  Ms. Lin looked very happy. She has not known how long this kind of business dinner has been brought out by Lin Sheng.

   didn't expect that there would be another opportunity now, and she knew exactly what it meant.

  So Mrs. Lin looked at Jiang Xiaobai's gaze, grateful, and toasted Jiang Xiaobai from time to time.

  (End of this chapter)

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