Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1880: Buying vegetables is not so casual

   Chapter 1880 Buying vegetables is not so casual

  Manager Zhou went to the conference room to inform Mr. Chen that they were eating in the cafeteria, Mr. Chen and the others were still having a heated conversation.

  It's just that Mr. Chen and the others are talking with the senior-level factory manager.

   "In fact, we are not hungry yet, we are talking about it right now." Wang Lao-level factory manager said.

  He is not interested in eating with Jiang Xiaobai, but he thinks Jiang Xiaobai is too arrogant, but the Red Road Group is very sincere.

   "It's okay, factory manager, it should be time for dinner now, let's have some dinner, it just happens that we can talk on the wine table if something happens," Mr. Chen said with a smile.

  He really wanted to see Jiang Xiaobai, so he took this opportunity to listen to Jiang Xiaobai's movements.

  Although he knew that Jiang Xiaobai was taking a business trip team to tour the mountains and water in the past two days.

   But the shadow of the tree, the name of the person, and Jiang Xiaobai's reputation still make him take a little seriously.

  He didn't believe that Jiang Xiaobai could really take people to tour the mountains and water all day.

   "Well, let's go and have a meal together." The senior-level factory director stood up.

  A group of people walked towards the cafeteria talking and laughing.

  But after they entered the canteen, they felt something was wrong.

  Because it is a little too grand, the dishes are not mentioned, a table is full, and there are two bottles of Moutai.

  And not just a few people, but Jiang Xiaobai's entire business travel team.

  Yangcheng Pharmaceutical has many people here, and some people who are not in charge of this work at all have also arrived.

   Seeing this scene, the Wang-Lao-level factory manager felt a stunned heart. Could it be that there is a leader who wants to come over and check it?

  Otherwise, why are there so many leaders?

   "Sit down, sit down, Mr. Chen, sit down." Lu Guoxiong smiled and greeted him, facing Mr. Chen a little embarrassed, but his expression remained unchanged.

  Although this matter is somewhat unfair to Mr. Chen.

  I was thinking of two people competing, but in the end, the conditions were not compared, and Mr. Chen completely became a foil.

   Lose directly without even having a chance to compare.

  But where is absolute fairness in the business field!

  Mr. Chen looked at this scene but he was a little bit in his heart, what do you mean? What the **** is this, a little too grand, right?

  Looking at this scene, it used to be a celebration of successful negotiations!

  Is this a celebration party? Impossible? Mr. Chen smiled in his heart, how could this be possible? Jiang Xiaobai had been taking people to travel around the mountains and water for the past two days, so he didn't talk about it at all.

  How can it be possible to celebrate? impossible.

The veteran-level factory manager approached Lu Guoxiong and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Lu, is there any leader coming over?"

   "No," Lu Guoxiong said.

   "Then this?"

   "You'll find out after a while." Lu Guoxiong said.

   Soon everyone sat down. After Lu Guoxiong waited for everyone to pour the wine, he stood up with the wine glass.

  Then Manager Zhou, Jiang Xiaobai, Sun Jianyun and others stood up one by one.

   "First of all, I am here to announce one thing. In this afternoon, our Yangcheng Pharmaceutical and Jiahe Company have reached a cooperation." Lu Guoxiong said with a smile.

  Before the voice was over, Mr. Chen and his team, together with the senior factory director and others, suddenly became embarrassed.

  The two sides have reached a cooperation? When did it happen?

  Suddenly stared at each one dumbfounded, his face full of disbelief.

  There is no negotiation, and cooperation is reached,

  This afternoon, negotiations were held this afternoon, and the two sides have reached a consensus in one afternoon.

  What is this doing? Is this still a tens of millions of business? That’s the way it’s a big deal to buy vegetables on the street, right?

  In one afternoon, we talked about a cooperation of tens of millions to determine the survival and future of such a large factory.

  This is a joke.

   "President Lu, don't you be kidding me?" Wang's senior factory manager asked. In fact, these words were a bit rude to the superiors' tone.

  However, Lu Guoxiong can understand his feelings. After all, there is no psychological preparation. He talked in full swing, and devoted twelve points of passion.

  The result was at a critical juncture, and was suddenly stopped, saying that the project had been given to someone else.

  "In the afternoon, the negotiation went very quickly and smoothly. The contract has been initialed and it has been jointly decided by the company's senior management." Lu Guoxiong said with a smile.

  The veteran-level factory manager took a deep breath, a little helpless, but he said it before.

  He is responsible for negotiating with the Red Road Group, and Mr. Lu and Manager Zhou are responsible for negotiating with the family.

  Both sides are responsible for their own affairs, and whoever talks about Chengdu trip.

  Now it’s just that President Lu has talked with Jiang Xiaobai first.

  Wang old-level factory manager can bear it, but Mr. Chen can’t bear it anymore.

  What's the joke? They are not afraid of losing the competition, and they are also psychologically prepared. Needless to say, their own conditions are not as good as their home and company.

   is better than the home and the company, and it can be negotiated without saying it, and they can accept winning or losing in competition.

  But it does not mean accepting this kind of loss is unclear.

  There is no talk of cooperation at all, how can cooperation be reached? Isn’t this a joke?

  This is completely disregarding their Red Dao Group.

   "President Lu, with all due respect, I didn't understand, are you talking about business? Are you sincere?"

  General Manager Chen stood up and looked at Lu Guoxiong and said.

  Lu Guoxiong said with a smile: "Mr. Chen, don't be angry. I know you may not be able to accept this matter, but we have indeed negotiated terms.

  Then the contract will be formally signed after the approval of the leader, so I’m sorry. "

  Lu Guoxiong said unceremoniously, soft but hard.

  Explain, do I need to explain to you? Lao Tzu is a state-owned enterprise. You, a Hong Kong company, will question Lao Tzu.

  I only need to explain to the leader.

  Chen heard it out, he was so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven, how could this be so! It was originally your Yangcheng Pharmaceutical Company, which didn't follow the rules, but now it's okay, and you don't want it anymore.

  You didn’t even have a word of explanation, but you were still confident.

   "Come on, toast to our cooperation." At this time, Jiang Xiaobai raised his glass and said.


   "Cheers." Everyone raised their glasses and said, and the atmosphere in the private room became lively again.

  As for the people in the Red Road Group did not raise their glasses, they pulled their faces one by one, and everyone chose to ignore them.

"Come on, have another drink, eat some food, Jiang Dong tastes, how does our chef's cooking taste? See if you can still eat it?" Lu Guoxiong warmly entertained him, and met him for the first time. At that time, it was completely different.

  However, after these few days, everyone feels normal. At least Manager Zhou thinks so.

  (End of this chapter)

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