Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1884: The first assembled computer

   Chapter 1884 The first assembled computer

   "Jiang Dong, this is difficult and difficult." Ni Guangnan said with a wry smile. He is ambitious enough, but Jiang Xiao is more ambitious than him.

  The computers are completely domestically produced, and foreign brands are not imported.

  He doesn’t know how long he can do it. Now the so-called domestically produced computers in China.

  In fact, most of the computer accessories are used abroad, and only a few are produced in China.

  After all, compared with foreign countries, the domestic computer industry has no idea how long it is late.

  What's more, the foreign countries with poor technology are not even a star.

   "I know it's difficult, but we have to have our own goals, bit by bit.

  Now our company may only be able to make a case and display.

  But slowly we can also make graphics cards, or we can make our own motherboards.

  Now we can only write a Chinese patch, which is used to convert Chinese characters to facilitate operation, but one day in the future we will also have our own system..."

   Jiang Xiaobai said, Ni Guangnan nodded, eyes full of longing.

  He never dared to think about the scene described by Jiang Xiaobai, but he did not know how many times he had seen it in a dream.

   is difficult, but the day when it is really realized must be beautiful.

  All parts are produced by ourselves, not controlled by foreign companies, and we can give consumers the best.

  Rather than waiting for foreign brands to be eliminated, then buy them back at a high price and use them on their own products.

   "Jiang Dong, I understand, I will work hard." Ni Guangnan said.

   "Well, if a company wants to be competitive, technology is the primary productive force, and with good technology, we can fight price wars and promote cost-effectiveness.

  We can compete with any company, without worrying about being caught by others at any time, without worrying about the company competing with others, no one makes money..."

   Jiang Xiaobai said: "We are now competing with foreign brands for the market, you know this.

  Hualian Computer, I will support you, and give you what you want, as long as you can give, I will give you, but you have to make achievements for me.

  This achievement does not mean how much your market share can reach.

   is not to say how much your annual sales can reach.

  It’s what accessories you made this year, and how many breakthroughs have you made in technology this year..."

   Jiang Xiaobai and Ni Guangnan walked around the company and said.

  Zhang Weiyi also agreed very much, and also made some suggestions.

   "If it is really not good, you can also value the technology of which foreign company, and then it is not impossible for us to acquire it, just like the model of Huahai Automobile Factory..."

  Jiang Xiaobai also nodded: "Mr. Zhang has a good idea. Now that we have done it, we have to make achievements..."

  I came out of the technical department and went to the logistics and sales department. The entire Hualian Computer staff is probably already in place.

  Although some departments have not yet been established, the main departments responsible for the daily operation of the company have been set up, and now there is nothing left to open.

  Some departments that are not too important can be rebuilt after opening.

   "In this way, go to our factory and take a look. There are already computers assembled and marked with our company's logo." After visiting the company, Ni Guangnan said with a smile.

  Jiang Dong came to this trip, and overall there was no problem, and he solved a lot of things for him.

   "Okay." Jiang Xiaobai nodded. It's still early, just after three o'clock in the afternoon.

  Hualian Computer’s factory is some distance away from Hualian Computer. After all, although the current magic capital is not like later generations, it can be said to be "an inch of money".

  But close to the Bund, it is very difficult to have a factory of your own in the city center.

  However, although Hualian’s factory is now in the suburbs, after two years of development, this place is again a proper city center.

   "Did we rent or buy this place?" Jiang Xiaobai asked as soon as he arrived at the door of the factory.

  "Leaned, although the company has working capital now, after the real technology research and development, or even in the future, we put into trial production, imported production lines, these are bottomless pits.

  So every penny has to be spent on the blade. "Ni Guangnan replied with a smile.

  Jiang Xiaobai’s mouth twitched. Good steel uses less blades. If Hualian Computer can’t make it, just buy this land. After a few years, it won’t be considered a loss.

  Now everyone still doesn't put the land in their eyes, especially many of the land is industrial land.

  But industrial land can also be converted into commercial land.

  But Jiang Xiaobai didn't say anything. When it comes to real estate and the like, Huaqing Holding Group has already stocked a lot of land.

  At least compared to other companies.

  Let’s not talk about Wang Meng’s Changxingju Real Estate Company. Under the influence of Jiang Xiaobai, Wang Meng has accumulated some land in some provincial capitals across the country.

  It is Jiang Xiaobai's own various branch offices and various branch factories in recent years, all of which are directly bought instead of leased.

  It should be said that Huaqing Holding Group is now bankrupt. As long as those shops and land are taken out, they will be given to Jiang Xiaobai's family for a lifetime.

   "How big is this place?" Jiang Xiaobai Asset asked, and at the same time walked towards the factory.

  He also supports Ni Guangnan's idea, and he is not bad on this piece of land.

  "Not small, it turned out to be a state-owned enterprise..." Ni Guangnan introduced,

  Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said, "I guessed it, except for a state-owned company, other companies do not have this style at all."

   "Jiang Dong, our current computer is completely assembled, and then let's adjust it ourselves, let's go to the production workshop to take a look..." Ni Guangnan asked.

  Jiang Xiaobai shook his head: "Forget it, I won’t look at assembling other people’s computers. When will the parts in this case be more than 50% produced by our company, I’ll look at it again.

  Go directly to the office and let me see the finished product. "

   Jiang Xiaobai said, taking the lead to walk, Ni Guangnan nodded, he believes that there will be this day, and this day will definitely not be too far away.

  After arriving at the office, Ni Guangnan asked someone to bring a computer to Jiang Xiaobai.

   is this classic big **** computer with a white shell.

   "Is this the only color of this shell?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

   "For the time being, this is the one." Ni Guangnan Assets started assets and returned.

   Jiang Xiaobai said: “You can make some other colors, such as black, but white is too monotonous.”

  (End of this chapter)

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