Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1887: Give you some talent

   Chapter 1887 Give you some talents

  The time is too short, and Ni Guangnan dare not agree to it. After all, this time is really too short, too short, according to Jiang Xiaobai's meaning, at most one year.

  We must do it, and the price of a computer equipped with a Pentium processor is reduced to the level of 10,000 yuan.

  This is basically impossible.

   "I know that time is short, but time does not wait for me, I must do it." Jiang Xiaobai said decisively.

   To seize the market, rely on the price advantage, and the price advantage, ultimately rely on the technical advantage.

  The technical advantage is only effective for a certain period of time, and will not be effective after a certain period of time.

  So I want to be stronger than other companies, with strong products, and competitive.

  That is to break through some technologies within a certain period of time to bring down the price.

   "Dong Jiang, I will try my best." Ni Guangnan smiled bitterly, and he also felt Jiang Xiaobai's strength.

  "If you want people to give, you want money to give money, in addition to the 30 million, the company can continue to add up, 50 million, or even 100 million for you.

  But the goal I set must be completed. Whether our Hualian Computer can succeed or not is up to you.

  As long as it seizes the market share, wait for the company to establish its position in the country by the end of next year.

  The construction of the two buildings at the headquarters is completed at the end of this year. Next year, the head office can breathe a sigh of relief. By then, you can build your chip project for as much money as you need. "

After Jiang Xiaobai put forward a series of difficult goals, he finally gave him a sweet date, which is the chip project they have always dreamed of.

   "Okay, Jiang Dong, that's it. I will try my best to finish it. I don't need this old bone." Ni Guangnan was also aroused by Jiang Xiaobai.

  Isn’t it the Pentium 10,000 yuan, as long as some accessories can achieve technological breakthroughs and lower the price, other things are not a problem.

   "Okay, since you said that, I will help you with some talents." Jiang Xiaobai also said with a smile.

  He did not set a completely impossible goal for Ni Guangnan to go to Wangshan to run to death. On the contrary, he would also give some technical assistance.

   "What? What talent?" Ni Guangnan looked at Jiang Xiaobai and asked, his eyes full of disdain.

  Huaqing Holding Group is great, but no company is involved in high-tech.

  So basically, it can be said that there is no technical reserve, and it needs to support what kind of support you can get.

  Of course, this is not just a company of Huaqing Holding Group. Domestic private enterprises are like this, they have only developed in just over a decade.

  Basically all started with marketing and trade. It is basically impossible to say that it can be technically reserved.

  Even private enterprise giants like Huaqing Holding Group are the same.

  So he really can’t think of what kind of scientific and technological talent Jiang Xiaobai can support himself, which can be helpful to his current research.

   "Why do you look down on me?" Jiang Xiaobai asked with an unhappy expression.

  Ni Guangnan and Jiang Xiaobai got acquainted, and jokingly said, “It’s not that I look down on you, but the talent you gave me.”

   "Okay, what you said, don't regret it." Jiang Xiaobai threatened.

   "Are there really talents?" Ni Guangnan looked at Jiang Xiaobai's so determined look, but he was a little curious.

   "In the old days, we didn't cooperate in launching satellites abroad. I dug some talents from the Baikonur Cosmodrome.

  I was thinking about it, you are very difficult now, I am going to give you some support. "

   Jiang Xiaobai said slowly: "I didn't expect that you don't need it, so forget it and give it to other companies."

   "What? The talent dug from Baikonur Space Launch Site?" Ni Guangnan got up from the sofa with a squeeze, staring at Jiang Xiaobai with wide eyes.

   Baikonur Cosmodrome, this place he has heard of.

  Not to mention where the most high-end talents in the world are concentrated, it's almost the same.

  Although people are professionals engaged in aerospace, they are sometimes interlinked, and aerospace also involves many technologies.

  Whether it is by analogy or other people's guidance, it is a very valuable asset.

   "Yes, people at Baikonur Cosmodrome, what's wrong?"

   "I want it,"

   "Do you want it?"

   "Yes, of course I want it, how could I not want it, it's all talents." Ni Guangnan said excitedly.

   "Didn't you look down on it just now?" Jiang Xiaobai asked in puzzlement.

   "You can see it, you can see it." Ni Guangnan said repeatedly.

   "Bah, I don't want to give it if you think it is? What is it, but I still look down on me, I have some treasures." Jiang Xiaobai said deceivingly.

   "Don't tell me, Jiang Dong, I'm wrong, I'm wrong, give it to me." Ni Guangnan couldn't take care of it anymore, and quickly said.

  Of course, he knows that Jiang Xiaobai is joking, but he also needs to step down to Jiang Xiaobai. After all, he despised others just now.

   "Wrong, then what did you say is wrong?" Jiang Xiaobai asked nonchalantly.

   "I was wrong everywhere." Ni Guangnan said.

  Jiang Xiaobai was taken aback. He didn't even know how to embarrass Ni Guangnan.

  This level does not need to say to deal with him, it is enough to deal with those difficult girlfriends in later life.

   "You bull, I will call the capital side and ask them to send people over." Jiang Xiaobai said silently.

   "I don't need to pick it up personally." Ni Guangnan said.

   "Okay, I'll give you the address." Jiang Xiaobai said and checked the time, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening.

   "Well, let's have a supper and talk while eating. I feel a little hungry." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  In the afternoon, I took a bite after an inspection at the Hualian Computer Factory. I haven’t eaten yet.

   "Okay." Ni Guangnan stood up and walked out with Jiang Xiaobai.

  Walking by, Ni Guangnan asked, "Jiang Dong, then at our opening ceremony, is this product launch conference still going on?"

  "Do it, but you have to install the Pentium processor, the price is now a bit more expensive, but you must leave an impression on consumers.

  That is, our computers are synchronized with the world, highlighting a feature, this is the foundation of a brand. "

  Jiang Xiaobai said, you are not afraid of expensive, but the key is to be special, so that consumers' cognition of Hualian Computer will be formed.

  After a year and a half, the price has been lowered again. By that time, consumers are not eager to purchase like crazy.

  Jiang Xiaobai knew that Ni Guangnan was mainly responsible for technology in Lianxiang. He didn't participate much in the company's operation. Maybe he didn't know much about product positioning and market positioning, so he introduced to Ni Guangnan.

  (End of this chapter)

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