Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1904: One pot stew

   Chapter 1904

   "Dong Jiang, it's really righteous." King Pengcheng asked Wang Meng for tea and said while chatting.

   "Well, Brother Xiaobai has always been like this." Wang Meng said naturally.

   Twenty million, they are not paying attention, not to mention Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Xiaobai values ​​friendship.

"I've taken it, I really took it. I have never seen someone like Jiang Dong in my life. I don't know the others. If Jiang Dong has any instructions in the future, as long as my Wang can do it, I will definitely not Will decline."

  Wang Shi admired and envied him, not to mention other aspects, he could not make this decision.

  So much money, sold for a dollar, is really willing to pay, it is really affectionate.

  I am envious of Jiang Xiaobai's free and easy, this kind of decision has been done.

  If he plays like this in Wanke, he will have to be ousted from the office by shareholders in a general meeting of shareholders the next day.

  Selling shares for one dollar, are you crazy or we are crazy, you are naive, you value your sentiment, and damage our interests, get out.

  He will have to pack up and leave from Wanke within a day.

   "I have never served anyone in my life, but I have really served Jiang Dong." In the director of Lu's office, director Lu said to the assistant with emotion.

   "Awesome, Jiang Dong is no ordinary person." In the office of the chairman of Fu Yao Glass, President Cao also expressed such emotion.

  It's not just them. After the news came out, in the whole mall, who didn't admire him, who didn't give Jiang Xiaobai a thumbs up in his heart.

  Of course, there are also some second-hands who feel that their opportunities are coming. If they start a project for Jiang Xiaobai to invest.

  After the company gets bigger, maybe Jiang Xiaobai might return the shares to himself for a dollar.

  Of course, people who think this way don’t think much, but anyone who thinks a little more knows that it’s impossible.

  Jiang Xiaobai was able to treat Mou Qizhong like this, because the two people have met irresistibly. After so many years, he is known as the twin star in the domestic market.

  I don’t know how many people have worked together, and I don’t know how many times they have also worked on each other's platform.

  That’s why Jiang Xiaobai would do this. Go, who are you.

   Needless to say, you are making friends with Jiang Xiaobai, and you don’t even look at yourself, whether you deserve it or not.

  It is difficult for Jiang Xiaobai to invest in a project for you.

  Anyone who has a little brain should know that Jiang Xiaobai is right to talk about loyalty, but Jiang Xiaobai is not an idiot.

  If someone is stupid than you, how can they have today's achievement?

   Jiang Xiaobai wanted to shut it down, but Chen Dongsheng called.

   "Dong Jiang, is there anything? I found out that you are in the capital after reading the newspaper. I want to treat you to a meal."

   "Then tonight, I will go back tomorrow." Jiang Xiaobai did not refuse.

   "Okay." Chen Dongsheng said the location, and asked if he would come to pick him up.

  But Jiang Xiaobai refused.

  Just hanging up the phone, it rang again. It was Guo Fansen.

  "Dong Jiang..."

  In the end, he also wanted to have dinner with Jiang Xiaobai. He was also in Jiang Xiaobai’s strategic development group. Now the company also has shares in Jiang Xiaobai, and Jiang Xiaobai has also supported him.

   Jiang Xiaobai simply gave Guo Fansen the address of Chen Dongsheng and let him go there at night.

  The call was endless. Jiang Xiaobai was about to take a break, and the phone rang again. This time it was Song Hanbin who called.

  Feng Lun again, all of them are in the capital.

  Jiang Xiaobai didn’t have time to deal with them one by one, so he just simmered them in a pot and asked them all to the place where Chen Dongsheng would treat him.

   Then he called Chen Dongsheng again.

After Chen Dongsheng and Jiang Xiaobai made an appointment, they arranged to invite Jiang Xiaobai to dinner tonight.

  He knew that Jiang Xiaobai liked quietness and didn't like too many people.

  But the younger brothers Chenping and Taikang's general manager are to bring along, as well as the manager of the auction house.

  It is necessary for these high-level executives to take this opportunity to meet Jiang Xiaobai and get to know him.

  After all, Jiang Xiaobai has shares in the company and is also a major shareholder and investor. It is normal for them to get to know them.

  And after the news came out, I don’t know how many people would like to meet Jiang Xiaobai, and the company’s top executives are the same.

  I was even more curious about the legendary Jiang Xiaobai, and they all wanted to see Jiang Xiaobai side by side.

  After he was notified, several high-level executives suddenly came over, all with excitement on their faces.

   "Chen, is it true that you can really see Jiang Dong today?"

"Yes, Mr. Chen, we have admired Jiang Dong for a long time. It is too interesting. For the friendship of friends, we bought tens of millions of shares for one dollar. We have to meet each other and respect Jiang Dong twice. Express my admiration."

   "That's Mr. Chen..."

  A group of people surrounded Chen Dongsheng and said excitedly.

  Chen Dongsheng smiled: "When did I lie to you, Jiang Dong has already agreed to eat together tonight.

  I will behave better one by one. "

   "Sure President Chen, don't worry,"

   "Yes, Mr. Chen, you still don’t believe us, you won’t be embarrassed..."

  Everyone was talking one by one.

  The phone on the desk rang, and Chen Dongsheng saw that it was Jiang Xiaobai who came over.

  Quickly silenced everyone, and then answered the phone.

  "Dong Jiang?" He was a little puzzled. He had just decided to have dinner at night, and now Jiang Dong called again. Could it be that the temporary schedule has changed and he can't eat at night?

  Chen Dongsheng felt a little bit in his heart, but Jiang Xiaobai's next words made him relax.

   "I still have a few friends here in the evening, so let me treat you, you may arrange for a few more people." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  Originally it was Chen Dongsheng's treat, but now I have to join Chen Dongsheng.

   "Haha, what is the matter with me, Dong Jiang, don’t worry, I’ll do it this way, let’s say yes.

  Don’t worry, I must have arranged it. "

   "Okay, then I'm not welcome." Jiang Xiaobai didn't say much, and hung up the phone with greetings.

  Chen Dongsheng looked at everyone in the office putting down their telephones, and said with a smile, "I heard it just now.

  Jiang Dong has other guests coming. The office must be arranged. If it doesn’t work, we will pack the second floor tonight so that it will not affect Jiang Dong. "

   "Okay, I will do it now." The person in charge of the office responded and went out.

  "Okay, you guys go to prepare too, the company's situation is familiar, if Jiang Dong asked about the company's situation during dinner in the evening.

  Involving matters in your various departments, if anyone can't say it, don't blame me for turning my face. "Chen Dongsheng asked.

  This kind of possibility is not big, but it is not impossible. It is possible that Jiang Dong asked by the way when chatting, which is normal.

  (End of this chapter)

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