Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1910: Pearl of the Orient

   Chapter 1910 The Pearl of the Orient

"Old Lu, this is Chen Dongsheng. Our strategy team went out. He was the leader of the team at the beginning. Now he is from Jingchengjia's auction house and the person in charge of Taikang Insurance Company. You can support me more. "

   "Hello, Director Lu." Chen Dongsheng held Director Lu's single palm with both hands, and put his posture very low. This is senior.

  And is a predecessor with outstanding achievements.

  "Chen Dongsheng, I have heard of you. It's a good job. Whether it's an auction house or an insurance company, it happens that our company is also planning to buy insurance for employees and provide them with a guarantee. You turn around and let people come.

  If there is anything going on in Zhejiang Province in the future, please call me. "Director Lu said, he took out a business card from his bag and handed it to Chen Dongsheng.

  Take out the phone, this is serious enough.

   "Thank you, Director Lu, for your care." Chen Dongsheng said excitedly.

  If you go to Zhejiang Province in the future, it will be equivalent to one more way.

   "This, Guo Fansen, who was also the leader of our strategic development team at the time, is now doing company consulting..."

   "This idea is very good, promising, please come to me if you have something to do in the future." Director Lu handed out a business card again.

   Teacher Ma looked at him, a little envious.

  Listening to Jiang Xiaobai’s introduction, our strategic development team went out, which means it’s my own.

  Don’t talk about other things. With this background, no matter what you do, it will go smoothly.

  Finally is Teacher Ma.

   "Teacher Ma is an Internet provider. He has ideas and courage. I think he will definitely have a lot to do in the future." Jiang Xiaobai introduced.

  Although it is said that there are now more than a thousand companies in the Yellow Pages, and they have also earned millions of dollars.

   But obviously Jiang Xiaobai didn't take these achievements in his eyes. What he valued was his future development.

  "Hello, Director Lu, long up, long up."

   "Hello." Director Lu nodded, relatively speaking, he was a little more polite, and Teacher Ma felt it too.

  I felt a bit bitter in my heart. But I don't have the background of Chen Dongsheng and Huaqing Holding Group, and there is no way.

   But then Jiang Xiaobai said: "Speaking of which, you are also a fellow, and Teacher Ma is also from Zhejiang Province."

   "Ah, isn't it?"

   "Yes, Director Lu, my home is..."

  Now, the chat between the two people is less polite and two more cordial.

  Director Lu finally gave Teacher Ma a business card.

  After a few words in the meeting room, everyone walked outside.

  Drinking in the evening is until the end. When you are in a slightly drunk state, everyone will stop drinking. This state is just right for chatting and the like.

  A few people are very self-controlling, otherwise, they will not be able to succeed.

  The next morning, after Teacher Ma and others came to the small meeting room, Jiang Xiaobai also arrived.

   "Okay, we are not here today. Go to the Oriental Pearl Tower. I have booked a meeting room. The view is good there and everyone can chat freely." Jiang Xiaobai walked in and said.

  Everyone has no opinion. They all know that Jiang Xiaobai is wealthy, plus Jiang Xiaobai is the host this time. He listened to Jiang Xiaobai's arrangement at the time.

  Soon a group of people came to the Oriental Pearl Tower and went directly to the conference room.

  Everyone present came to Oriental Pearl Tower for the first time, and it only opened to the outside world in May this year.

  So everyone has no chance to come over, this is the first time.

  The Oriental Pearl Tower looks high from the outside, but you don’t have a deep feeling when you look at it. The structure of three spheres and three pillars, although it looks very tall, is not so shocking.

  But after entering, when you reach the space layer of the top sphere, when you look down in the conference room, it feels very spectacular.

  The scenery of the entire magic capital is a panoramic view.

   "Haha, everyone sit down and talk." Jiang Xiaobai said. This is a small meeting room that can accommodate twenty or thirty people.

Next to   , Jiang Xiaobai also booked a large conference room, which can accommodate fifty people. There is no need for more.

"High-altitude hotel, between the upper sphere and the lower sphere, everyone can experience it in the evening. The revolving restaurant at noon is on the upper sphere. If you are curious, let people show them first." Jiang Xiaobai asked everyone with a smile. opinion.

  Jiang Xiaobai can see that since entering the Oriental Pearl Tower, every one of them feels that his eyes are not enough, and the curiosity in his eyes cannot be concealed.

  It is indeed the first time for many people present to see this kind of architecture, so Jiang Xiaobai is also ready to satisfy everyone's curiosity.

   "Then... go and see." Chen Dongsheng rubbed his hands and smiled embarrassedly.

  Guo Fansen nodded solemnly: "Then go take a look."

  Jiang Xiaobai waved to the waiter waiting at the door, and then asked the waiter to show them around.

"The main body is a multi-tube structure, consisting of 3 diagonal braces, 3 columns and a square, tower base, lower sphere, 5 small spheres, upper sphere, space capsule, transmitting antenna mast, etc., with a total height of 468 meters and a total construction area. Up to 100,000 square meters..."

  The waiter introduced them while taking them around.

  "The lower sphere is a prestressed concrete shell with a diameter of 50 meters and a center elevation of 93 meters. It has 4 floors and an indoor playground.

   Lower ball substation and other facilities; the upper ball is a suspension structure with a diameter of 45 meters and a center elevation of 272.5 meters, with a total of 9 floors.

  Respectively the public equipment layer, the FM room, the cooling equipment layer, the transmitter room, the air KTV room, the revolving restaurant, the observation platform, the microwave room, the power distribution room;

  The top sphere is the space hall, the center elevation is 342 meters, the sphere diameter is 16 meters, and there are 4 floors, which are elevator machine room, conference hall, sightseeing floor, pipeline floor..."

  These people are eye-openers. By the time they returned to the conference room, it was already past ten o'clock. The visit took two hours.

  But as soon as he returned to the meeting room, Zhao Xiaojin brought people over.

  It is Feng's turn. After some greetings, Teacher Ma is still a little envious. This is the original strategic development team of Huaqing Holding Group.

  What the **** is going on with this strategic development team, if he had known it earlier, he had also come in to get a qualification.

   seems to be a mysterious organization, and the people who leave this organization are so awesome.

  However, after another thought, the Oriental Club I will participate in in the future is certainly not a qualification.

  It was almost noon, the king of Wanke arrived, and the Liu family brothers arrived at noon for dinner.

  This is now the richest man in China in name. Everyone gave the highest courtesy, especially for Chen Dongsheng, Teacher Ma and others.

   However, what Chen Dongsheng and others had expected was that the Liu brothers' attitude was very low, and they often held hands with both hands, and they were very enthusiastic to everyone.

  (End of this chapter)

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