Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1916: Not optimistic and worth learning

   Chapter 1916 is not optimistic and worth learning

   Jiang Xiaobai described the hot phenomenon in the health care product industry, and everyone also has a deep understanding of it.

  In the past two years, a family of health care products industry has emerged, not to mention tens of thousands of large and small, at least a few thousand.

  Whatever can go to the fifth floor after eating, those are the most basic, cure diseases, become smart, and various health products are emerging in endlessly.

  The market seems to be very large, and the sales can easily exceed 100 million. Needless to say, the health care products industry is definitely the hottest industry at this time, not one of them.

  Compared with other industries, it is not comparable, at least in terms of momentum.

  "This industry is full of flames and flowers, but I am not optimistic."

  Jiang Xiaobai changed his voice and said.

  The people in the meeting room suddenly raised their heads and looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

  I am not optimistic about the health care product industry. At this time, only Jiang Xiaobai can say such a thing.

  Only Jiang Xiaobai dared to say such a thing.

  "Why do you say that I am not optimistic? First of all, what are the benefits of this industry for the country and the people, or what are the benefits?"

   Jiang Xiaobai looked at everyone and asked.

  Everyone was taken aback, and they didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to say this from this aspect.

  "Do you think my topic is a bit big, but think about it carefully, you make clothes, you can wear them to keep warm, you make food, and you can fill your stomach after eating.

  You make medicines, you can treat diseases and health if you eat them, you make steel, and you make home appliances. These things are all useful to everyone.

  What about this health product, what are the benefits for consumers after eating it? "

  When Jiang Xiaobai said this, many people understood it.

Although the words are a bit big, the truth behind them is the same.

  What is the significance of this health care product to this society? Compared with other products, it has no effect at all.

   "Of course, their corporate propaganda is very good, saying that eating can help you build health and cure all diseases.

  But in fact, the boss of the company may not believe that after eating this health care product, it is considered good if it can not cause damage to the human body. "Jiang Xiaobai said straightforwardly.

  Many people also nodded. Many people know this situation, and they don’t believe that health products can really cure all diseases.

  If you believe that health products can cure all diseases, you will not be able to sit in this conference room.

   "Moreover, many people who are sick will delay treatment because they believe this kind of nonsense. Such a product is completely useless to this society, but harmful. Can you say that such a product can last for a long time?"

Jiang Xiaobai didn't give everyone a chance to speak, and continued: "The other one is what I want to say, clothing, food, housing and transportation, a harmful thing, and has nothing to do with clothing, food, housing and transportation, so this kind of product is destined to be eliminated. Years, as long as two or three years, will definitely withdraw from the market."

   Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking and sat down: “Of course, this is my opinion. If you have any different opinions, please feel free to speak up.”

  "Dong Jiang’s words are very reasonable. I agree that such a product that has become popular with marketing and false propaganda is destined to be impossible for long.

  Moreover, such products do not conform to the laws of the market. I have been in contact with the health care products industry and their company operating costs.

  The proportion of publicity expenditure is the largest, even accounting for three-quarters of all expenditures of the entire company.

  The biggest expenditure of a company is not on production, but on publicity. Such products will finally be eliminated. "

   "Yes, I also agree with Jiang Dong's point of view. It is easy to understand whether he can make a product and an industry bigger.

  It depends on whether it is useful for this society.

  If a product is of no use to this society, no matter how popular it is, it will eventually be eliminated. There is no doubt about this. "

  Everyone said that most of the people sitting here are businessmen, and they are not too cold with this kind of health care products.

  Everyone is intensively farming in their own insights. They all started from the 1978 meeting. They are used to making money down-to-earth.

  Instead of relying on marketing and false publicity to make money.

  Like Teacher Ma, Chen Dongsheng and others are not doing business, but more or less, they are all industries that contribute to this society.

   is indispensable for future development, or what can be used, is the future trend.

  "Although the health care product industry will collapse in the future, and the entire market will be over, but the publicity of this health care product has something we can learn from..."

  Jiang Xiaobai spoke again, he found that if he did not intervene anymore, a good exchange meeting might be held into a criticism meeting.

  All of them criticize the health care product industry one-sidedly, and there is no one in the health care product industry that has participated in it. That is totally meaningless.

  The industry of health care products is not worthy of recognition, but since it can become popular, there are still some good aspects in it.

  "Their publicity is very powerful. Of course, they are promoting false products, but they are also very inspiring for us. We can learn from it." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  "For example, in our beverage industry, there are many processes to go through from raw materials to beverages. This is what all beverages have to go through.

  But can this be promoted? Promote it? It’s okay to exaggerate a little bit,

  In other words, highlight some things that consumers are interested in. "

   Jiang Xiaobai said, everyone was thinking, and some people looked at Jiang Xiaobai with emotion.

  No wonder Jiang Xiaobai's business can be so big, Jiang Xiaobai has a very good vision of things.

  Not only does not follow blindly, and is able to see the essential things through the phenomenon, but more importantly, it is not only about not being optimistic about oneself, but also being able to learn some of the good things.


"Yes, the publicity of health care products is very desirable. For example, the three-strain free clinic going to the countryside. This is of course problematic, but it inspired us. This novel publicity method is refreshing. .

  I will organize the people in our factory to study other people's publicity methods and marketing methods. There is no reason, that kind of products can be sold, but our good products cannot be sold. "

  Director Lu said, he sometimes feels old.

   And this society is changing rapidly. It turned out that the fragrance of wine was not afraid of the depth of the alley, but now the fragrance of wine is also afraid of the depth of the alley.

  Also appeared, as long as it is well-publicized, low-quality wine, ordinary wine can also be hyped up.

  The market is crazy, and sometimes it is completely incomprehensible.

  (End of this chapter)

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