Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1940: Huaqing is everywhere in life

  Chapter 1940 Life is everywhere in Huaqing

  Shi Sheng guessed right, a few people sat down in Jiang Xiaobai's office.

   Soon Wang Chao and Wang Meng arrived.

  "Make your own tea and drink." Jiang Xiaobai greeted casually.

  The office door was pushed open again, this time it was Song Xin who came in.

   "Jiang Dong, your place is quite lively."

   "Oh, it's rare that Mr. Song is not busy, please sit down." Jiang Xiaobai greeted with a smile.

   "Sister Xin."

   "Sister Song." Wang Chao, Wang Meng, Li Xiaoliu and others said hello.

  Afterwards, Zhou Guomin also came in, wearing a black suit, walking fast.

  Zhou Guomin is no longer the beer dealer that Jiang Xiaobai met in Beijing, the scalper.

  After so many years of experience, now becoming the vice president of an investment company is also in control.

   "Old Zhou."

   "Brother Zhou." There was another greeting.

  Zhou Guomin is also considered an old man. Jiang Xiaobai followed Jiang Xiaobai when he was going to school in Beijing, but Zhou Guomin stayed in Beijing for a longer time.

  I spend a lot of time dealing with Li Xiaoliu, and I am not very familiar with other people.

  Or it’s not that familiar.

  "Make your own tea, find a place to sit down and talk." Jiang Xiaobai greeted him and opened the window.

  With so many people, smoking is a problem.

  Fortunately, Jiang Xiaobai’s office is not small. In fact, it is an office. The reception room outside is equivalent to a small meeting room. Otherwise, it would not be possible to seat so many people.

   Soon, Chu Beiping and Zhang Weiyi also arrived.

   Then Tian Yuan, Mao Zhenghua, Sun Jianyun and so on.

  In the huge living room, it looks empty at ordinary times, but it is slightly crowded at this time.

  Jiang Xiaobai, Shi Sheng, Li Laosan, Wang Chao, Wang Meng, Chu Beiping, Zhang Weiyi, Song Xin, Zhou Guomin, Sun Jianyun, Tian Yuan, Mao Zhenghua, Li Xiaoliu, Ni Zong, Zhao Xiaojin, Liu Hui...

  A large number of senior officials of Huaqing Holding Group gather here. If these people have problems, it can be said that the sky of Huaqing Holding Group will collapse in an instant.

   "Jiang Dong, when will the company move? This building has been put into use, and you can really calm down.

  If it were me, looking at those two buildings all day, I couldn’t wait for a day. "

  Wang Meng rubbed his hands and said, in Jiang Xiaobai’s office, looking out of the window are the two buildings of Dongfang Mingzhu and Huahai Center and Huaqing Building in Lujiazui opposite the Huangpu River.

  The design of the super-large glass curtain wall makes the two buildings look very dazzling, and it makes people feel a little unsightly in the past.

  The building straight into the sky, even across the Huangpu River, can make people feel depressed.

  In comparison, the Bund International Construction, where Huaqing Holding Group is currently operating, is really worse than that.

  Jiang Xiaobai hadn't spoken yet, Wang Chao just said: "Haha, the emperor is not in a hurry, the **** is not in a hurry, you are frizzy and you don't have any concentration."

   "So good place, do you have concentration?" Wang Meng asked in confusion.

  Wang Chao choked and shook his head: "I don't have concentration either. Maybe you can have a panoramic view of the entire magic capital in that place.

  Overlooking the entire magic capital, this temptation is too great. "

  Wang Chao said honestly, everyone in the office laughed.

   "The first thing after the Chinese New Year is to relocate the company. Those who work outside at that time, such as Mr. Ni’s Hualian Computer, can also come back."

   Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

   "We, Huaqing Electric will also move in, and we will be working in the magic city in the future." Wang Chao said first.

  They Huaqing Electric started their business in Jinling at the very beginning.

  However, the current influence of the electrical appliance market is very large in East China, South China, and China.

  Relocating to the metropolis of Magic Capital is also a way to take care of the main East China area, and then it can further erode the North China area.

   "No problem, you said in advance, if you want the first floor, please register with Zhao Xiaojin. But if you say it, the highest level must be the headquarters." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

  All of a sudden, they surrounded Zhao Xiaojin one by one.

  The office was very lively. The annual meeting was the second day. The night before, Jiang Xiaobai invited these people to dinner.

  There are no outsiders, everyone is familiar with it, whether it is chatting or drinking, it is very fun.

  But because the annual meeting will be held the next day, everyone didn’t drink too much, so I stopped drinking.

  The next day, the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month, starting early in the morning, buses can be seen everywhere in the entire city.

  And often it is not one, but a team of buses as soon as it appears.

  There are less than ten cars, and more can reach twenty cars.

  Starting from the entrances of various hotels, they will converge towards the stadium of the magic capital.

  A long line of more than twenty buses can go from this intersection to the next intersection.

  The vast and mighty, aroused a lot of people's heated discussion.

  There is also the banner on the car, which says Huaqing Holding Group.

  Huaqing Holding Group is no stranger to Mordu people. This company, which has moved from another place, is simply a giant.

  The beverages I drink are produced by others, the instant noodles I eat are produced by others, and the electrical appliances used at home are bought from other people’s stores.

Some of the houses I live in are built by others, and the clothes I wear are also made by others. Even the pork I eat may be fed by other people's feed.

  The two tallest buildings in the Magic City are built by others.

  Although it seems that this company is not so high-profile and has a low reputation, it can see the leopard and see something in all aspects of life.

  A team of buses and coaches converged completely as they approached the Magic City Stadium.

  Hundreds and thousands of buses are gathered together. Many people have never seen it.

   Directly blocked many roads, but fortunately, relevant staff came over to clear the traffic, which did not block the traffic.

   However, the bus fleet that can't be seen at a glance is very shocking.

  All the roads are full of buses all day long, with a few small cars occasionally sandwiched between them, and I feel very small, and maybe it will become a meatloaf all at once.

   Frightened and quickly drove the vehicle off the road at the entrance of the stadium.

  As for the bicycles, not to mention the motorcycles, they kept honking their horns for fear that a bus driver would accidentally not notice and hit him.

  Those who can pull over honestly pull over, waiting for the bus to pass.

  It took more than an hour for more than a thousand buses to enter the venue.

  Many media reporters also came to the scene, their cars were blocked outside, and people could only come in with equipment to shoot, just for this first-hand news.

  This scene is a bit too sensational, and many people are wondering how many people are here.

  (End of this chapter)

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