Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1944: Enviable annual meeting operation

   Chapter 1944 The Enviable Annual Meeting Operation

  The three-day annual meeting occupied the headlines of many newspapers in the city. The news of Huaqing Holdings has always maintained a high degree of popularity.

  Mouth Mou, who was in the capital, was a little angry again, and wanted to hold an annual meeting, but he checked the funds on the account.

  Hey, forget it.

  Huaqing Holding Group employees, one by one, are the same as You Rongyan.

  How does the cohesion and centripetal force of the group come from?

  The company has become a great pen, and it is famous. If you also work in this company, you will feel very honored.

  Huaqing Holding Group is now a private enterprise, according to the normal domestic contempt chain.

  That is the first foreign investment, the second joint venture, the third state-owned enterprise, and the fourth private enterprise.

  But Huaqing Holding Group does not belong to this sequence. Many people think it is very honorable to work in Huaqing Holding Group.

  Not to mention other things, this annual party feast is not something other companies can do.

  Needless to say about foreign investment, there are few people in China in twos and threes, and they don’t value domestic employees. Some people want to work with foreign capital.

  As for joint ventures, hehe, the boss and the second child can't care about fighting for power and profit, what kind of annual meeting, what is the annual meeting.

  As for state-owned enterprises, if they are directly affiliated, it is okay that there is only one mother-in-law on their heads. In addition to expenses, they have to turn in profits every year.

  Needless to say that the efficiency is not good, it is not bad to have a few million on the book. After the salary is paid, it is not enough to do anything else.

  If the benefits are good, you dare to hold an annual meeting to try, and the profit index for next year will rise immediately.

  Plus the wages of retired employees, that is even more of a burden.

  If it were a state-owned enterprise that was also managed by the local government, life would be even worse.

  Annual meetings and the like, just think about it in this life.

  The annual meeting of Huaqing Holding Group does not mention the bonuses issued at the annual meeting, and the other various fund-raising, after a thoughtful calculation, it also needs at least tens of millions.

  Lemon Capital’s three days, including travel expenses, meals, accommodation, etc., anyone does not need hundreds of dollars, or even thousands.

  One thousand yuan per person, sixty thousand people is sixty million yuan.

  Plus annual meeting bonuses, venue contracting, and stars to help out.

  Many people speculate that this annual meeting will be at least 100 million yuan.

  How much is one hundred million? It can be said that few people have seen it.

  Even many companies do not have a total assets of 100 million yuan, at least for now.

  At this time, it is very rare to be able to come up with a salary of 100 million in cash.

  While Huaqing Holding Group held a meaningless annual meeting, it spent 100 million.

  I don’t know how many colleagues screamed at Jiang Xiaobai's prodigal on the bright side, but they were sour and envy in their hearts.

  There is no way, they don’t have that much money.

On the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, Jiang Xiaobai's family boarded the plane to Longcheng.

  Preparing to go back to the New Year, Zhao Gang and his wife have already gone back to clean up in advance.

  After arriving in Dragon City, Zhao Xinyi suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. After this year, Dragon City seemed to have not changed a bit.

   is still the same, I didn’t feel like staying in Dragon City all day.

   But now I have become accustomed to the magic city, living a different life every day, and now I come back suddenly, it feels quite awkward.

   When they returned home, Zhao Gang and Han Lin were there, and they were all packed. Jiang Langlang was very happy. He was impressed by this place. He even had an impression of the old barracks community.

  But Jiang Xin has no impression, but it is fresh for children to go to a new place.

   Soon, Jiang Langlang asked Jiang Xiaobai to call several children in his aunt’s house at home.

  Jiang Xiaobai looked at his son who had lost his personality, but he had no choice but to call and contact him. By the way, he said to a few older sisters that he was back.

  Gathering together at night, Jiang Langlang took his sister out to play, Jiang Xiaobai and Zhao Xinyi went to see the father.

  The old man came back from the workers’ nursing home in the capital in the second half of the year.

  The sanatorium was very comfortable, but I always felt empty when I was in the capital for a long time, so I came back.

  Jiang Xiaobai personally went to the capital to pick up the one sent back, and asked about the situation with the nursing home. After more than half a year of recuperation, the old man's health was much better.

  So I agreed.

  When Jiang Xiaobai arrived, the old man was listening to music in the house.

   Seeing Jiang Xiaobai and Zhao Xinyi coming in, he subconsciously looked behind him.

  As a result, I didn’t see my grandchildren, so my enthusiasm immediately decreased a lot.

  I keep talking about grandson and granddaughter.

  Usually, he is in Longcheng, and the other granddaughters and grandchildren can be seen, but Jiang Xiaobai's family is in the magic city, and he can't usually see them.

   "The two children have made an appointment with their cousin to go out to play, and they will see it when they have dinner in the evening." Jiang Xiaobai explained.

   "Haha, all right." The old man nodded, and Jiang Xiaobai invited him to go to his place during the Chinese New Year.

  I fired the fire alone.

  The old man thought for a while and he wanted to agree, mainly because he missed Jiang Langlang and Jiang Xin. He would not live in Longcheng for a few days, and he was going back to the Demon Capital.

  In the evening, the family had a meal in Sanjin Restaurant.

  We gather so many times a year, so there are quite a few people here.

  However, after eating, the second brother Jiang Zijian took Jiang Xiaobai to the side and surreptitiously said that he wanted to quit his job and start a business in the sea.

  Jiang Xiaobai looked at her second brother in surprise and asked, “Why? It’s not going well in the work unit?”

   "No." Jiang Zijian shook his head: "Very good, but I don't think life is interesting.

  At a glance, you can see what it looks like when you are old. Now that this restaurant is there, it is a failure to start a business, and I am not afraid of lack of food.

  So I want to come out while I’m young now..."

   Jiang Zijian was a little melancholy, but his tone was full of firmness, and he had obviously made up his mind.

   Jiang Xiaobai turned his mouth in the direction of the old man Jiang Tieshan.

   "Did you talk to the old man?"

   Jiang Zijian shook his head: "How dare I, if I tell the old man, the old man will definitely disagree."

  The three Jiang family brothers, the boss Jiang Zijun was originally in the factory, but now he resigned to run the restaurant.

  Jiang Xiaobai started his own business directly after graduating from university, and did not enter the system at all.

  It’s all left now, Jiang Zi built an iron rice bowl, so Jiang Tieshan attaches great importance to it.

  People of the older generation always feel that iron rice bowls are more stable.

  Even if it is Jiang Xiaobai’s business, it has already achieved this scale, Jiang Tieshan is not at ease, for fear that Jiang Xiaobai will lose money someday.

  So Jiang Zijian is very difficult to get the old man to agree.

   "Then you really think about it?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

   "I have a good idea." Jiang Zijian said affirmatively.

  (End of this chapter)

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