Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1994: Year 2016: an unlucky sign

  Chapter 1994 Chapter 2016: Unlucky signs

  But for Jiang Xiaobai, whether the bride price is eight thousand, ten thousand or one hundred and eighty thousand with Jiang Xiaobai, it is meaningless at all. It is not painful or itchy.

  Other things, people don’t care, like what other people’s requirements might make, such as preparing a house.

  These are not necessary, it's strange that Jiang Xiaobai didn't prepare it.

  So only then did I find out that there really seems to be no discussion yet.

  The only thing is the place and time of the marriage. If there are two places, there must be two games.

  One game is held in the capital, and one game is held in the capital city. The time is also one after the other, but it is all in the first half of the year, and the specific time still needs to be seen.

  Since he came to the capital, Jiang Xiaobai was planning to visit Song Xin's house, but Zhao Xinyi followed.

  Go alone, which is not appropriate, but it seems a bit awkward to take it with you.

  Simply, Jiang Xiaobai let Zhao Xinyi go by himself, and he met some friends in the capital.

  Since I have come to the capital, people like Chen Dongsheng will also meet.

  There are Guo Fansen and others.

   Jiang Xiaobai called and asked these people out.

   Chen Dongsheng and others were a little surprised when Jiang Xiaobai came to Beijing during the New Year.

  I thought there was something wrong with Jiang Xiaobai. After hearing Jiang Xiaobai’s intention, Chen Dongsheng and the others were happy.

  I didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to come to meet in-laws.

  Chen Dongsheng also told Jiang Xiaobai some customs in Beijing.

  I just talked about some things in the mall.

  "Dong Jiang, there seems to be something wrong with Qin Chi. They were exposed, saying that it was liquor blending.

   Jiang Xiaobai also knows a little bit about this, and something happened a year ago.

  The Qinchi Distillery, which was prominent for its “Biaowang”, was exposed to the “liquor blending” scandal.

  Before this, Qin Chi was because of two bidding kings.

  Sales have been very strong, and the number of liquor canning lines has increased to 47 from five years ago two years ago, and it has also been rated as "the best corporate image unit".

  Actually speaking, Qinchi is a small winery, but the sales were so big that the production could not keep up.

  The annual sales of Qinchi last year were almost one billion.

  Where does Qinchi have this ability? The production can't keep up and can't meet the needs of the market, so a large number of original wines are purchased from some wineries in Sichuan Province, and they are shipped back to the wineries for blending.

In the past two years, Qinchi has been touted as the most advanced liquor canning line in China. The actual situation is that Qinchi’s canning line is basically manual operation. There are more than 10 operators around each line. The inner cap of the wine bottle is specially made by A man entered in with a wooden hammer.

  After the news was reported, it spread like thunder to all parts of the country. In a short period of time, it was reprinted by countless newspapers and periodicals.

   "It's normal. In today's enterprises, publicity is important, but it is basically impossible to just think about publicity and then sell." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  In the past two years, the role of publicity has been expanded indefinitely. Everyone feels that as long as the marketing and publicity are done well, they can make a lot of money.

  Think of a wonderful advertising and marketing idea, and then you can make the company a hit in China.

  It is true that such examples abound in China recently.

  Especially the health product industry, but Jiang Xiaobai knows that this year’s health product industry is about to usher in his end.

  It is impossible to make a family bigger and stronger just by looking at the propaganda.

  Many businesses can be accomplished overnight, but the atmosphere in the past two years has not been very good.

  That’s why companies like Qin Chi can grow bigger all at once.

  "Qin Chi has come to an end now, and now the news is spreading across the country.

  There is such a bad news at the beginning of this year. I don’t know what will happen this year. "Chen Dongsheng said melancholy.

  Guo Fansen nodded: "Not only this, but also the giant in the south seems to have something wrong."

   "Something happened to the giant?" Chen Dongsheng was taken aback for a moment, this kid didn't tell him, he really didn't know.

   Jiang Xiaobai was also a little surprised, but counting the time, it was indeed almost the same.

  "Is it because of the Giant Mansion?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

  Guo Fansen nodded: "Jiang Dong, you have heard of it."

   Jiang Xiaobai shook his head: "As the Giant Building gets higher and higher, I know something is about to happen, but I don’t know when and how."

  At the beginning, the Giant Building was about to build a 38-story tall building.

  At that time, the 38-story building was quite high.

  However, as leaders at all levels continue to inspect the Giant Group, with the encouragement of the leaders, the Giant Group decided to raise the 38th floor to 70th floor and build the tallest building in China.

   Afterwards, it was simple. The trick of demolishing the east wall and repairing the west wall is finally over today.

  Chen Dongsheng and Guo Fansen listened to Jiang Xiaobai’s analysis of the Giant Building.

  Both of them showed a thoughtful look. Jiang Xiaobai deserves to be Jiang Xiaobai. The problem is very profound, it can be described as hitting the nail on the head.

   See the problem of the Giant Building clearly.

   "But Jiang Dong, now the Giant Building is 10 million short, and the Giant Building can start construction with this 10 million." Chen Dongsheng said.

   Jiang Xiaobai was taken aback, looked at Chen Dongsheng and asked, "Do you know the giant?"

  Chen Dongsheng nodded, the giant's problem a year ago.

  The giant began to be a dead horse doctor, borrowing money everywhere. At the end of the year, many creditors went to the Giant Group and put up various banners to ask for money.

  The financial crisis suddenly appeared. The previous health care product war consumed all the funds of the giant.

  Chen Dongsheng met the giant a few years ago, but at that time, the giant was infinitely beautiful, and in a blink of an eye, the passionate giant stood on the edge of the cliff.

  The reason why the giant looked for Shang Chen Dongsheng was certainly not because of Chen Dongsheng.

  Chen Dongsheng Although Taikang Insurance has money, it can’t provide that much. After 10 million is taken out, it may affect the company’s operations.

  He was fond of Jiang Xiaobai behind Chen Dongsheng, but he had no friendship with Jiang Xiaobai for many years, so it was hard to come to the door directly.

  It took a lap to find Chen Dongsheng.

  Chen Dongsheng probably said the matter again.

   "Jiang Dong, I just brought a message. My relationship with him is also normal. The pros and cons of this still need to be carefully considered by you." Chen Dongsheng said.

  Guo Fansen also nodded. The Giant seemed to be 10 million short. With this million, the Giant Group can continue.

   will be able to complete the work, it will be able to ease over, but this does not mean that other debts will not be repaid.

  The business is ten million, and the giant can use the money on the giant building, but if it is taken away by external creditors, the giant building still cannot be completed.

  (End of this chapter)

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