Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2005: Too late to wait and see

  Chapter 2005 too late to wait and see

  Early the next morning, it is still the work report of the headquarters.

  I knew it in advance yesterday. The senior management of the branch didn't dare to drink much last night, and went to sleep in a slightly drunk state.

  When I came to the company this morning, I was very sober, and I sat in great danger.

  Of course, that is, Jiang Xiaobai does not persuade him to drink, everyone is casual.

   And he doesn’t drink too much, so a group of high-level people can drink less.

  If Jiang Xiaobai likes to drink, other senior executives are joking, don't try it with you.

  It’s just a good night’s sleep, and the data one by one is still a headache.

  Lin Sheng is still the driver, and Jiang Xiaobai’s greeting today is useless. He didn’t come up at all. He suffered from insomnia when he went home yesterday.

  I was waiting for a meeting today to catch up in the car, and Li Longquan was also with him.

  He did not have insomnia, nor was he sleepy. He slept well last night.

  It's just that he doesn't want to listen to those boring data. At the beginning, Jiang Xiaobai was also going to train him, such as a property company.

  But he didn't want to do it, so he liked to drive Jiang Xiaobai easily.

  There is no way, one person has one preference.

  He really didn't like those things in the business field, so he drove Jiang Xiaobai as a bodyguard.

  How simple this day is, and the salary is not low, and the work is comfortable.

  Lin Sheng stayed in the car for a while, but couldn't fall asleep over and over again.

  It’s okay if you don’t listen to the report, so he went upstairs and opened the door and waited silently for a while. After getting sleepy, he went out quietly.

  I fell asleep in the car now. Everyone who watched the operation was stunned. Jiang Xiaobai suspected that this guy would follow him every day and be a driver for himself, is it just to treat his insomnia?

  This is a bit too much, but it actually seems to be the case.

  One morning in the morning, and then the report is not finished yet.

  After lunch, the senior management of the branch was wailing and really couldn't hold it anymore.

  One by one, they didn’t say asking for leave or saying that they were unwell, because everyone was not stupid, so they avoided it at this time.

  You make up a reason. It is true that no one can single out what is wrong, but the next opportunity such as promotion will definitely go around you.

  In reality, this is the case, and everyone sees many things.

  Anyone who can get to this position has no clever ones anymore, and those who are clever can’t get to this position at all.

  When the high-level branch of the branch entered the meeting room in the afternoon, they all held dazzling sewing needles in their hands, which made people scared to look at them.

  With the expression of gritted teeth, people who are really unfamiliar with the situation must be scared away.

  Starting in the afternoon, Jiang Xiaobai can see from time to time a group of branch executives below have convulsions.

  Inadvertently, Jiang Xiaobai's mouth twitched.

   "Old Huang, stop." Jiang Xiaobai interrupted Mr. Huang's report.

   said again: "You guys, all go to rest. If you say you don’t need to do this, why don’t you listen to it, go and rest quickly."

   "Dong Jiang, we are not tired." The crowd shouted.

  Now, even Jiang Xiaobai is speechless, Maade, do whatever you want, you can do it if you want, it's not Lao Tzu anyway.

   Jiang Xiaobai thought to signal Mr. Huang to continue.

  Mr. Huang continued to report, and Jiang Xiaobai also listened with gusto.

  Suddenly shouted, and a high-level executive jumped up.

   Jiang Xiaobai looked over in confusion.

  The senior management quickly apologized and said it was all right, but after sitting down, they looked at the colleague next to him viciously.

  The colleague next to him was already sleepy, thinking about taking a needle and giving himself a shot.

  As a result, when this person was sleepy, his hand slipped and plunged into the thigh of a colleague next to him.

   It was smashed now, and the colleague who was pierced didn't have any mental preparation, so he jumped up all at once.

  However, he was also shocked by the shouts of his colleagues.

  Apologize from the bottom without looking sideways.

  What is this all about.

  Fortunately, towards the evening, the report was finally finished. The total profit of the headquarters was 2 billion US dollars.

  Of course, this data does not include Huahai Automobile Factory.

  Huahai Automobile Plant's profit last year was one billion U.S. dollars.

  So in total, the profit of Flower Bank last year was more than 3 billion U.S. dollars.

  Xiangjiang is a fraction.

  On the third day of Jiang Xiaobai's arrival in Xiangjiang, there were no more meetings, and Mr. Huang was chatting in the office.

  "Lao Huang, the situation in Southeast Asia is not good and there may be problems. Now we must be prepared.

  The news I received is that a fund called Quantum has begun to take action in Southeast Asia.

  They may want to take action on the Thai baht in the near future. "Jiang Xiaobai and Mr. Huang didn't hide it.

  Because a lot of the work of the Quantum Fund was carried out in the early stage, the news is kept secret, but it is near this time, and it is now March.

  A lot of news cannot be concealed. The Quantum Fund does not have much, but the hot money gathered in the Quantum Fund is too much.

  This is a huge force, and it is scary.

   Jiang Xiaobai analyzed the occurrence of various possibilities, and Mr. Huang was still a little surprised and couldn't believe it.

  Thai baht, how is it possible? How can anyone dare to start with a country's finances?

  This is truly an unprecedented thing.

  Financial crises are not uncommon. There is indeed something wrong with the situation in various Southeast Asian countries, even if they are about to break out.

  Mr. Huang can also trust Jiang Xiaobai’s judgment, but Jiang Xiaobai’s judgment turned out to be an artificial acceleration this time.

  This is incredible.

   "Jiang Dong, let's wait and see, I don't think it is possible, artificial acceleration, how sacred is this quantum fund?

  Dare to do this, I am still a little..." Mr. Huang hesitated.

  Jiang Xiaobai nodded, no one could have thought of it. But for the power of capital, there is nothing they dare to do.

  They only look at whether there are any benefits in the process. If there are benefits, there is no problem.

   "Old Huang, it's too late to wait and see. We must make preparations now. We must pay attention to this matter. We must have plans and preparations now,"

   Jiang Xiaobai said decisively.

  Mr. Huang looked at Jiang Xiaobai like this, and suddenly no longer doubted.

   immediately stood up and said, "Jiang Dong, then you can give an order."

   Jiang Xiaobai nodded, stood up, smoking a cigarette and thinking in the office.

  This is a big deal, and it is not just a matter of just giving an order.

  "How much money do we have in the company now?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

  "The circulating funds are about 2 billion U.S. dollars now. If you give me about three days, I can still collect 2 billion U.S. dollars." Mr. Huang said without thinking.

  (End of this chapter)

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