Chapter 2009 Agreed

  Mr. Huang has been following Jiang Xiaobai for a day or two, and he knows Jiang Xiaobai’s character.

   has always said one thing, and will not give up because of anyone’s opposition. I heard Liu Jian talk about it.

  At the time, it was very risky to build a building in Longcheng.

   There were many people who opposed it. At that time, the company's second-in-chief and many shareholders opposed it.

  If it is in other companies, it goes without saying that it will definitely give up. From the second in command, all of them are opposed and worried, and many people are still shareholders.

  As a result, Jiang Xiaobai held a meeting, unwilling to buy the company’s shares at a premium of 30%, and then withdrew from the company.

  In this way, the second in command left, and Jiang Xiaobai also built a building abruptly.

  After so many years, Jiang Xiaobai has always said what it is.

  Actually, he didn't expect that he could persuade Jiang Xiaobai when he was sick. He was really frightened at the time, so he just slowed down.

  However, he did not expect that Jiang Xiaobai gave up because of himself.

  This made Lao Huang too excited. Jiang Xiaobai gave up even the established strategic goal for himself, because of his illness.

  The scholar died for his confidant. At this time, Mr. Huang had a huge wave in his heart, and all the hairs on his body stood up.

  Want to do something right away to prove yourself.

  Hang up on the other side, Jiang Xiaobai rested.

  Went to Flower Bank the next morning, Mr. Huang also arrived, and the two began to discuss in the office.

  15 billion U.S. dollars, it is not easy to gather together, the key is to use this 15 billion U.S. dollars for?

  Financial crisis, financial crisis, just listen to the name and you know it is a crisis, so if you want to make money in it, how do you make money?

   is actually very simple, nothing more than shorting.

   But the two words short, it sounds simple, ordinary people you give him money, not to study financial economy, let him short, be a fart short.

  Don’t even know the word short.

  It is the study of economics and finance. In the face of such a big storm, they are helpless. Everyone can talk, but things are different.

  Otherwise, why is there only one Soros and so many other graduates, which one can do it?

  What did Soros do during the financial crisis in the 1990s and how to make money is actually simple.

  At the beginning, the exchange rate of the Thai baht was fixed to the US dollar, not floating.

  The national regulation is as much as it is, but Soros’s Quantum Fund has taken a fancy to this point.

  The first thing is to make money, first borrow a lot of money from the bank.

  Secondly, they were sold in a large amount in the foreign exchange market and exchanged for U.S. dollars.

  Selling in the forward market eventually led to a sharp drop in the market.

   Then, when the bank’s foreign exchange reserves were insufficient, the original fixed exchange rate system had to be changed to a floating exchange rate system. The devaluation of money did not stop at this time.

  Finally buy back the Thai baht at a low price and repay the bank.

  In fact, Soros himself does not have much money. The key is to follow the huge group of hot money next to Soros.

  This is the herd effect. Many people follow suit and borrow a lot of Thai baht from the bank.

  Sell in the foreign exchange market and exchanged for U.S. dollars. Wait until the baht falls to the end.

  He only needs to use a portion of the U.S. dollars, and the baht in exchange is enough to pay back to the bank. The remaining dollars are his harvest this time.

  The Taiguo first had a problem, and it seemed to proceed smoothly in the entire foreign exchange market.

However, many professional traders find that things are not so simple. They find that there is a force that continues to sell Thai baht. Their firm will, decisiveness, persistence, and large shipments are by no means normal. What the foreign exchange market can have.

  Finally one day, the news was confirmed. Financial capital predators led by Soros were shorting the Thai baht, and the market suddenly caused an uproar.

  But this is useless, of course, the above operation is the simplest.

  There are other means behind, such as buying some industries when assets fall.

  Those are actually soups and soups, and they don’t have much technical content.

   "Now Taiguo has signs that there is a problem in the market.

  So we can now follow behind them and start doing it. "

   Jiang Xiaobai looked at Mr. Huang and said.

  Mr. Huang is also playing finance. He participated in the disintegration of North Side, not to mention this time.

  "However, this time we need to hide behind our backs, it is not easy to come forward. After all, we will still be in this area in the future.

  Can’t be compared with Soros. People’s basic disk is not here. If you hate it, you will hate it. It doesn’t matter. We cannot compare with others. "

  Jiang Xiaobai warned that the financial crisis of this time, the financial systems of various countries in Southeast Asia, have caused the attacks to be riddled with holes.

  Developed over the past few decades, the accumulated income was wiped out in a single day.

  A lot of individuals, especially individuals, investors, individuals closed down, bank failures, personal stock losses, and house purchases plummeted and jumped.

  So many people in Southeast Asia can say that they hate Soros, and another leader directly said that Soros is the chief arsonist of the Southeast Asian crisis.

   Although Jiang Xiaobai wants to make some money, he still dare not expose himself directly. This kind of thing is too hateful.

  Have a murderous heart...

   That is, Soros can vowed to say "In terms of financial operations, it is not ethical or unethical. This is just an operation."

  But for this kind of thing, as long as you make money and make money, according to the domestic custom, you just haven't violated the law, but it's still immoral. It's almost the same if people don't talk about the people and don't make a living.

  You also said that it has nothing to do with morality?

   "Okay, Jiang Dong, I understand, this is simple, we only need to find two shells, anyway, this time there is a lot of hot money. We are not too conspicuous." Mr. Huang said.

  Jiang Xiaobai shook his head: "Don't be careless about this. The total amount of hot money is hundreds of billions of dollars.

  If we are 15 billion US dollars, we are almost one-fifth of others, how can we not be conspicuous. "

   Jiang Xiaobai directly stated the specific funds for this time, and Mr. Huang has an overall view of the situation.

  Moreover, he has also experienced many things. He wondered if he had to deal with a country, or even the entire Southeast Asia, without trillions of dollars, how could it be possible?

  When the North was disintegrated, it was more than trillions of funds in which country was tortured.

  On the Southeast Asian side, if Soros adds up to hundreds of billions of capital, it’s hard to say, and it’s not just a conspicuous problem, there are other things.

  (End of this chapter)

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