Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2027: It's not so fast to grab money

  Chapter 2027 The money is not so fast

  As long as the news comes out, it’s strange that the exchange rate of the baht does not collapse. No, it is not that the exchange rate of the baht has collapsed after the news came out.

  It is estimated that when I received the news, many other people also received the news.

  As long as the news is received, the crash is a momentary thing.

  It will collapse if there is no time to deal with it, and the exchange rate will continue to fall.

   "Father, where are you going?" Lin Sheng asked while arranging the car.

   "Where to go? Of course, I went to your master." Lin Baixin said with a smile.

  Lin Sheng nodded, he probably guessed a little bit. Before, he knew a little bit about the things that the old man and Jiang Xiaobai discussed. This is a big deal.

  Involving an investment of 2 billion US dollars, it is a matter of life and death to the Lin family.

  And it was the same time that he knew how rich Jiang Xiaobai was and how much money he had.

  Since then, he has completely convinced him, and he truly regards Jiang Xiaobai as his master in his heart.

  Soon the car was ready, Lin Baixin and Lin Sheng drove towards the Flower Bank.

   Soon two people appeared in the flower bank, and after swiping their fingerprints, they entered the special floor of the flower bank.

   "Hello, Lin Dong."

   "Hello, Lin Dong." After entering the special floor, people kept saying hello.

  Lin Baixin is a frequent visitor here, and he is very familiar with it.

   "Good, good." Today's Lin Baixin looks particularly friendly and powerful.

  After all, you have made money, and you are going to make a lot of money. Is it okay if you are not friendly?

  As soon as Lin Baixin entered Jiang Xiaobai’s office, he saw Jiang Xiaobai drinking tea calmly and calmly.

  "Dong Jiang, the Taiguo officially announced that the exchange rate of the Thai baht has been liberalized. The fixed exchange rate has been abolished..." Lin Baixin regretted that.

  I have received the news, will Jiang Xiaobai not receive the news?

  This hurriedly roaring appearance of herself, it is estimated that Jiang Xiaobai will laugh at herself again.

  I should calm down a little bit, but after learning this news, Lin Baixin really couldn't calm down.

  Investment of 2 billion U.S. dollars, let alone earn several hundred million U.S. dollars.

  So making money, he has never made money so crazy before, can he be excited!

  Sure enough, Lin Baixin was right. Jiang Xiaobai laughed and said, "Master Lin, be calm. All this is expected. What's so exciting.

  The more this time, the more calm you must..."

  Lin Baixin's face is black, this dog thing is absolutely deliberate.

   Before, he did not eat less when he disintegrated in the north, and he ate his mouth full of oil, so he could not care about the money.

  But I am different. I earn every penny of hard work.

  If you tell this to others, they will definitely feel that you are pretending, but really not.

  How old I am, and I have spent my entire life before making so much money.

  Jiang Xiaobai, he can easily spend tens of billions of dollars.

  Lin Baixin stopped talking. He sat down and drank tea and waited for Jiang Xiaobai to arrange. This time he was no longer anxious. Anyway, if he made money, there was nothing to worry about.

  It’s not about losing money, now it’s a matter of earning more and less.

  It doesn't matter anymore, so I can calm down.

  Jiang Xiaobai looked at Lin Baixin, smiled and said, "I have the latest news here. Would you like to listen to Mr. Lin?"

   "Jiang Dong, please speak, please listen carefully."

   "Just now, a quarter of an hour before you entered the door, the exchange rate of the baht to the knife has dropped to 28 baht." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

   fell by several percentage points this time. Before that, it was a dollar, which was exchanged for 23 baht.

  In other words, it has fallen by five baht. Originally, two hundred and thirty baht was borrowed from the bank, which can be exchanged for ten dollars.

  And now, it is two hundred and thirty baht, which is slightly more than eight dollars, which means that you have earned almost two dollars.

   And compared to the huge amount of loans they borrowed from the Tai Guo Bank, this is a profit of tens of millions of dollars.

  And this is just the beginning.

  Lin Baixin couldn't sit still again. At such an old age, he still sat up.

  Lin Baixin felt a little embarrassed when he looked at Jiang Xiaobai’s gaze that was not smiling.

  But every time Jiang Xiaobai spoke, he couldn't sit still when there was any news.

  Obviously he is the oldest, Jiang Xiaobai is a young man, he should be as stable as Taishan, Jiang Xiaobai is rough and rough.

  As a result, the situation was completely reversed. Jiang Xiaobai, a young man, sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, while his own old man was rough and rough, making Jiang Xiaobai watch jokes all the time.

  Jiang Xiaobai, this young man is not a good thing, he just calculated it, just waiting to see his jokes.

  However, the income of tens of millions of dollars in an instant made him feel a little awkward. If it was changed into Hong Kong dollars, it would be hundreds of millions.

  Hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars, a momentary thing, hard work in business, it is better to play finance for a moment, or say that business people can't do financial affairs.

  People are not making money anymore, this is all about stealing money, no, it should be said that it is faster than stealing money.

  I just went to grab the bank and put money in my pocket, but I didn’t install it so quickly, hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars in an instant.

   "Dong Jiang, how far do you expect the baht to fall next?" Lin Baixin sat down and asked again.

  Jiang Xiaobai shook his head: "I never make predictions about economic and market things, things that have not happened.

  Because no one in the market can predict at all, those who predict the market are bragging, but if something happens, he will definitely collapse.

   Normally, if the Thai baht drops by 40%, there should be no problem, but who knows that there will be no interference from other factors in the Pacific. "

  Jiang Xiaobai said, Lin Baixin nodded in agreement. Those who dared to predict the market, needless to say, they were gambling, and they were all lunatics.

  It is impossible for a madman to succeed, but Jiang Xiaobai is walking a tightrope, watching the crumbling, in fact, he knows very well in his heart.

  The market has no way to predict, but it has a guide. Whether it is a healthy market or not can be inferred based on the performance of many industries.

   "40% down?" Lin Baixin is already calculating, how much money he can make in this wave.

  Although Jiang Xiaobai's statement is rather vague, but after a period of contact, and not to mention the others, Jiang Xiaobai's vision is still very worthy of recognition.

   can even be said to be like a prophecy!

  (End of this chapter)

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