Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2045: Black august

  Chapter 2045 Black August

  It's not that Jiang Xiaobai couldn't go to Ouzhou to attend the appointment, but that after Jiang Xiaobai knew this time, Thoroth might not invite himself to go again.

  No, it should be said that Thoroth would definitely not invite himself to the state to celebrate.

  Because Thoroth will definitely come to Xiangjiang, and after coming to Xiangjiang, it is not certain whether Thoroth is in the mood for a celebration banquet.

  Not to mention inviting myself. Although I am willing to make money, it does not mean that I am willing to engage in Xiangjiang's economy.

  Hong Kong has returned. This is its own country, its own country's territory, and of course he would not be willing to let people wreak havoc.

   Still the same sentence, enterprises have no national boundaries, but entrepreneurs have national boundaries.

  So sometimes it’s really not that simple.

   Jiang Xiaobai and Thoroth continued to wreak havoc in the southeast, and the economic systems of each country were under attack.

  In one August, the entire southeast, except for the few remaining large countries, all other countries fell into darkness.

  Later, many people in the southeast called this month Black August.

  In the past life, the financial turmoil in the southeast was not so terrible.

  Thoroth has raged in many places, but it is not so scary, but it is different now.

  With the addition of Jiang Xiaobai, the combined force of the two people is not as simple as one plus one equals two. One plus one is sometimes greater than two.

  The two people were even more unscrupulous in the entire southeast, and basically they did not let it go.

  By the end of August, the four little dragons on the southeast front had completely fallen, and only one Xiangjiang remained.

  Soloth called Jiang Xiaobai: "Mr. Jiang, there is only one left. Do you think we will start on the 31st and win the market in Xiangjiang within one day."

  Isn’t it rumored that this is Black August? Then let's let this black August continue to the end. "

   Thoroth’s voice is particularly hearty, and he is confident now.

  It turned out that although he was considered to have some reputation in Ouzhou, he was not so famous yet.

  And now it's a World War I fame, and a World War I fame, from now on, to use a Jiang Xiaobai in the Eastern country, it is Mo Chou's way forward and no confidant, no one in the world knows the king.

  When it comes to Soloth’s name, no one knows it.

  So Soros left Xiangjiang deliberately, and wanted to have the best finishing work, to completely complete his battle of fame, and have a perfect ending to his battle of fame.

  Good, verygood, he likes Eastern culture.

  I like the poems there, Mo Chou has no confidant, haha, domineering.

  I like it. This is the final work. , A perfect ending, people like it.

   Jiang Xiaobai listened and laughed. After listening to Thoroth’s words, he said, "Excuse me, I think this Xiangjiang is forgotten."

   "What?" Thoroth was taken aback.

   "I said forget it, don't attack Xiangjiang." Jiang Xiaobai repeated his words.

   "Mr. Jiang, I heard it right? Oh my god."

  "Mr. Thoroth, Xiangjiang has returned. This is my homeland. I will not turn my gun to aim at my own person." Jiang Xiaobai said decisively.

   "Mr. Jiang, are you sure?" Thoros's tone was full of incredible, Jiang Xiaobai was unwilling to attack Xiangjiang.

   "I'm sure." Jiang Xiaobai said affirmatively.

  "Let me ask one last time, are you sure you are going to have trouble with the money? I know that Xiangjiang has returned, but the return time is now less than two months. Is this necessary?"

   Thoroth didn’t believe that Jiang Xiaobai would have trouble with money.

  In the past two months, Jiang Xiaobai has performed very well, and the cooperation between the two people is also very pleasant. Jiang Xiaobai has the ability to do things, has the brain, and is decisive. It can be said that there is no better partner than Jiang Xiaobai.

  As a result, this Jiang Xiaobai was unwilling, just because Xiangjiang is their homeland.

Just kidding? How long has Xiangjiang returned? What kind of feelings can Jiang Xiaobai have?

  Isn’t this bragging? What are you kidding about? I can’t make ends meet with money.

  Is this necessary?

  "I’m sure to do this. Regardless of how long Xiangjiang returns, this is the territory of our country, and there is no way to give up.

  I will not do anything to my own country for money. "Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

  On the phone, Thoroth was silent for a while, and then said: "Well, although I don't think this is right, and I can't understand your decision, I always think that the same interests are true.

  And if you want, I believe that no country will refuse your immigration, Mr. Jiang..."

   "No, I won't go to other countries." Jiang Xiaobai said without waiting for Thoros to finish.

  If he wants to immigrate, of course no country will refuse.

  Billions of tens of billions of dollars of funds entered, unless they are stupid will refuse.

  Otherwise, who can refuse.

   But that is all conditional, how much does it cost? Or what contribution to this country.

  And the one who can truly take in oneself unconditionally is one's own country, whether it is rich or not.

  The country has never disliked you, but if you have the money, you go abroad. Isn’t that crazy?

   Jiang Xiaobai has brain problems before he changes his nationality and goes abroad.

  He never had this plan. And is foreign society really better than your own country?

  The capital society is really so free, I don’t understand it. And sometimes freedom is not a good thing.

  Furthermore, if you really go out, you will have different living habits in a foreign country.

  For example, if you want to eat a bite of noodles, it still has to be the water in your hometown, so that the noodles in your hometown can make that taste.

  In fact, you must not forget your roots. If you forget your roots, you will not be far from destruction.

  You can live the life of a master when you go to a foreign country. Hehe, people depend on how much money you have, and when you have an accident abroad, let them take care of you.

  But in China, it's different. You have money to contribute to this country, and the country will not abandon you when something happens.

  If you have no money, the country will not abandon you when something happens.

  So no matter from which aspect, Jiang Xiaobai has no reason to immigrate, not a single reason.

   "Okay, Jiang, I respect your decision. Since you are not willing, then I will not be embarrassed.

  I did it alone on the Hong Kong Hong Kong dollar this time? "Thoroth said with some regret on the phone.

   Jiang Xiaobai did not speak.

  (End of this chapter)

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