Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2056: Release news

   Chapter 2056 Release News

   Liu Yonghao in the car was dumbfounded when he heard Jiang Xiaobai’s words. He wondered if there was a problem with his ears. What he had just heard might be auditory hallucinations. How can this be done?

Before the name of Thoroth, no one knew who Thoroth was, but in the past three months, not to mention the entire southeast, that is, the whole world knows who Thoroth is, and it can be said that he became famous in one fell swoop. what.

   Regardless of whether the reputation is good or bad, Thoroth did indeed do it, stirring up the entire situation in the southeast with his own power, although there are reasons for the problems of the southeast countries themselves.

  But that's it, it's amazing to be able to be a pusher.

  And now he heard something. A celebrity like Thoroth had contacted Jiang Xiaobai. He had Jiang Xiaobai’s contact information and called Jiang Xiaobai.

  Liu Yonghao was already thinking about it, what on earth did Thoroth look for Jiang Xiaobai?

  Can it be said that the two people had friendship before, after all, Jiang Xiaobai should have been doing business abroad before.


  Good use of Liu's thoughts, Lin Sheng on the side also pricked his ears. As for Soloth's contact with Jiang Xiaobai, he didn't have too many accidents, and the relationship between Jiang Xiaobai and Soloth was also clear.

   Jiang Xiaobai took the phone and asked, "What else can we talk about?"

"Mr. Jiang, I don’t think there is any contradiction between us. There is no need for contradiction. If you are unwilling to attack Xiangjiang, I think I can use the funds in your hand, except for yours. Beyond the benefits.

  I can also give you another part of the commission. This is the best of both worlds. You have no hope of winning like this. "

  When Thoroth said this, he felt a bit bitter in his heart. He didn't take Jiang Xiaobai seriously before, and felt that he was free, and even wanted to keep Jiang Xiaobai’s funds.

  So I parted ways with Jiang Xiaobai, and I was thinking about it, but only now I realized that this situation was not right. I might need Jiang Xiaobai's support. Otherwise, there would be too many accidents.

  Knowing this a long time ago, I had a good chat with Jiang Xiaobai from the beginning, there is no need to turn around and intercede now.

  Jiang Xiaobai is happy. Is this Soloth's brain of making money broken? He wants to use money to impress himself.

   "Tholos, now I have invested 10 billion dollars, will you give me this loss?" Jiang Xiaobai asked with a smile.

  Thoroth was taken aback, Xiangjiang still had no problem, he thought Jiang Xiaobai hadn't finished yet.

  "Mr. Thoroth, I think you need to re-recognize our ancient country. As long as you attack, everyone will be united.

  I can tell you that up to now, Xiangjiang has not used a lot of funds, and funds from our entire society are participating.

  Our east is not comparable to those small countries in the southeast. Our resilience and courage will definitely exceed your imagination.

  We like money, but there is a saying in our country that a gentleman loves money in a good way. I will share this sentence with you today. I hope you can also understand this truth. "

   Jiang Xiaobai looked serious about educating Sorosh, and Sorosh was going crazy on the phone. This is for him to teach.

  And Liu Yong, who was listening in the car, widened his eyes in astonishment. He was going crazy too, but he was not mad, but frightened.

  This Jiang Xiaobai is teaching Thoroth how to behave? How to teach this great demon raging in the southeast to behave?

  My God, if this is said, not many people would dare to believe it, right?

   But Jiang Xiaobai just said so calmly and so seriously, it made people think Jiang Xiaobai could do it.

   "Jiang Xiaobai, you will regret it, you will." Thoroth cursed and hung up the phone.

Jiang Xiaobai listened to the busy tone of "toot" on the phone, and said silently: "This Thoroth is not at all polite, and he kindly said a few words to him. If you don't listen to persuasion, forget it, and even curse, sooner or later. Damn it, Lao Liu, can you learn from him."

  Liu is about to cry after using it well: "I just want to learn but can't learn."

  Two sentences to educate Thoroth, this is probably what Jiang Xiaobai can say, right? Could it be that the two people are also in a cooperative relationship.

  Liu didn’t dare to ask if he had used it well. He just guessed in his heart. Jiang Xiaobai casually explained: “There was some cooperation in business back then, but I didn’t expect him to become like this now.”

   Liu Yonghao nodded his head again and again, he guessed right.

  Many people in China feel that Jiang Xiaobai’s domestic business is very large, and many industries have been involved, and the shares of various companies he holds are not too few. He is a giant.

But now that Liu has used it well, he knows that Jiang Xiaobai’s business is bigger abroad. Otherwise, how could Jiang Xiaobai get the two tens of billions of dollars? ?

  Thoroth, who hung up the phone on the other side, was still a little angry, but looked at his subordinates and said: "Let me let out the news that Jiang Xiaobai was working with us."

   "Mr. Thoroth, this won't affect Jiang Xiaobai's choice."

   "It can't influence Jiang Xiaobai's choice, but it can add some trouble to him." Soros said fiercely. In fact, he generally disdains such tricks, but Jiang Xiaobai is also angry enough now.

   And the situation is not too good. Of course he has to announce that he is going out. In this way, the hot money surrounding Jiang Xiaobai may also be shaken.

  After all, most of the hot money is still on the Oozhou side. Although they are hot money without any political color, they are always somewhat inclined in their hearts.

  Jiang Xiaobai went to sleep when he returned to the hotel. He didn't know that Thoroth had already released the news.

  "Have you heard? Thoroth is not alone in the southeast area, but with an oriental, named Jiang Xiaobai, of which Insia was attacked by Jiang Xiaobai.

  There are still many countries’ attacks. Jiang Xiaobai will be involved. Jiang Xiaobai and Thoroth are collaborators..."

   "True or false, where did this news come from, why don't I know?"

   "Really, it was from Thoroth himself. This news will not be false, because without this need, Thoroth would not care about one more enemy or one less enemy at all."

  (End of this chapter)

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