Chapter 2067

   Jiang Xiaobai’s remarks can be regarded as a pain point for many people on the scene. The reason why they have had such a difficult year is because their company has grown too fast.

  Last year, I went down the mountain to pick peaches one by one, and pulled all assets into my arms. As a result, I hadn't chewed them in my mouth, and it caught up with this time this year.

  It’s really too much to chew. If you don’t chew, you can swallow it directly into your stomach. The result of this is that you can’t digest it and make you feel uncomfortable in your stomach.

  Many of them have been uncomfortable for a whole year this year.

  Now Jiang Xiaobai said to his face that they had indigestion. They only had to smash their teeth and swallow them in their stomachs!

  "I said you should not be unconvinced. Yes, you are a business. Although it seems to be a little harder, it seems to be able to survive, but if someone attacks you like Thoroth at this time.

  Competing with you, isn’t this thing without precedent, for example, the Giant Building in the Pearl City, isn’t it just because of stunted growth?

  I don’t have such great strength at all, but I want to do big things, take health care products for blood transfusion. As a result, the financial pressure will increase sharply after the competition, and the result will be bankrupt. This is the consequence of speeding development and indigestion.

   Finally, I want to say that whether it is the financial turmoil in the southeast or the downfall of the Giant Group, it has sounded the alarm for us.

   has sounded the alarm for the speeding development of enterprises, and the Southeast and Giant Group are our lessons for us.

  We heard the alarm bell, and if we don’t pay attention, it will not sound the alarm bell again, but the death knell. "

   Jiang Xiaobai’s voice fell, and the entire conference room was quiet for a long time, and no one spoke.

  Everyone felt a little bit horrified in their hearts. Jiang Xiaobai’s words seemed to scare people, but that was not the case.

  Many people can hear and understand, Jiang Xiaobai has no need to scare them.

  Liu Yong thought for a while, and continued to speak: “Jiang Dong, can you tell me in detail.”

  Others also looked at Jiang Xiaobai eagerly. As the godfather of domestic business, Jiang Xiaobai was praised by the country again, and it can be said that he is the first person in a well-deserved private enterprise.

  So they want to hear Jiang Xiaobai say a little more and speak more thoroughly.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "Okay, then I will say more and more thoroughly. The phenomenon of over-cooling consumption now cannot last for a long time. With the economic development of our country, consumption power will increase. .

  And will be further liberated, and will be further improved. "

   Jiang Xiaobai said, many people are relieved. They still believe Jiang Xiaobai's words. If this consumption continues to be too cold, or even worsens, as long as the consumption heats up, they will have a way to get out of the current predicament.

But this tone hasn't let go, so I listened to Jiang Xiaobai's voice and said: "But don't be happy too early, the phenomenon of over-cooling consumption can be alleviated, but structural overcapacity, this situation will develop more and more. serious.

  The homogeneity of products and the fierce competition will definitely become more and more serious in the future. I can tell everyone responsibly.

  Demand is greater than supply. As long as you have goods, you can make money. This is definitely past. And it's gone forever. "

   Jiang Xiaobai said categorically, many people's hearts were picked up again, the structural overcapacity has brought serious product homogeneity, fierce competition, and it is even more uncomfortable than consumption.

  Jiang Xiaobai looked at Wang Shi and said, “Mr. Wang, should you have feelings about this, right?”

  Wang Shi heard Jiang Xiaobai's question and nodded: "Yes, I feel it. This is also inspired by Jiang Dong.

  I’m not afraid of everyone’s jokes. Before, Wanke was what we did to make money, grabbing eyebrows and beards, but there was no priority. After the homogenization of the products and the fierce competition began.

  Many companies don’t make money at all. On the contrary, they lose so much. Later, I cut the mess quickly and basically cut down other companies except real estate.

  And I also made a rule for the company that more than 80% of the company’s benefits must come from real estate, which is our main business. "

  The matter of the king, many people still feel very emotional when listening to it, and many people have heard of it during the dispute between kings and ten thousand.

  I also have some understanding of this matter, but many people are not very clear about the internal information and the specific operating conditions and strategic development direction of Wanke, but this time Wang Shi broke it up and said it.

  Everyone understood as they listened, and they were very emotional. They did not expect that Jiang Xiaobai would intervene so deeply in the dispute between the king and ten thousand.

  No wonder that Wang Shi can sit firmly on the Diaoyutai. It turned out that Jiang Xiaobai had been instructed long ago.

"So, I hope that your first priority in the next time is to increase the competitiveness of your products. This is good for every company. I hope you can understand this. Of course, I'm just a suggestion. ..."

  The first day of the second session of the Eastern Conference heralded the unusualness of this session of the Eastern Conference. Jiang Xiaobai’s speech at the beginning was thought-provoking.

  Although Jiang Xiaobai digressed from the beginning, what everyone wants to hear is Jiang Xiaobai’s specific capital operations in the Southeast and Xiangjiang.

  As a result, Jiang Xiaobai raised the matter to a certain height as soon as he came up, but Jiang Xiaobai's words attracted everyone's attention.

  Many people did not eat their meal at noon that day, and they were still worried. Jiang Xiaobai’s words sounded a wake-up call to their hearts.

  Many people are not fools. No one is dissatisfied with Jiang Xiaobai’s words. If you really hate Jiang Xiaobai because of Jiang Xiaobai’s words, then he is a real fool, and he will not be able to sit in Jiang Xiaobai’s Eastern Conference Hall.

  Everyone understands that Jiang Xiaobai only said these things because they were called members of the Oriental Club, otherwise Jiang Xiaobai would never say or point them to these things.

  Waiting for dinner in the evening, Jiang Xiaobai took the lead in the toast, and everyone's heavy mood improved slightly.

  The dinner in the evening was still very enthusiastic, mainly because Jiang Xiaobai was very happy here. Seeing everyone started to think, he knew that what he said today worked.

  However, Jiang Xiaobai felt that he was beating too much, and many people were frightened, so he toasted them a few more tonight and let them suppress the shock. Don't be scared. This is the Oriental Club, not a frightening meeting.

  (End of this chapter)

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