Chapter 2090 Disagree

   "This is the situation of Jiang Dong, and I have no choice. I mentioned this plan when I was in a hurry. You see... If it is not suitable, I will go back and say it now." Li Jingwei asked Jiang Xiaobai in Jiang Xiaobai's room.

   Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said, “If there is something inappropriate, you think it’s okay. As long as you get the shares, it doesn’t matter as far as the plan or the like. I’m here to solve your troubles this time.

  Rather than telling you to add blockage, you can figure out what plan you want, don't need to report to me, just come and find me if you need help. "

  After Jiang Xiaobai had finished speaking, Li Jingwei stood up from the sofa and bowed to Jiang Xiaobai.

In fact, this method still has more or less reasons to use Jiang Xiaobai, because Jiang Xiaobai has 1 billion, 30% of the shares, and he and Sanshui County have 1.5 billion to buy 75% of the shares, and they are still paying in installments. . Pay off in three years.

  This is basically equivalent to using Jiang Xiaobai's 1 billion to buy the 75% of the shares, and only giving Jiang Xiaobai less than half of the shares.

  Of course, the 1.5 billion, 75% of the shares raised by Li Jingwei and Sanshui County were originally not at market prices. If they were at market prices, they would have to be doubled.

  In the beginning, it meant to be rewarded. Li Jingwei had previously prepared to take shares with the management without giving any money. Now that he can come up with 1.5 billion, it is actually a real price.

  The only question was whether Jiang Xiaobai would have any opinions, but he didn't expect that Jiang Xiaobai not only had no opinions, but had no grievances at all, so he directly agreed, and didn't care about this matter at all.

"Get up, Mr. Li, I understand that you have taken Libao step by step to this day. This can’t be called something for nothing. You deserve it. I can’t compare with you. I understand this. Yes, don't worry about it." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

  Li Jingwei nodded vigorously, then turned and left. After returning to the company, he summoned the owners of the company, and then notified the change of the plan in the county.

   Suddenly there was silence in the conference room, and everyone looked at each other. It would cost 1.5 billion to spend a penny that didn’t cost a penny. It’s weird that everyone feels comfortable now.

  Li Jingwei talked about the attitude of the leaders at the meeting. Everyone was suffocated. At the beginning of a small factory that lost hundreds of thousands of dollars every year, these people can be regarded as resurrected in the hands of these people. They can be said to be doing their best.

   Now, taking advantage of the country’s retreat and the people’s advancement, I didn’t say to take all the shares away at once, but just wanted a stake that had the final say.

  This doesn’t work. They have seen how much contribution Libao has made to Sanshui County over the years, but it turned out to be this result in the end.

What's this? Everyone felt very uncomfortable and angry at the same time, but after the anger, they were very helpless. It seemed that they had gone to a meeting in the county for this matter. They were taken into account by others, and it seemed that apart from giving money. There is no other way.

"Okay, it's so decided, now it's up to the county's reaction." Li Jingwei said, he and everyone just briefed him. He was basically talking about seeing Libao because he saw Libao. Brought to this day, so he has absolute authority.

  After coming out of the meeting room, Li Jingwei let out a long sigh. It is now the last juncture of the game. If it doesn’t work, it might end up in ruins.

  No, it’s already a ruin. Seeing Liberty is his painstaking efforts for many years, and his feelings for seeing Liberty are still very deep.

  If it is said that the equity reform failed this time, and now he and Sanshui have torn their faces, the life of seeing Libao will definitely not be better in the future, and it may not even be dragged down.

  He has a deep affection for Jian Libao. Seeing Libao is like his child. He is really reluctant to let Jian Libao fall.

   But it is really because of his feelings that he has to hold the equity of Jianlibao in his hands. Taking advantage of this opportunity, otherwise, Jianlibao is not in his own hands, and sooner or later he will be destroyed by others.

  Sanshui County's reply to Li Jingwei was very quick, but Li Jingwei did not expect that the answer given by the county was still disagree.

   "Why?" Li Jingwei patted the table and stood up. This time he came here with the company's top executives to hear the good news. At the same time, he signed the contract today by the way, which saved many nights and dreams.

At the same time, it is also for everyone to witness this historic moment. From today onwards, the initiative to see Liberty is in his own hands. From now on seeing Liberty will be like an eagle spreading its wings, flapping its wings and flying high from now on. From now on, the blue sky and white clouds, nothing can restrain them anymore.

  But I didn't expect that after this came, I would be stunned by a blow, and I disagreed.

It’s 1.5 billion, and I’m giving 1.5 billion. I just want to take some shares, and even say that there is still a part of the equity in the county. The county can still pay dividends and taxes. This is a lot more. money.

  He really couldn't figure it out. Why didn't the county agree to it? I can't figure it out. There is no such reason.

   "Mr. Li, don't get excited." Some leader said.

  Li Jingwei sat down angrily for a long time.

   "President Li, logically speaking, the price of 1.5 billion is indeed not low, but how to say, where does this 1.5 billion come from?" The leader asked with a smile.

  Li Jingwei asked with a sullen face: "What do you mean?"

  "It’s meaningless. This is 1.5 billion yuan. I think it’s more difficult for your management to take it out. It will be paid off in three years. Where does this fund come from?

   Let me tell you the truth, don’t be angry. The county has considered it more comprehensively. In this way, it may involve the possibility of using Jianlibao’s funds to purchase the shares of Jianlibao, and this possibility is very high.

  In this way, isn’t it the same as saying that seeing Libao was taken away for nothing? "

"Yes, Mr. Li, think about it carefully. How much can your management earn every year? Even if you borrow money, how much can you borrow? This is 1.5 billion, not a small sum, who I can lend it to you. After the company gives it to you, you still want to use Libao's money to fill this hole.

  So the reason for our rejection of this plan is that this plan is very risky. It is suspected that we can use Jianlibao's funds to buy Jianlibao, so we cannot agree to it. "

  (End of this chapter)

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