Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2109: go together

  Chapter 2109 Let's go together

  Zhao Xinyi looked at Jiang Xiaobai like this with a smile on her face. Jiang Xiaobai still loves the children. Although she usually spends less time with the children, Jiang Xiaobai can still sink her heart to accompany the children when she has time.

  In fact, sometimes when I think about it, she can’t wait to let Jiang Xiaobai stay with the children at home all day, and stay with her. It’s so nice to have a nine-to-five day. The family is happy and can be together all day long.

  But she understood that it was impossible. There were still many people outside waiting for Jiang Xiaobai, waiting for Jiang Xiaobai to lead them into the battle.

   Jiang Xiaobai gently covered Jiang Xin with the quilt, and when she turned her head, she saw Zhao Xinyi looking at herself at the door.

   "Shhh." Jiang Xiaobai twisted around and left. After going out with Zhao Xinyi, he whispered to Zhao Xinyi about taking her daughter out to play today.

  "You don’t know, the girl is very excited today, sitting on the carousel, waving at me excitedly, Xinyi, don’t you know, just like the girl, I feel that my heart is about to melt away.

To be honest, I really want to live like this. I really regret it. I think it would be great if we didn’t establish the Huaqing Holding Group. Let’s go to work in a company, and I will be a teacher or work in another unit. , In addition to work, you can accompany the children when you come back from work.

On weekends, we will go out with a family of four, take our daughters and sons, and stay away from far away. We just relax around and get close to nature. In spring, the breeze is warm. Let’s lie down on the lawn. Feeling the spring breeze, itching...

  In the summer, when the sun is blazing, let’s enjoy the coolness under the tree, watching the children playing and listening to the cicadas on the tree...

  In autumn, watching the fallen leaves slowly fill up the entire yard..."

   Jiang Xiaobai is getting more and more energetic. Zhao Xinyi has been completely brought in. Thinking about that kind of life makes people yearn for. A family of four, three meals in four seasons, can be as beautiful as possible.

   "Okay, don't talk about it." Zhao Xinyi shook her head quickly, and interrupted Jiang Xiaobai's words abruptly.

   "Huh? What's the matter?" Jiang Xiaobai asked, he didn't know, so, isn't this a good idea? Why are you angry all of a sudden?

"What's the use of saying so much? It's not because you have to be busy outside all day. The better you say, the more uncomfortable I will be. Why not say it. I can't imagine staying with me every day. You have time to come back. I'm happy to take the kids out for a walk."

  Zhao Xinyi said silently, she really did not dare to think so extravagantly, the more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt.

  "I promise that in a few years, after the company becomes formal, after the two years have passed, the company has stabilized, and I will be with you all day." Jiang Xiaobai raised his hand and swore without thinking about it.

Zhao Xinyi frowned, looked at Jiang Xiaobai, and asked speechlessly: "You are ashamed to say, what does it mean to be formal? The current Huaqing Holding Group is not formal. Your words make people laugh. "

"No, I mean to be more stable. In the past two years, everyone has been expanding aggressively while the economic situation is good. So what? After the expansion in two years, we will enter a stable state. Expect.

  Waiting until the stable period, I will stay in Magic City 9 to 5 all day long. "Jiang Xiaobai said.

   "What did you mean?" Zhao Xinyi asked with bright eyes.

  Jiang Xiaobai nodded affirmatively: "I said, after the two-year expansion period, we are going to digest it. Then I will be in the magic capital."

   "Okay, I believe you." Zhao Xinyi nodded and was about to go to the kitchen, but was held back by Jiang Xiaobai.

   "By the way, I have one more thing to tell you." Jiang Xiaobai said quickly.

   "Huh? What's the matter?"

   "I will go to Xiangjiang in two days to deal with Lixin Development Real Estate Company." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  Zhao Xinyi's face turned black: "I know you, okay."

   "By the way, if you have nothing to do, go with me, and let's go out by the way." Jiang Xiaobai said casually. He didn't really want Zhao Xinyi to go to coax Zhao Xinyi.

  Women, that's it, they like to hear such words.

  But what Jiang Xiaobai didn't expect was that Zhao Xinyi nodded.

"Yes, when the girl goes to school, just let her exercise, and my parents are there. I will go with you. Our company also has the opportunity to go to Xiangjiang on business. When you come back, you can get my ID card and prepare relevant documents. Bar."

   After Zhao Xinyi finished speaking, she stared at Jiang Xiaobai with straight eyes.

  Jiang Xiaobai can also be regarded as a person who has experienced strong winds and waves. At this time, he understands very well, no matter what he thinks, at this time, he will definitely not show the slightest unwillingness or hesitation.

  So Jiang Xiaobai nodded without thinking about it, and was full of excitement: "Okay, it's really great, so let's do it, I'll arrange someone when I turn back."

   Jiang Xiaobai said, originally thinking that this should be a temptation of Zhao Xinyi, but did not expect Zhao Xinyi to nod and leave.

  After Jiang Xiaobai watched Zhao Xinyi's back disappear, there was only a decree pattern on his forehead. This Zhao Xinyi really wanted to go to Xiangjiang with herself, whether he wanted to go shopping for pure relaxation or something else, Jiang Xiaobai thought for a long time and didn't understand.

  But Jiang Xiaobai didn't think about it. It didn't matter. As long as the family arranged it, Zhao Xinyi would go to Xiangjiang, just to relax.

   But since Zhao Xinyi is going to Xiangjiang, after arriving at the company early the next morning, Jiang Xiaobai began to arrange business trips. If he went alone, he would be familiar with Xiangjiang, and it didn’t matter.

   But if Zhao Xinyi follows along, many things need to be arranged. It is better to have a tour guide, such as security forces.

  Of course, it doesn’t matter if you are a big man going to Xiangjiang. Generally, two people will just follow you, and there is no such thing as a troublesome person.

Even if it does, it’s fine to run by yourself. After autumn, there is no problem after the fall, but if the daughter-in-law goes with her, with such a beautiful woman by her side, there may be people who don’t open their eyes, let alone go to Xiangjiang. .

  The chaos in Xiangjiang is not comparable to the mainland.

  Furthermore, this time I went to Xiangjiang, and finally took his wife out. Jiang Xiaobai also wanted to compensate her. Although he said that money and material could not be compensated, it was more or less his own heart.

  (End of this chapter)

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