Chapter 2148 Stupid

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and looked at Wang Chao and the few people he had brought over. This kid was positive in his work, and he was very attentive to this matter. Although the positioning team didn’t do much work, and it didn’t seem to be that important, Wang Chao did. This attitude is good.

  Jiang Xiaobai did not grind, and directly called Zhang Weiyi over, and asked Zhang Weiyi to call all the people who matched the headquarters of Huaqing Holding Group to the positioning team.

  Zhang Weiyi also understands Jiang Xiaobai’s character, he knows that Jiang Xiaobai is not a procrastinator, and he also understands Wang Chao’s urgency, so he asked the headquarter’s positioning team to be selected last night.

  Fortunately, it was selected last night. Otherwise, facing Wang Chao, Huaqing Electrical Appliances, who is far away, came from Jinling, and there were no people at your group headquarters.

  What do you say then? Is there any light on the face? Isn't it embarrassing?

  Although speaking of it, the meeting was held very late last night, it is not impossible to talk about it after work this morning.

   is very reasonable, but sometimes Jiang Xiaobai is not reasonable with you, and everything in this world is not reasonable.

  If you are slow, you have to admit it, and you will be beaten if you fall behind. This is the reality. This is the world of adults. There is no reason to say.

  So Wang Chao called people over overnight, and you need to get people over right away from your headquarters so that they won’t get slapped in the face.

  The work needs to be done to the front, which makes people laugh. It is not Zhang Weiyi's style. He, the general manager, seemed a bit awkward in front of Jiang Xiaobai, a strong chairman, so this kind of simple work must not be fulfilled.

  After Zhang Weiyi brought people over, the positioning team for the acquisition of Yaohan Company was established.

   "In this way, Lao Zhang, you will find two offices on our floor, one for the positioning team and one for the acquisition team, and let people clean them up now." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  Zhang Weiyi nodded. Seeing that Jiang Xiaobai had no other instructions, he hurried to arrange. Of course, the general manager of his company didn’t need to arrange it in person, but the office was cleaned up.

  The positioning team has also moved in. When will your acquisition team be in place, it cannot be set up in the morning. It should be set up in the afternoon and settled in. Otherwise, Jiang Xiaobai will get off work at night.

  If you look at the past on a whim, the work of the two groups, the positioning group has already begun to collect data and organize documents, and prepare a plan.

  Your acquisition team has a lack of personnel. How can you explain to Jiang Xiaobai?

  We are slow here, we still need a little time here, work development is more difficult, do you say these things are appropriate?

  Jiang Xiaobai’s style has always been vigorous and resolute. You are in difficulty, and it is not difficult for others to locate the group. You need time. Why doesn’t it need time for others to locate the group?

   To put it bluntly, it means that you are incapable, and there is no way to explain it, nor can it explain it. In the same adult world, no one listens to your explanation. Everyone looks at the results and only the results.

  As for any difficulties, that’s your business. If you can do it, you can do it.

   Could it be said that Jiang Xiaobai will also go to reason when Huaqing Holding Group is cleaned up one day?

   can only go up. Reasonable things do not exist in the market, and of course they do not exist in the workplace.

  Zhang Weiyi knew this very well. It was precisely because of this that he found the heads of several departments below as soon as he returned to the office.

   "Mr. Zhang, what's the matter?"

   "Well, the meeting arranged last night for several departments to let you out of the list of personnel." Zhang Weiyi said.

  The heads of several departments nodded in their hearts, and it was true that they had guessed it a long time ago.

   Is there any change in the choice of this person?

  Otherwise, why bother to find them this early.

  "Are there any new problems? What changes have occurred in the selection process?" someone asked.

  Zhang Weiyi shook his head: "No, I just want to ask, what about this list? Report the list to me?"

  "Huh?" Several persons in charge were taken aback.

   "Huh what? Where's the list? Dumbfounded?" Zhang Weiyi frowned and asked.

  "It’s not Mr. Zhang, this time is too short, no one has been selected yet. It was so late after the meeting last night. This is just working."

   "Just got to work? What happened when you just got to work? The positioning team is already in place, and now the office is ready. What about you? You tell me that I just got to work and that people have come from Jinling. What else do you have to work and not work?

  I tell you, I will go back and hurry up to choose people. I will give you one morning. If I can’t select the people for me in the morning, you will report your resignation in the afternoon.

  It happens that Jiang Dong is here today, and it is appropriate to approve your resignation letter. "Zhang Weiyi patted the table and said.

  The leaders of several departments did not expect that Zhang Weiyi should have such a big fire. What does this mean, and is Wang Chao crazy? what does it mean? People were transferred over overnight.

  This is just to catch your breath when you hang yourself. This is to not even give them a chance to catch your breath, and just force them to the corner.

  Several persons in charge were scolded by Zhang Weiyi, but this didn't happen yet, Zhang Weiyi took the folder and began to pat the table.

   "I'm dumb, talk, can I do it?"

   "Yes, yes." The leaders of several departments nodded quickly.

   "Then go." Zhang Weiyi watched several people go out and shook his head helplessly. These people are doing things. It seems that after the new year, after the completion of the acquisition, he should advise Jiang Dong to put all these senior executives down.

  Let them also experience it, exercise in each subsidiary company, and learn the working style of the subsidiary company.

  The person in charge of those subsidiaries, such as Wang Chao, will not be used to their problems. Then let Wang Chao and Wang Meng adjust them to see who they are.

  The task assigned last night, knowing that Jiang Dong was very anxious, there was no news at all this morning, and I felt that it was a matter of course.

  I really don’t know what to say. When Jiang Dong scolded someone, it would be too late at that time. He didn't know anything in his heart, and he was thinking about sleeping on the merit book, stupid!

  (End of this chapter)

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