Chapter 2151

The news of Yaohan came to China the next day, and all of a sudden, countless financial reporters gathered towards the magic city.

  The first cross-border acquisition among private enterprises was actually in state-owned enterprises at this time, and there were not many companies that could be acquired across borders.

  Instead, there are many mergers and acquisitions acquired by other multinational companies, which are common in all industries, and joint ventures are not news.

  Some of them were directly acquired by others, but they put up a joint venture brand, which is a little light on the face to deal with the outside world.

  Otherwise, I don’t know how many of the beverage industry has been acquired. There was a lot of noise a while ago. The merger and acquisition case in the film industry was directly handed over to the entire domestic film industry.

  Not to mention one or two companies. If foreign companies come to acquire a few companies in China, it will not be considered news at all.

  Unless the scale of the enterprise is large to a certain extent, but as long as it is large to a certain extent, it is basically a state-owned enterprise in China. The state will not agree to it, and it can only operate in a joint venture.

  But this is the first time that a domestic private enterprise can go abroad to acquire a foreign company, and this company is not a cat or puppy.

  It used to be a multinational group, and it can be said that it has its own reputation and status all over the world.

   is now considered bankrupt, otherwise, the news will come out, it is estimated that CCTV will come.

   But that’s it. Now this media reporter's battle is also very big. Needless to say, the local news media in the city of Modu, that is, one is counted as one.

  For the financial news from other places, all of them called the office of Huaqing Holding Group. After the call, regardless of whether Jiang Xiaobai had time for the interview, he set off one by one, and came over to the devil.

  The entire office couldn’t answer the phone. This media called the other media.

  There is a book called "Yamato Can Say No", and this move by Huaqing Holding Group can be regarded as a manifestation of the beginning of the domestic economy.

  So the significance of this matter itself seems to many people. It is not the significance of Huaqing Holding Group’s acquisition of Yaohan itself, but the significance of the acquisition of Yaohan by Huaqing Holding Group.

  From the perspective of an acquisition case, the acquisition has not been successful yet, it is just the beginning, and there is not much that deserves attention.

  But in terms of the meaning of this incident, many people can't help but pay attention.

  It is also the reason why many financial and economic newspapers and media are so anxious to come to interview and pay attention to this matter.

  Jiang Xiaobai also had a headache listening to the report from the office. The impact of this incident was not thought of at the beginning. At the very beginning, he thought that if this incident was announced.

   is just a simple economic event, but it has an impact on Huaqing Holding Group and Yaohan Company. It can allow the people below to adapt, mainly to give the acquired Yaohan Company a time to adapt as a whole.

  It is convenient for Yaohan to cooperate with the acquisition and provide some work convenience, some information and data.

  But when Yaohan announced it, after knowing the reaction from Yamato Kingdom, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t care about it. He just felt that it was a bit too radical. As for? It's not about buying your pillar industries.

   is just a supermarket, and now it’s closed down, only some assets are left. What's the big deal?

  But when the domestic media called, Jiang Xiaobai reacted.

  This is the nineties, not later generations. Later generations in the country have already proven themselves. The citizens have a strong sense of pride and honor. When people talk about foreign countries, they don't just look forward to it.

  I think that foreign countries are good. On the contrary, many people still think that it is good at home. Our own country is also developing well, not worse than anyone else.

  The whole country has the pride of its own country from top to bottom.

But at this time, the craze for going abroad still exists. In order to go abroad, many people do not care about it. They think that foreign countries are better. The moon in the West is rounder than in China. They think that the air in the West is fresher than that in China, and they are moving vigorously. Run abroad.

  Foreign brands feel stronger than domestic ones, and their quality is better, and so on.

  When the Yamato economy rose, there was a book called "Yamato Can Say No", and now the domestic economy is also rising.

  Everyone can clearly feel that these days are getting better day by day, but where does everyone’s self-confidence, national pride and honor come from.

  That is to be proved through one thing to improve.

  For example, what can be studied in your country, so can we. Your country can buy our country’s companies, so can our country, and our company can do it, no worse than yours.

  It is changing bit by bit and improving bit by bit. A country and a nation have a strong sense of pride. The sense of honor is not an overnight event, but a slow accumulation.

  The process from quantitative change to qualitative change.

  Jiang Xiaobai understands that his company’s acquisition of Yaohan is one of the quantitative manifestations, and that’s why it has attracted such multimedia reporters.

  Jiang Xiaobai doesn’t know what to say, but this media reporter’s interview must be accepted. Since his company’s current acquisition plan happens to be a performance in a quantitative process, it must perform well.

  There is no reason to evade. It is generous and generous to let the people know that companies in their own country are also capable and courageous to go out and acquire companies from other countries. There is nothing to hide.

   But this matter, Jiang Xiaobai is going to push Zhang Weiyi out to meet the world, he can’t always come by himself when he has things, so that he can’t be too busy to talk about it, and let Zhang Weiyi who like these things have no chance.

   Jiang Xiaobai called Zhang Weiyi over. Zhang Weiyi thought that Jiang Xiaobai was asking about the work progress of the acquisition team.

   Reported as soon as he entered the house, but Jiang Xiaobai talked about what the media reporter had interviewed.

  "I think we still have to hold a press conference. There are a lot of media reporters from the magic city. If we are separated from one family to the other, then it is needless to say that the two of us, even two more people will not be able to handle it."

   "Yes." Zhang Weiyi nodded, he was most interested in this kind of thing.

  (End of this chapter)

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