Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2156: Release signal

  Chapter 2156 Release signal

Calculated at 600 million U.S. dollars, it is less than 5 billion when converted into RMB. If it is divided into two, it will be 2.5 billion. 2.5 billion is still paid in installments. For Huaqing Holding Group It's nothing.

  If it is divided into two years, then the first year will be only one billion yuan. Now Huaqing Holding Group can fully afford it.

"Okay, then my plan is based on the source of funds you mentioned. It is paid in installments. The first fund is estimated to be around 300 million U.S. dollars. It is estimated that another amount of funds will be paid after the remaining half a year. Around 100 million US dollars.

  The last remaining funds are paid in one year. Do you think it's okay? "Zhang Weiyi asked.

  "I’m sure there’s no problem. Let’s make a decision according to this plan. Anyway, it is a preliminary plan, and there will be talks later.

  This plan strives to be sent to Wang Chao and others as soon as the final audit work is completed, so that they can report it to Yaohan Company and see what they say. "

   "Okay." Zhang Weiyi nodded, turned around and went out to prepare the plan. Jiang Xiaobai grabbed the phone on the desk and called the secretary.

   "Do I have any plans for today? Take time to come and visit Zhao Xiaojin to see the situation. You can help me buy some supplements." Jiang Xiaobai ordered.

  The secretary was a bit embarrassed. Jiang Xiaobai’s schedule was arranged, but Jiang Xiaobai’s words gave him no room for rebuttal.

  Moreover, she was also a little lost in her heart. Originally, she wanted to be able to replace Zhao Xiaojin when Zhao Xiaojin was away.

  It’s not about a bad relationship with Zhao Xiaojin, but a dispute over interests. How much is Huaqing Holding Group’s current market value? That is billions of billions of funds.

  Chairman’s secretary, what kind of person is that? There are no more than ten thousand people under one person, but that’s also the top level of the company.

  As Jiang Xiaobai’s secretary, in the entire Huaqing Holding Group, even in the magic city, who wouldn’t give Jiang Xiaobai’s secretary some face.

  What's more, there are real interest relationships. Jiang Xiaobai’s secretary, the annual salary he can get every year, and the impact on the company, such as job arrangements.

  I don’t know how many benefits are involved in this tens of billions of companies. Even if it is normal operation, it does not violate the regulations, and the benefits are not small and small.

   So the conflict of interests here, the company is big, it depends not on the rule of man but the rule of law.

  When Jiang Xiaobai first started his business, Wang Meng and others followed Jiang Xiaobai. It can be managed by emotion. It would be that everyone is a brother who eats in a pot, and there is nothing that cannot be said, and there is no competition.

However, as the company slowly grows bigger, more money, and more people, it is not possible to manage the company with the loyalty of the buddies at this time, and the rules and regulations formulated by the company are needed to manage the company. .

  When everyone slept on a kang, it didn’t matter what, but the company is big. Now, although the Huaqing Holding Group is still under Jiang Xiaobai’s suppression, it seems to be no different from the original.

  But this has been vaguely revealed what is different from the original. The company is now lined with factions. Of course, the fact that there are no factions will affect the development of the company.

  But it’s not what it was like before. It is natural to fight for power.

  Zhao Xiaojin, the secretary of the board of directors, is so prestigious in the company, so this time Zhao Xiaojin went home to get pregnant and gave birth. I don’t know how many people in the company want to take advantage of this opportunity to occupy Zhao Xiaojin’s position.

  Especially some people in the Secretariat, they have sharpened their heads and want to squeeze around Jiang Xiaobai. Except for some nasty means, they have used all other means.

   is to squeeze out Zhao Xiaojin, and Jiang Xiaobai is also busy. It has not been said that she has visited Zhao Xiaojin during work, which also makes some people more excited.

   But now Jiang Xiaobai has to make time all of a sudden to visit Zhao Xiaojin, which makes the secretaries feel very cold.

   "What are you stunned, let's make arrangements." Jiang Xiaobai said as he packed his things.

  What do these secretaries think about him as the boss, he is not a fool, he sees it clearly, but these people take it for granted, not to mention that this position is reserved for Zhao Xiaojin.

  Is the position of Zhao Xiaojin changed. Then the next chairman and secretary will not have as much power as Zhao Xiaojin.

  Zhao Xiaojin can have this year, it was ten years like a day following him, traveling north and south, sometimes for ten and a half months on a business trip, and those who were on a business trip to the north were freezing, and there was no time to rest at all.

  A little girl who followed her from Longcheng to the magic city, Zhao Xiaojin can have today, then her contribution is worthy of the status she gave her.

   But other secretaries, how could it be possible? It's not a concept at all.

  So people are like this sometimes, they just see the scenery of others, but never think of the hard work of others behind their backs.

  Maybe you don’t want to see these things. After all, sometimes people always see what they want to see, but can’t see what they don’t want to see.

   "Good Jiang Dong."

  The secretary nodded quickly, turned around and went out to make arrangements.

  Five minutes later, Jiang Xiaobai set off. The secretary went to buy nutrition products, Zhao Xiaojin’s house was actually upstairs from Jiang Xiaobai’s house.

  The reason why Jiang Xiaobai did this was to send a signal to the outside world, a signal to the coquettish **** of the company secretariat.

  Thinking about Jiang Xiaobai and sighed. He knew why those big people didn't like to speak straight, but kept expressing it in a vague way.

  In fact, there is really no way to say something. For example, when it comes to the secretary, people just work hard. When there is nothing wrong, they will come to you and show yourself. What do you think is this, but there is no way to say it if you want to.

  And not only this group of secretaries, Zhang Weiyi, and others sometimes even vaguely say that Jiang Xiaobai needs a full-time assistant secretary.

  It’s really hard to say about the relationship behind this, not that they are trying to do something through the secretary? But the far-reaching relationship of the relationship is all about the world, and sometimes, it's really hard to say.

  The car quickly arrived downstairs. The secretary wanted to help Jiang Xiaobai with gifts. Jiang Xiaobai refused. He carried the gifts and went upstairs, and knocked on the door of Zhao Xiaojin's house.

  "Who?" Zhao Xiaojin's voice came from the room.

   "Open the door." Jiang Xiaobai was not polite, and shouted directly. Needless to say, if Zhao Xiaojin couldn't even hear his voice, then he turned and left.

  (End of this chapter)

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