Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2161: Replace high-level

  Chapter 2161 Replacement of high-level

   Jiang Xiaobai’s voice was not too loud, but after a stone was dropped in the calm conference room, there was a wave of waves. They vaguely probably understood what Jiang Xiaobai wanted to say.

  I dare not look up one by one. It is not that it is wrong to agree to acquire Yaohan, but the key to the problem is that it is a bit too much.

"What are the reasons for your objection to the current agreement? Is it because everyone feels that Yaohan is good? For so many reasons, everyone has said very well. To be honest, after listening to the truth, I feel as if we are not buying Yaohan. It's a crime."

  The more Jiang Xiaobai said, the harsher his voice became.

  "Why didn’t you think of so many reasons before? Because of what? I think it’s because you were kidnapped by the media and public opinion. You have to have your own brains.

  Yes, your reasons are all high-sounding, and of course it is also a fact, but the most fundamental thing is that you were kidnapped by others, so can you still think about your words and actions? Can you stay calm when thinking about problems? "

   Jiang Xiaobai said, there was no sound in the meeting room, and I felt Jiang Xiaobai's dissatisfaction, and the atmosphere in the meeting room was immediately suppressed.

  "I also support the acquisition of Yaohan Company, but even fools know that the acquisition of Yaohan Company is a matter of both benefits and risks. There are risks when there are advantages. Yaohan Company is not a pie from the sky.

  Not to mention the pie that fell from the sky, so you have to consider whether this pie will kill people, let alone this is not a pie that fell from the sky. But I think you all regard Yaohan as a pie falling from the sky. "

   Jiang Xiaobai said fiercely and took the document in his hand and slapped it on the table.

   "You are a senior, this is related to the company's interests, where is your mind, what I hear in my ears is the benefits of the acquisition, and the risks and disadvantages? How come no one said, is this normal?"

  Everyone lowered their heads involuntarily, none of them were fools. Whether Jiang Xiaobai's words were reasonable or not, everyone had their own judgments. Jiang Xiaobai was right. They were indeed affected by outside public opinion during this period of time.

  Because there is a supportive voice both from the outside and inside.

   "Okay, today's meeting will end here. Everyone will go back and think about what I said, the acquisition of Yaohan. Even if it is officially settled today, everyone has agreed to start the formal acquisition of Yaohan."

  After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, he got up and left. The others looked up and looked at each other at this time. The expressions on their faces were a bit ugly. It was strange that Jiang Xiaobai had been scolded for a long time, and the expressions on his face could be happy.

After the meeting ended, Zhang Weiyi followed Jiang Xiaobai to the office.

   "Dong Jiang, I think the senior executives in our company headquarters should have moved." Zhang Weiyi said.

  In fact, it is not only Jiang Xiaobai who is dissatisfied with these senior executives, but Zhang Weiyi is not too satisfied with the so-called senior executives of the company. After staying at the headquarters for a long time, he always has a slack mind.

   "Huh? Tell me?" Jiang Xiaobai said.

"This is Jiang Dong. These high-level executives are now staying at the headquarters all day, just like you said last time, they all have the idea of ​​sleeping on the merit book..." Zhang Weiyi knows Jiang Xiaobai's temper, so At this time, I talked, and didn't hide it, basically there was something to say.

  Jiang Xiaobai frowned as he listened. Jiang Xiaobai knew about these conditions, but after all, he didn't have much contact with the people below, and he really didn't expect things to be so serious now.

   "Then what do you think is to do an internal rectification, or to gradually replace these people, there will be no one that will save Laozi." Jiang Xiaobai scolded.

  Zhang Weiyi was taken aback. If all the top executives were replaced, who would do the job, so this would definitely not work.

"Dong Jiang, it's not necessary. I think so. We can suspend these high-level posts, and then transfer a group of capable vice presidents from the subsidiaries to the headquarters to replace these high-level personnel." Zhang Weiyi puts his own plan in the past few days into consideration. Said it.

  Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "This is a good way. Anyway, the subsidiary's vice president is not more than one, and the vice president is less than one. The transfer of their vice president will not affect anything.

  And these idiots from our headquarters will not be able to do anything, and will not have any impact on the subsidiaries. Let Wang Chao and the others educate these idiots, each high-level person does not look like a high-level person.

  If they can reflect on going down, let them come back. If they still don’t understand after going down, then send them off directly at the subsidiary.

  At the same time, when the vice presidents of these subsidiaries come to the headquarters as high-level managers, it is an exercise, which gives them a little overall view. Don't always follow Wang Chao and Wang Meng's short-sightedness, just look at their own three-square-meter land. "

  Jiang Xiaobai said with satisfaction, Zhang Weiyi also smiled and nodded: “Yes, if another group of people come up, it can be regarded as injecting a clean stream into the headquarters. Maybe it can also drive the work of the headquarters.”

What do the vice presidents of the subsidiary and the headquarters say? Normally, the two parties are not at the same level and cannot be reversed.

  But in the Huaqing Holding Group, no one thinks that Jiang Xiaobai and Zhang Weiyi are at the same level.

  Because the status of the subsidiary is also very high, and the autonomy is very strong, in fact, to be precise, Wang Chao, Wang Meng and the responsible personnel of the branch companies are regarded as the company's high-level personnel.

  And these high-level officials in the headquarters are just the high-level executives of the headquarters, not the high-level executives of the entire group. Although their positions are high-level executives within the group, they are important in the hearts of Jiang Xiaobai and Zhang Weiyi.

  There are really not many, otherwise Jiang Xiaobai would not want to get rid of them as an option as soon as he opened his mouth.

  They are more important than the senior executives of the subsidiary, and they are not much more important, so no matter it was Jiang Xiaobai or Zhang Weiyi who mentioned the replacement, they did not feel that there was anything wrong.

  "Okay, then you can do this, step by step, try to stabilize it as much as possible, and don't affect the company's acquisition plan." Jiang Xiaobai explained.

  Zhang Weiyi nodded, but did not leave. Instead, he said: "Okay, but Jiang Dong still needs your help in this matter."

  This matter looks simple, but in fact it is not that simple. Without Jiang Xiaobai’s support, he would not be able to do it at all, and Jiang Xiaobai’s assistance would be needed from the beginning.

  (End of this chapter)

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