Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2169: Top and bottom not capped

   Chapter 2169 Uncapped up and down

   The two looked at each other and stood up: "We resign."

  Jiang Xiaobai was a little surprised, these two people are really interesting.

   "Okay, go through the formalities." Jiang Xiaobai got up and left without persuading. Zhang Weiyi glanced at the two and sighed.

  Jiang Xiaobai didn't keep it, and Zhang Weiyi couldn't keep it. The resignation of the two was completely within his acceptance.

The resignation of two high-level executives is normally discussed in private at the headquarters, but this time it is not as simple as the resignation of two high-level executives. It is the resignation of two high-level executives, and the remaining high-level executives are all transferred from the headquarters to the subsidiary. Take a position at this level like vice president.

   This was a huge shock for the headquarters of the group. Within half an hour of the meeting, the entire headquarters was already boiling. There were rumors flying all over the sky and everything was said.

   While everyone was talking about it, they were also concerned about where the next leader would come from. The deputies of various departments were all excited now, and maybe it was their turn. After all, the boss of the department left.

   But many thoughtful people realized that this time, things were not so simple. The boss of the department was transferred without making any mistakes. That is Jiang Xiaobai was dissatisfied with the current situation of the headquarters.

   So are all the responsibilities of the various departments in the headquarters on their top leaders? These deputy positions, even the employees under them, have no responsibility at all?

   Looking for a promotion? It's true that you can keep your current position.

   The deputy who didn't expect this began to jump up and down. He wanted to take over this position, and even though he was still a deputy, he had already begun to worry about the major affairs of the entire department. He even claimed to be the leader.

   But some smart deputies just restrained the employees of the department at this time, and waited quietly for the arrival of the new leader. Jiang Xiaobai only removed some people to make room for them in the meeting. How is this possible?

   It’s impossible to think about it. With such a big change, don’t think about how to benefit from it, but think about how to keep the current position, and even prepare for the next position adjustment.

   After all, the immediate boss has been dealt with, abruptly demoted. A few smart deputies sneered when they saw that the employees in the department below were still spreading rumors.

  The boss of the department has been dealt with. If you don’t hurry to do your job well, you still have time to spread gossip. When the new leader arrives, someone here may be fired for rectification.

   Just after the high-level meeting was over, and the next morning when the rumors were all over the place, the vice presidents from various subsidiaries came to Jiang Xiaobai's office.

   "This time I transferred you here because I hope you can rectify the slack attitude of the headquarters now, and at the same time, it can be regarded as broadening your horizons. I have a simple request. I want to see the changes in the attitude of the headquarters in a month.

   As long as you are able to complete the work on the headquarters side of each department, no matter the number of people fired, it can reach half or even two-thirds. You can grasp this scale and fulfill my requirements. Do you understand? "

   Jiang Xiaobai's voice was not too loud, but a group of vice presidents could clearly hear the gloomy and undisguised killing intent in Jiang Xiaobai's words.

   The degree of exchange blood can reach half, or even two-thirds. Within a month, it can basically be said that whoever is disobedient will be fired?

   It can even be said that Jiang Xiaobai's words are to let them kill some people and expel some people. It is necessary to change the current atmosphere of the headquarters through this simple but very effective method.

   "I understand."

   The crowd responded loudly.

  Jiang Xiaobai nodded with satisfaction, and added: "Not only is the lower limit not capped, but also the upper limit is not capped, and there is no problem with the deputies of the department if they need to be adjusted."

  The hearts of everyone were stunned again, and there was no cap on the bottom, no top on the top. A simple sentence explained Jiang Xiaobai's determination this time, which made them all a little scared.

  Although they used to be dissatisfied with the speed of the various departments in the headquarters when they came to work, and thought that if they were the top executives of the headquarters, they would definitely rectify this atmosphere, but they did not dare to think about such a rectification.

   These vice presidents are not too familiar with Jiang Xiaobai, and they don't have much contact with Jiang Xiaobai in normal times.

It is not an old brand. The main vice president of the subsidiary company, the main vice president leader of the subsidiary company, none of the subsidiary companies have sent over, such as Liu Hui from Changxing Residence, for example, Zhou Guomin from the investment company, etc. These are compared with Jiang Xiaobai. familiar.

   Of course, Jiang Xiaobai also understands it better. These people are Wang Meng, Wang Chao and others who are in charge of all the work of the company when they are on business trips. It is definitely impossible to send them here.

   At this time, a group of vice presidents felt Jiang Xiaobai's style of doing things for the first time.

   "Okay, let President Zhang tell you the rest." Jiang Xiaobai didn't explain anything more, and the specific things were left to Zhang Weiyi.

  Zhang Weiyi nodded and took people to his office, where he talked about the specific situation of the headquarters. For each department, Zhang Weiyi also listed the candidates who jumped up and down yesterday.

   These deputies can be used as candidates for surgery. Of course, how to do it is a matter for the newly appointed senior management.

  Stayed in Jiang Xiaobai's office for about ten minutes, and took him in Zhang Weiyi's office for more than half an hour. When it was after nine o'clock, Zhang Weiyi sent these people to various departments one by one.

   There is no special welcome party or anything, and this time is not for this time.

   As the vice presidents of a group of subsidiaries arrived to take over, the entire headquarters began to stir.

   Yesterday, the deputies who were jumping up and down all had ugly faces. They all thought that they would be able to take the position, but when they airborne, it would be strange for them to look good. It would be better if they didn't have this idea before.

   In the end, I accepted the compliments from below, and I felt well prepared to be the boss, but now I found out that this is not the case, which is embarrassing and ugly.

If it's embarrassing and ugly, it will be reflected in the work. The handover of the heads of the departments is very smooth, and there is no trouble. As a result, after the handover is over, there are several departments under the deputy positions that are not so cooperative. They were all the ones who danced the most joyously yesterday.

   The few deputy positions with self-knowledge are honest, making the new vice president feel like a different person.

   (end of this chapter)

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