Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2177: release sincerity

   Chapter 2177 Release Sincerity

   "Our Huaqing Holding Group came with great sincerity for this acquisition plan." Jiang Xiaobai said slowly after Wang Chao finished speaking.

   "Yaohan Company used to be a brilliant company, but now it has encountered some difficulties. I believe that if Yaohan Company is in the hands of our Huaqing Holding Group, after the reorganization and transformation of our Huaqing Holding Group is completed.

   will definitely inject vitality into Yaohan, and let Yaohan, an old-fashioned supermarket, radiate new vitality, regain its vitality, and stand vigorously in every country in the world again.

   After the formation of our acquisition team, we are preparing for the acquisition and at the same time doing the restructuring plan after the acquisition is completed.

   At the same time, Yaohan's service concept and business philosophy in the previous half century are also what we need and what we need to learn..."

   Jiang Xiaobai's remarks represent the sincerity of Huaqing Holding Group. They came with sincerity, which is the premise of communication between the two parties.

   After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, Kazuo Wada also spoke up: "Thank you very much to Chairman Jiang Xiaobai for his recognition and high evaluation of our Yaohan.

   But I am very ashamed. Yaohan has come to today because of my big problems and my responsibility, but as Chairman Jiang Xiaobai said, Yaohan used to be a brilliant enterprise, and the efforts of our Yaohan people are condensed here.

Therefore, we also hope that Yaohan can be handed over to a responsible and capable company, and Huaqing Holding Group is such a company. I believe that Yaohan will be reinvigorated under the leadership of Huaqing Holding Group in the future. That eye-catching supermarket.

   So I believe in Huaqing Holding Group, I believe in Chairman Jiang Xiaobai. "

   "Papapapa." There was fierce applause in the conference room, and after the sincerity was exuded to each other, they officially entered the negotiation process.

   However, this negotiation is not a sparring of words from the very beginning. You come and go, but Huaqing Holding Group first displayed the information on the review work of Yaohan during this period, and the evaluation report on Yaohan.

   Yaohan Supermarket is a company, but strictly speaking, it is also a large group, just like Huaqing Holding Group.

Its second-level subsidiaries, such as investment companies, such as Hualian Computer, Changxingju Real Estate Company, etc., also have third-level holding companies and shareholding companies, and even the third-level companies have factories that involve holding shares. enterprise.

   That is a huge asset. It is not as simple as a simple company. After 40 years of development, Yaohan has more than 400 stores across more than 40 countries and regions around the world.

   How many products are sold in these more than 400 supermarkets in the world every day, some of these products are factories controlled by Yaohan, and Yaohan is also involved in other industries such as shoes and hats.

This is a behemoth, and so many industry checks alone are enough to cause headaches. Every review and valuation of this Huaqing Holding Group must be well-founded and needs to be approved by both parties. Otherwise, the overall evaluation of Yaohan There is no way to do an appraisal.

   There are also some claims and the like, which also need to be verified by both parties, which will take time.

   Here, Huaqing Holding Group showed its own valuation and evaluation materials as well. The responsible persons of both parties were present and listened, while others were calculating and summarizing.

  Jiang Xiaobai is the most annoying scene, but he still has to wait, because this is a way for him to express his attention, so he can't go.

   After a while, Jiang Xiaobai's phone rang, and Jiang Xiaobai also took the opportunity to escape and came out of the conference room.

   Mr. Huang called and asked Jiang Xiaobai when the auditors of Huahua Bank would arrive.

Although it is said that Jiang Xiaobai has the final say in Huahua Bank, all major matters such as investment can be decided in one word, but after all, it is necessary to use the funds of Huahua Bank, then it is a process, and the people of Huahua Bank also need Come and walk through the process.

Jiang Xiaobai thought about it and said, "Well, if it's convenient for you, come over in the next two days, a professional negotiation company, a third-party company, will arrive today, and the negotiation process will begin when all the information is verified. ."

   "Okay, Director Jiang, I'll have a meeting now and arrange for people to go there." Mr. Huang hung up the phone. If another company bought it, the bank would definitely be involved in the first place.

   From the time of the first legal review, they will participate in the evaluation work. Wherever there is such a situation, it is about to enter the negotiation stage, and no bank has appeared yet.

   Could it be that our bank is just a money bag, we just need to pay for it, so we have no say in this matter?

   But this was done by Jiang Xiaobai, so there is no surprise. It also allows you to participate. After all the things are not done, it is not bad to give you a bunch of information and let you directly enter the account.

The bank affairs are arranged here, and Jiang Xiaobai will not go back to the conference room. The translator and the tour guide have been waiting outside. They are not qualified to enter the conference room. Strictly speaking, they are only hired by Yaohan Company. Jiang Xiaobai's personal translator and tour guide.

   Yaohan Company itself has official staff who are translators, so there is no need for these temporary translators, which are not professional.

But the two of them ran to rest without saying anything about their salary, and they kept waiting outside the conference room. At this time, when they saw Jiang Xiaobai came out and didn't return to the conference room after making a call, they immediately greeted them, and they came together. There is a wave of Panasonic, the person in charge of reception.

  Panasonic has already arranged the dinner for the evening. Of course, at this time, he has to brush his face more in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

   "Chairman Jiang."

"Well, take me around your company. Of course, I mean where I can go. In addition, prepare a quieter office for me. I have some official business to deal with later." Jiang Xiaobai said and pointed. Point to the phone.

  This is why you need a reason for skipping classes, not to mention the acquisition of a multinational company. If there is no reason, you will run out and stop listening. What do you mean?

   This is disrespect to Yaohan Company, and it is also disrespect to the people in the acquisition team of its own group. After all, this is the result of other people's work, just wait for you to listen to it at this time. As a result, you got up and ran outside for a walk.

   (end of this chapter)

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