Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2182: The new generation replaces the old

   Chapter 2182 A new generation replaces the old

"This negotiation is left to you. You are also experienced in investing in companies. You need to be a supervisor, especially the contact between Yaohan and our third-party companies. Although it is basically impossible, it is not Can be prevented.

  If the two of them collude, it will be troublesome..."

   "Okay." Song Xin nodded and found that she and Jiang Xiaobai had arrived at the door of Jiang Xiaobai's room.

   "Okay, if you have nothing to do, go back and rest early, there are still a lot of things to do tomorrow." Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand, turned and walked into the room.

  Song Xin also waved her hand subconsciously and walked two steps into her room before realizing what she was looking for Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai and Wang Chao came back drunk and aggressive. It was so late that they were brought by an unscrupulous man like Panasonic Lang, and they were in a place where the tertiary industry is particularly developed, so they might go to do something bad. .

   As a result, Jiang Xiaobai was fooled by herself without asking a word. Song Xin was annoyed, but she wanted to turn around and ask Jiang Xiaobai.

   But Jiang Xiaobai has already closed the door to rest, so it is inappropriate to knock on the door by himself.

   But Jiang Xiaobai is so secretive, needless to say, he must have done nothing good, otherwise why not say it.

  Song Xin turned around and came back to the room. The next morning was the third day that Jiang Xiaobai came to the east longitude. The negotiating team officially joined the negotiation, with the participation of a third-party company.

  The progress of this negotiation has been accelerated all of a sudden. After all, people are professional in this area of ​​negotiation, and Huaqing Holding Group is also professional in evaluating the price.

The effect of one plus one on both sides is far greater than two. Jiang Xiaobai stayed in the conference room for a whole morning and could clearly feel the progress of the negotiation. Yaohan's response was obviously not as good as it was yesterday. Feel free.

  After all, other negotiation companies are specialized in doing this. Never use your hobbies to challenge other people's expertise. If they lose their food skills to a layman, then they don't need to do anything.

   Many times Yaohan Company is speechless by the negotiating company, and they don’t know how to answer.

   Jiang Xiaobai was relieved after seeing it. On the morning of the fourth day, people from Huahua Bank arrived, and now the entire negotiating team has arrived.

  The two sides also held a media conference, and photos of Jiang Xiaobai and Kazufu Wada shaking hands at the conference were posted in various newspapers in the East Longitude.

  Many people looked at this photo and felt a lot of emotion in their hearts. Yaohan is famous in Yamato, and Kazuo Wada is also an idol for many people in Yamato.

   Take a grocery store to become a multinational enterprise in his lifetime, spanning dozens of countries and regions in the world, with sales of billions of dollars a year.

Why isn't    the object of many people's longing and worship? Even the Ashin movie based on Kazuo Wada has set off a wave in China, let alone in their home country, but today.

  A man who is far younger than Kazuo Wada has taken over the pride in their hearts.

   When two people are not standing together, it seems that it doesn't matter if they just say their names, but now they are standing together.

   Looking at Jiang Xiaobai's youthful face, not to mention immature, but still youthful, full of vigor, and Kazufu Hetian's gray temples and wrinkles, although he tried his best to show a little energy.

   But the twilight and sunset look on his face couldn't be concealed at all, and it was very obvious when the two stood together to compare.

   always makes people unable to help but feel emotion, Kazuo Hetian is really old, and Xu Meiren, a famous general since ancient times, is not allowed to have gray hair in the world.

   And Kazuo Wada, at this age, has to sell the company he has worked hard for his whole life, which makes many people feel very unbearable.

  The new generation replaces the old, the world is always like this.

After the    press conference, there were many more people in Yamato society who sympathized with Kazuo Wada.

   This situation made Song Xin and others a little worried, because Yamato's public opinion was not very good.

   But Jiang Xiaobai doesn't really care, is public opinion useful in society? If it's **** useful, then various industries in China will not be acquired by foreign companies so much. Even the occupation of an industry and an industry.

   directly gave up the market.

   Needless to say now, even when the Internet is so developed in the media era of later generations, there are places where the sun cannot shine, and public opinion will be guided.

  What ordinary people say is useless at all, unless it arouses the public anger of the whole people, but will the acquisition of a company now arouse the public anger of the whole people? Obviously not possible.

   If Yaohan is a company in a special industry, it may also attract the attention of the Yamato authorities. For example, mining, what is involved in high-tech industries, in order to keep secrets, in order to restrict your development, set up industry barriers.

For example, the fab that was acquired abroad is related to technology. When Jiang Xiaobai bought the fab in the garden, it was Jiang Xiaobai who asked the Lin family to help and acquired it secretly. This was still after the financial turmoil. when the elephant.

   When a lot of people don’t care about it at all, if it stabilizes now, it’s not certain whether they can buy it or not.

   However, Yaohan is obviously not a mining company, nor is it a technology-related company. To put it bluntly, it is a labor-intensive service industry without any technical content.

   has no technical content, which means it is replaceable.

   Then no one will object. Similarly, the current Yaohan company is a closed company for Yamato, and has no value.

   So Jiang Xiaobai doesn't care that the fermentation of public opinion will have any impact on the acquisition.

   However, after the news came back to China, it triggered a new wave of public opinion in the country.

   What a new generation replaces the old one, what is the generation of talented people, each leading the way, and showing off for hundreds of years and so on.

   Anyway, they are all praises and praises. Jiang Xiaobai is young and Jiang Xiaobai is high-spirited, just like the current situation in China, high-spirited and eager to catch up.

   Some partners also called Jiang Xiaobai on purpose, congratulations to Jiang Xiaobai.

  The Liu brothers also called specifically to ask about Jiang Xiaobai's Dongfang Club, and asked Jiang Xiaobai if he had time and if he could rush back.

   "Of course there is no problem, I will definitely go back then." Jiang Xiaobai replied.

   (end of this chapter)

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