Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2186: People take the tea and cool it doesn't exist

   Chapter 2186 People go to the tea and cold does not exist

   But this is not the case for Jiang Xiaobai. There is no need to pursue something like a brand when you have no money. It all depends on your economic strength.

   But when you have money, there is still some merit in branding things. The reason why they can become famous and operate, most brands still have certain merits.

   Except for some brands that pay IQ tax, other brands can still be bought.

   Of course, the main reason is that now Jiang Xiaobai is really not bad for money, not to mention the two-idiot idea of ​​not buying the best and the most expensive, but at least he can buy some good ones.

   Even if the price/performance ratio is not that high, as long as it is a little better, who makes money?

   There is no way to talk about the cost-effectiveness if the money is not bad.

Zhao Xinyi nodded, and called her parents after eating. In the afternoon, the family went shopping in Modu. The pedestrian street is now much better than when Jiang Xiaobai first came to Modu. Variety.

It can clearly make people feel that some small shops and some low-grade shops are gradually moving away from here, and there are more and more high-end brands, and many people come to shop. There is a lack of rich people, no matter what era it is.

   Huaqing Building and Huahai Center also went. Jiang Xiaobai and Zhao Xinyi bought several clothes for the old couple regardless of Zhao Gang's complaints.

   Although Zhao Gang complained, he was still smiling happily when he wore the new clothes, not because of the value of the clothes, but because it was the intention of the two children, Jiang Xiaobai and Zhao Xinyi.

  Jiang Xiaobai is willing to spend time with his old couple to go shopping. As for what money is not worth, he is at this age, how much he can spend even if he spends hard, and what he spends **** himself is just a drop in the bucket for Jiang Xiaobai.

   The key is Jiang Xiaobai's intention.

  This kid has grown up little by little, and he didn't expect to be able to get to where he is today.

  I was an educated youth who went to the countryside at the beginning, but I never thought that I would be able to get to where I am today. At that time, when this kid and his daughter were virgins, fortunately I didn't stop him, otherwise, where would I find such a good son-in-law.

  I am now retired, but once I go back to Longcheng, or get together with my old friends, I am still the center. People take tea and cool down, and this kind of thing has never happened to me.

   It doesn't mean that his character is good enough to change human nature, it's because he has a good son-in-law and Jiang Xiaobai is there.

  I can't get along with others. How can you have a good time? When I agreed to the marriage of Jiang Xiaobai and her daughter, Jiang Xiaobai was not as famous as she is now.

   At that time, some people still persuaded themselves, but what about now? Such an awesome son-in-law is really lucky.

"Xiaobai, during this period of time, the news said that you are buying that Yaohan in Yamato? How is it going now? Is it going well?" Zhao Gang asked casually, what Jiang Xiaobai did in the first two years, and he was still able to communicate with him. Jiang Xiaobai discussed it.

   can also give Jiang Xiaobai some advice, but as Jiang Xiaobai's business has grown bigger and bigger in recent years, many times it is not that he is unwilling to give Jiang Xiaobai advice, but that he is simply not involved.

   There are a lot of things that I don’t understand. For me, it goes without saying that I’m retired now and I’m not the factory manager of Longgang.

   is the factory manager of Longgang. It is a big deal to spend hundreds of millions. I don’t know how many meetings are needed, but for the current Jiang Xiaobai and Huaqing Holding Group, a few hundred million is a small amount of money.

   If we can talk about big things, they are billions, or even billions.

   I have never done such a business when I was a factory manager, and I have no such experience at all.

   Or he just learned about what Jiang Xiaobai has done recently from the newspaper. For example, what Jiang Xiaobai did in Xiangjiang last year, he almost had a heart attack when he heard the news.

   Even dared to attack the financial system of other countries. Later, the news proved to be false, but Zhao Gang felt that it should be true. Although he never asked, he felt that this was something Jiang Xiaobai could do.

   Later, I specifically inquired about it. When defending the Hong Kong financial market, Jiang Xiaobai’s funds directly reached the scale of tens of billions of dollars.

  I don’t need to say that I have so much money in my life, but I have never seen it before.

   So Zhao Gang knew at that time that Jiang Xiaobai couldn't control himself, even if he couldn't give any opinions, he could only listen to it as news when he could only chat.

   "Well, the acquisition is still going well. Yaohan Company has reached the current situation, and there is nothing wrong with it. If the annual turnover can reach five billion US dollars at its peak, it is estimated that there may be some twists and turns."

  Jiang Xiaobai said casually, Zhao Gang couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth. He found that money in Jiang Xiaobai's mouth was not money. Hundreds of millions of dollars, billions of dollars seemed to be a number in Jiang Xiaobai's place, so he said it casually.

   is like going to the store to buy something for a few hundred dollars, very casual.

   "Well, okay, anyway, many people in China are watching it now, and the successful acquisition is also a great encouragement for our country's private economy."

   Zhao Gang quickly changed the subject after saying a word, not wanting to listen to Jiang Xiaobai showing off here, what hundreds of millions of dollars, what billions of dollars.

  Really, even if someone is bragging, they only dare to talk about a big business of millions or hundreds of millions. At this time, people are bragging about it.

  Because at this time millions is an astronomical number for most people, it is not like a house in many places in later generations will cost millions of tens of millions.

  In the evening, Jiang Xiaobai brought his family to Jianhua Restaurant for dinner. The quiet environment and authentic Zhejiang cuisine made Zhao Gang and his wife very satisfied.

   "Mom and Dad, if you like it, you can come directly if you want to eat it in the future, or call here and have them deliver it to your home." Jiang Xiaobai said, it's not a matter of a word how to do the restaurant he owns.

   "Let's just come and eat, it's too much trouble to send home, and this dish is delicious when it's just made." Zhao Gang did not refuse. He also knew that this matter was nothing to Jiang Xiaobai.

   (end of this chapter)

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