Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2194: Identify three discussion items

  Chapter 2194 identifies three discussion items

  The people in the restaurant were discussing in twos and threes. Although they didn't say anything this morning, everyone knew that after the Eastern Conference was over, the group of new Confucian businessmen would definitely be greatly affected.

  Because the relationship in the shopping mall is inextricably linked, the statement in the conference room in the morning, although some people are not distracted.

   But Jiang Xiaobai has spoken, and they have expressed their stance, no matter whether they say it or not, whether they are convinced or not, but they must be done in the next action.

   Jiang Xiaobai has such a big opinion, if they don't split up, let Jiang Xiaobai know, what should we do? Especially in the case of a statement.

It is no exaggeration to say that this Oriental Association has gathered more than half of the people in the private enterprise circle. So many people gathered together are leaders in all walks of life and have great influence in the industry. Started up at once.

   There are more places involved, and the new Confucian businessmen are not isolated. When the time comes, business setbacks will be light, and it is not impossible for even the new Confucian businessmen to be unable to survive.

This is the influence of the Oriental Association, and it is also the first time that Jiang Xiaobai used the Oriental Association to express his attitude. Of course, the specific influence has not been activated yet. .

   But there is definitely an impact, and it won’t be small, that’s for sure.

   As for those people who used to claim that they were neo-Confucian businessmen, they are a little sloppy, thinking that after they go back, they will make a statement in public and firmly draw a line from the neo-Confucian merchants.

   After lunch, everyone sat in the conference room again and began to enter the agenda of the meeting normally.

   The first thing to do is to determine several industries to be discussed at this meeting. The first is the real estate industry. This industry has completely woken up in the fourth quarter of this year, which is supported by national policies.

Years ago, many people went to the capital for a meeting. After the meeting in the capital, they went to Jiang Xiaobai to give them advice. Jiang Xiaobai didn't hide it. Now the real estate industry in the Oriental Club is very prosperous. up.

However, many people are still not at ease. Life will be better now. The house price is rising, and the land can be made to make money. It is too easy to earn this money. how to develop.

Therefore, the real estate industry is the first to discuss itself. As for whether there will be more competitors, there are so many real estate companies in the country, and there are tens of thousands of them at most, and they still care about these two competitors. ?

   Mr. Ma kept raising his hand in the corner. He asked to add an Internet project. In fact, the Internet project has a very good prospect. Many people are optimistic about the future of the Internet.

   But that is the future. It is really early in China to say the Internet. Many people think that it may take many years to have the right to speak and speak on the Internet.

   But I didn't expect that besides Teacher Ma, Guo Fansen also raised his hand to ask for the addition of Internet projects.

  Jiang Xiaobai sat in the middle and watched this scene, his eyes narrowed involuntarily, and a strange expression appeared on his face, as expected of a competitor, even at this time, he valued the prospects of the Internet.

   Guo Fansen raised his hand, and Chen Dongsheng and others who had a good relationship with Guo Fansen also spoke to save face, and finally the Internet project was also included in the scope of this discussion.

   Teacher Ma was obviously relieved when he saw this scene. He already had certain thoughts in his heart and was very firm, but he still decided to listen to everyone's thoughts.

After all, it can be said that the people sitting here are the elites of domestic private enterprises. If they agree with their own views, then they will strengthen their confidence. Of course, what he wants to know most is Jiang Xiaobai’s. idea.

  Jiang Xiaobai is also very knowledgeable about the Internet and has a very deep understanding.

  The Internet project was finalized, and Director Lu also mentioned an automobile industry, and then the others did not speak, which means that this session was basically discussed around these three projects.

   Compared with the usual five projects, it is a bit less, but these three projects, especially the real estate and automobile projects, if there is a big development, many industries around these two projects will also be full of vitality.

After the    project was confirmed, the discussion began, and the real estate industry deservedly placed it on the first one.

   In fact, everyone can see the current market situation in the real estate industry. The market situation is very good, and it is so good that people can't believe it.

   That's what makes people scary.

   "I am greedy when others are fearful, and I am fearful when others are greedy." Jiang Xiaobai started with this sentence.

"The real estate industry has certain traces of capital operation. This is a big plate. How big is it? I think this plate can carry the wealth of the people of the whole country. The economic achievements of domestic development in the future will greatly need the real estate industry to reflect. ."

   Jiang Xiaobai said that everyone was stunned. Yes, the prospects of the real estate industry are very good now. Needless to say, everyone can see it, but if you want to carry the wealth of the residents of the country as Jiang Xiaobai said, no one can believe it.

  Jiang Xiaobai didn’t care after he said it, you don’t believe it, that’s because you don’t know how high the housing prices will be in the future, and how many houses can save a listed company, who the **** would dare to believe it, but it just happened.

  Some people say that all the savings of the people who have been open for decades are in real estate, which is not true at all.

   is all reflected in the **** house price, a house is hundreds of thousands of millions, millions of millions.

   You can tell how much a person is worth by looking at where his house is. For many people, their worth is their own house, but it’s not that the wealth of people across the country has been invested in the real estate industry for decades.

   You said how big this plate is, so big that people can't imagine it, at least it's something that those in the real estate industry in China can't imagine now.

   They feel that the current real estate industry is very good, but the market will be better in the future, and the future prospects are broader and better than what they can imagine now.

  After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, others also started to speak, all optimistic about the prospects and future of the real estate industry without exception. Of course, some estimates for the future are conservative and some are bold. But for Jiang Xiaobai, it was too conservative.

   (end of this chapter)

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