Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2197: six billion

   Chapter 2197 Six Billion

  Jiang Xiaobai is optimistic about the future of the Internet, and many people are still excited, especially Jiang Xiaobai said that he wants to change all aspects of human life, and he also said that it is a cross-era product.

  3 Although everyone can't imagine how an Internet can cross the era, it does not hinder everyone's trust in Jiang Xiaobai, because Jiang Xiaobai has never failed. This is a living investment myth. Before failure, no one will question Jiang Xiaobai's vision.

Many people are already thinking about investing in the Internet industry when they go back, but they don’t understand what the Internet is. They all look at Teacher Ma with warm eyes, but they don’t understand. It doesn't matter.

   Somebody understands, isn’t Teacher Ma a ready-made candidate? Jiang Xiaobai is a ready-made example. Jiang Xiaobai has participated in many industries. Does Jiang Xiaobai understand? That's not true, sometimes it's to find a professional, sometimes it's just an investment.

   So it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand, Mr. Ma just needs to invest in him if he understands, send some money, take some shares, and if you make money, you will also have a share.

Jiang Xiaobai did not stop at this time, and continued to say: "Last year in Citi, the Nasdaq Composite Index composed of Internet companies' stocks has risen from 500 in 1991 to 2000 this year. "

  Jiang Xiaobai paused as he spoke, and his voice slowly became excited.

   "I have a hunch that with the advent of the Internet age, deregulation, globalization, privatization, and new technologies are making industrial boundaries meaningless,

The hypothetical boundaries of    competition between countries and between firms have become blurred.

  The survival frontier of any business entity appears turbulent and unpredictable. In all industries before the birth of the Internet, our domestic private enterprises have fallen behind a lot for some reasons, and it can be said that it is basically impossible to catch up with foreign enterprises. There is no possibility of "creating the unknown".

   In every manufacturing sector, we are at the end of the industry, and the fate of the world's factories, characterized by energy consumption, environmental damage, and low labor costs, was coldly set ahead of our development path from the very beginning. Only in the world of the Internet can we find the possibility of breaking boundaries and rebuilding the rules of the game, which is extremely small, but it does exist. "

  Jiang Xiaobai said that everyone in the conference room was very surprised. They knew that Jiang Xiaobai was optimistic about Internet companies, but they did not expect Jiang Xiaobai to be so optimistic about this Internet company.

The overall strength of domestic companies is not as good as that of foreign companies. This is a fact and an indisputable fact. For example, home and beverages are not bad. They compete with two cola in China, but you must know that home and beverages are local. fight.

   And the two cola of others is a global battle. It has an irrefutable advantage in the whole world. It has a huge sales volume. Home and beverages are only part of it. In the country, it can maintain its own advantages.

   And that's it, home and drinks are known as the symbols of domestic drinks, and all this is very pitiful.

"Now we have Xinlang, 163 Electronics, Sohu, Wangyi, etc., all of which are doing well. Of course, they are all news and information portals now, and almost no profit model, but this does not hinder They have a bright future.

  We, Huaqing Holding Group, are going to invest 300 million yuan every year in Internet companies from now on, either by investing or by tossing ourselves, not for making money, but for a glimmer of hope.

  We will continue for 20 years. The initial plan is to spend 6 billion RMB to invest in the Internet industry. Of course, we will increase this investment share in the future depending on the situation.

   But I can guarantee that 6 billion in 20 years, this amount will only be less and not more. "

Jiang Xiaobai's words caused a thousand waves, six billion in twenty years. This is a very long period and a very large amount, but even if you look at it separately, the investment amount of 300 million a year is also a huge number. .

   Many of the companies present may have the same annual net profit, and even some companies' net profit cannot reach this figure, yet Jiang Xiaobai was able to spend so much money to burn it.

   is not trying to make money at all.

Today, Jiang Xiaobai's statement about the Internet industry is really surprising. It's surprising enough to start using the Internet to change all aspects of human beings. In the end, he said that the Internet is the hope of domestic enterprises, which makes it even more surprising. surprised.

   In the end, he even said that it would take 20 years to spend at least 6 billion yuan in the Internet industry. That is to say, no matter whether it was successful or not, at least 6 billion yuan should be spent.

   This is real money. It is equivalent to taking out a market value when it goes public, and it is necessary to forcibly create a future in the Internet industry.

It's not empty words, but real money and silver, empty words, there may be some people who don't believe Jiang Xiaobai, but they directly took out 6 billion yuan of real money to play, and now there is no more. People have doubts.

  The eyes of everyone looking at Teacher Ma became even hotter. Everything about the Internet has to be mixed with the first hand, isn't it money? Those who are sitting are short of big money, but there is no shortage of small money. If there is more, they cannot take it out, but hundreds of millions, or even one or two billion, can be easily taken out.

   Not to mention other things, it is just to occupy a place in the next era, and some people think about doing it themselves after going back, or contacting Internet companies they are familiar with.

   After all, at this time, the most famous website in China is not Mr. Ma's, but Xinlang. This is the most famous website and news website in China. It has a 24-hour on-duty system, and its development prospects are very good.

   is ready to raise funds and go public, and some other websites are also looking for investment and opportunities.

Mr. Ma is both happy and worried at this time. The happy thing is that there will be no shortage of investment. Just what Jiang Xiaobai said, needless to say that he is a member of the Oriental Society, and his peers in other Internet companies will not be short of investment. .

   These big guys here can easily come up with hundreds of millions of dollars, not to mention Jiang Xiaobai has an investment plan of 300 million yuan.

   Worrying is that there may be more competitors in the future because of Jiang Xiaobai's remarks for no reason. After all, these people here want to have money and money.

   (end of this chapter)

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