Chapter 2223 begins

   Of course, in addition to some bookmakers, there are also people from two securities companies, one of which is not a top-ranked securities company in Magic Capital and Pengcheng.

   Another securities company is called Junan Securities. Their securities company is well-known on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The reason why they participated in this event was because of the instructions of their general manager.

  The last time they had a dispute between Junan Securities and Wanke, or when they wanted to drive Wang Shi out, Jiang Xiaobai was the key figure in it, who helped Wang Shi and let Wang Shi get through the difficulties easily.

   So this time, to deal with Jiang Xiaobai, the family and the company, the general manager of Junan Securities, Mr. Yang, specially sent someone to help, and he also let out a breath.

"Everyone, there are 15 minutes left, and we are about to start. This time the matter is very important. After all, the people to be dealt with are different, so I hope everyone must pay attention to it and strictly implement it according to our previous plan." Mr. Song took a deep breath and looked at the crowd.

   He also knew in his heart that there were so many people in this big client room, but they all had different minds and had their own purposes.

  For example, Mr. Lu is not dedicated to helping himself, he is trying to make a name for himself and also to prove himself.

   As for Junan Securities, this behemoth in the stock market may also have his own ideas. He doesn't know the specific situation.

   But no matter what, everyone got together to deal with Jiang Xiaobai, the family and the company. As long as he made money, Mr. Song didn't really care about other things.

  In the entire big client room, everyone expressed their opinions one after another, and then there was no sound, waiting for the time to come.

  Although they are sitting among the big clients, but a group of people who are usually in the stock market, they don’t mean to relax at all, and they don’t seem to be chatting and laughing in the past.

   They are obviously very nervous. After all, this time they are dealing with Jiang Xiaobai, even if their goal is not to cause any loss to the family and company from the beginning, but to make some money in the process.

   But after all, this is a home and a company. For ordinary investors, they are mysterious and high-ranking bookmakers, but for Jiang Xiaobai.

   They are no different from ordinary investors, and they are not confident enough to target Jiang Xiaobai, a high-ranking figure.

   Time passed a little bit, and when it was ten o'clock exactly, Mr. Song gave an order, and the stock prices of the homes and companies that had been hit by large orders immediately began to trade sideways.

   The stocks of the company and the company have been in a small upward trend for the past two days, but these orders were hit all at once, and they went sideways.

   Although it is said that this kind of rise is sideways, normally, it may still rise, but it may also fall after sideways.

   After all, the situation of sideways is more complicated, and the changes are not clear at all.

   "Keep smashing, keep trading, and let me suppress this stock price." Mr. Song said through gritted teeth.

The price marked by    is lower one by one, and then buy in again. With the operation of a single order, the stock price will soon start to drop slightly. The stock price has always been chasing up and down.

   When it goes up, the higher the price, the more popular it is. When it goes down, the more it goes down, the more people will sell it. This is the heart of the crowd.

  No one can avoid it. Many times, when the stock market is rising, it may rise to the daily limit for several consecutive days.

   When it falls, it may also drop directly to the limit for several days.

   The stock price here began to fall, and Mr. Da Song appropriately reduced some operations and guided more ordinary retail investors to operate and run away.

  Because ordinary investors don’t know the operation of these dealers at all, when it goes up, they can’t wait to take out all their money to buy a stock, and they always feel that it will keep going up.

   As a result, the dealer ran away at some point, leaving the ordinary investors firmly trapped inside.

   And when a stock fell, the investors ran away one after another, for fear that they would be trapped. As a result, when the ordinary investors had almost run away, the dealers began to hunt for the bottom.

   Ordinary investors are like leeks, they cut one crop after another, and they all contribute to the banker.

   Mr. Song saw that it was almost done, and the arranger began to carry a stack of newspapers and began to promote it in the Shanghai Stock Exchange and various securities companies.

  Home and company have always been the concern of many people, and the stock price of home and company has always been very strong and strong.

   As the only listed company on the Shanghai Stock Exchange among Huaqing Holding Group, it has received a lot of attention.

   So as soon as the news of the home and company came out, it attracted the attention of many people.

Smart people are unmoved, and the stocks of homes and companies are falsified. If this news is true, it should be reported by the Metropolis Daily or the Economic Weekly, not a company that can only be regarded as second-rate or even third-rate in Modu. Newspapers report it.

   What's more, this matter, even if it is true, can't shake the family and the company, because behind the family and the company is the Huaqing Holding Group.

   So some people are going to wait and see. Of course, most people don’t care about this. The news about this company and the company has spread and spread all over the sky.

   In this world, there are always fewer smart people and more stupid people, so after the news spread, many people immediately sold their stocks.

   Mr. Song fell silent here, although Jiang Xiaobai couldn't have known about such a big movement.

   But he wanted to hide his traces as much as possible. Even if he couldn't hide it completely, it would be good to at least delay it for a while.

And he also has to wait for Jiang Xiaobai's actions. Playing cards doesn't mean playing the cards in his hand all at once. At least he has to wait for a while, see the opponent's cards, see what cards the other party plays, and then Only then can you take the next step in a targeted manner, after all, there are not many cards in your hand.

   is more targeted and calculated to proceed to the next step, and you cannot play all the cards in your hand at once.

   Of course, what he didn't know was that Jiang Xiaobai had guessed his whereabouts the moment he saw the newspaper. So his attempt to hide his tracks seemed so ridiculous.

   How many years has he been in the mall, and how long has Jiang Xiaobai been in the mall and how many things have he experienced?

   The two sides are not at the same level at all, so President Song has no idea what Jiang Xiaobai is thinking.

   (end of this chapter)

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