Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2246: stupid and unfaithful

   Chapter 2246 Stupid and not loyal

   Jiang Xiaobai's voice was not loud, but it was deafening to everyone's ears.

   Yes, if this is to sell the stock in your hand, let’s not say what impact it will have on the company. The key is that they are the people who know the company best and know whether something has happened to the company.

   The company followed the others outside and sold the stock in their hands before there was an accident. Isn’t this an idiot?

   "People outside don't understand it. I can understand that listening to a small newspaper's remarks is affected. After all, people don't know our company and think that our company may really have the possibility of financial fraud.

   But you people, either the top management of the company or the middle-level leading cadres, don't you understand? "

  Jiang Xiaobai's eyes swept across the crowd one by one, and many people lowered their heads, and they had no way to refute Jiang Xiaobai's words.

  Many people are very guilty. That’s right, only two of the top executives sold their stocks, but there are more middle-level leaders. The only difference is that the high-level side is allotted by the company.

   So it can be found out, but the middle-level side of the company is all the stocks bought by themselves, whether they are sold or not, only they know if they lose or not, and they can break their teeth and swallow them in their stomachs.

   It's good to be able to break the teeth and swallow them in the stomach. For example, two high-level executives can't swallow them if they want to break their teeth. Jiang Xiaobai slammed their mouths abruptly and asked them to show their teeth.

   See if the pieces are finished, if not, break a few more.

   At this time, many people regretted death in their hearts and secretly scolded themselves for being stupid. I just thought that the company's stock was going to die, so hurry up and run away, don't get stuck.

   Now it’s really a huge loss, and I have to be scolded by others.

   "I can allow you to be unsmart, you can be loyal; I can also allow you to be disloyal, you can be a little smart and create value for the company, but I can't allow you to be unsmart and unfaithful.

   What does Lao Tzu want you for? This is the first and last time, and the next time I'm going to get out of here, my brain is not good. "

   After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, he got up and left, Chu Beiping chased Jiang Xiaobai out of the conference room, Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand and got in the car and left.

  Beijing returned to the conference room at the beginning of the year, and a group of people in the conference room couldn't react at this time.

   Not only suffered heavy losses, but also was scolded by Jiang Xiaobai with a **** spray, and gave an ultimatum, if it doesn't work, he will get out.

   No one can be happy about this.

  At the beginning, Beiping wanted to comfort him, but he couldn't get any interest in looking at this group of people. It was because his mind was not good.

"Jiang Dong's words, I hope everyone can keep it in mind. Let me say one thing, that is, keep a clear head at all times, think more when looking at problems, just like Jiang Dong said, don't be a stupid person... …”

   Chu Peiping's few words made some people's heads go deeper. Although Chu Peiping did not name and criticize, but he knew who to criticize.

   The two high-level executives have already felt chills in their hearts. From now on, they will be messed up in the company. As for what kind of development, they don’t dare to think about it. If they can keep their current position, it will be good.

   But now it seems that it is difficult to keep the current position.

Just a few years ago, the Shanghai Stock Exchange suddenly became active. The matter of the dealers lining up to go to the rooftop spread from the magic capital to Pengcheng. For a while, even the dealers in Pengcheng also converged. Years ago, they disappeared completely. .

The stocks of   's home and company have been rising every day for a week in a row, abruptly rising by dozens of dollars, and at this time, the annual meeting of Huaqing Holding Group was also held as scheduled.

   However, the people at the headquarters were not too lively. They held a year-end summary meeting, and then looked forward to the future according to the plans for the new year handed in by various subsidiaries.

Finally, we had a meal at Jianhua Hotel. On the 26th day of the twelfth lunar month, Jiang Xiaobai's family boarded the plane to Longcheng, and after having a meal with his family in Longcheng, we will go tomorrow on the 27th of the twelfth lunar month. Chinese New Year in Jianhua Village.

  Yin Xiaojun is already married. He took Zhang Jingwen and the two back to the capital to see his father-in-law and mother-in-law, and then went to Jianhua Village to celebrate the New Year.

  When the plane of Jiang Xiaobai's family landed in Longcheng, the elder brother Jiang Zijun drove to pick up Jiang Xiaobai's.

Jiang Zijian also came here. During the past year, the newly opened supermarket was doing well. Several brothers and sisters in the family changed cars. Jiang Zijun drove an Audi with four laps, and the others also came from Huang Dafa and so on. The van was replaced by a Santana.

  Santana is now considered a luxury car in Longcheng, not to mention Audi. Jiang Zijun was wearing a suit and a black down jacket, and he was more mature and stable.

   In fact, they have several brothers and sisters, not to mention their limited ability, but they are not strong enough. Now Jiang Xiaobai is helping them to open a restaurant and a supermarket.

   Although it is said to make money, but it is also hard work, the figure is also a little out of shape, and it is even more fat.

   "Thirdest, everyone is already waiting in the hotel, can we go directly? Or should we go home and rest?" Jiang Zijun asked while driving.

   "Let's go directly to the restaurant, I'm really hungry, and I haven't seen you for a long time, just in time for everyone to chat." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

   "Okay, have a good drink or two in a while, I'll wait for you to come back." Jiang Zijun said with a smile.

   Now Jiang Zijun is more and more like a big brother. He takes great care of his brothers and sisters. Jiang Xiaobai can also hear this when he is on the phone with his brothers and sisters.

  When brothers and sisters mentioned the elder brother Jiang Zijun, they respected him a little more. This is not the time when Jiang Zijun was bossy at home and pointed out the lives of his brothers and sisters at home.

   At that time, everyone was very disgusted with eldest brother, but now it is different. I know that I care about my brothers and sisters.

   The same is true between brothers and sisters in a family. If you take the lead as the eldest brother, the relationship between the brothers and sisters will become better and better, but the eldest brother does not act like the eldest brother, and feels that he is the eldest brother who eats more and takes more.

   Then no one will obey you.

  Jiang Langlang still has a memory of Longcheng. He shouted and yelled along the way, but Jiang Xin had no memory and seemed very unfamiliar.

   (end of this chapter)

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