Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2256: worthy of such treatment

   Chapter 2256 Worth such treatment

In fact, it is not only that Jiang Xiaobai now does not need to be concerned about the leaders of the township. In those years, Jiang Xiaobai dealt with the leaders of the county. Later, he went to Longcheng, and went to the magic capital. The higher you come, you don't need to worry about anyone at all.

   As long as Jiang Xiaobai didn't make mistakes, no one can do anything to Jiang Xiaobai casually. The world has rules.

   Not to mention a township leader, just like a few days ago, Jiang Xiaobai and Gu Jun talked very casually, and there was no extra politeness.

   But today Jiang Xiaobai personally made tea for Gu Jun and invited Gu Jun to drink in the evening.

  This treatment, to be honest, even He Lianghua is very envious.

   Of course, he was more shocked and puzzled. He didn't understand why Jiang Xiaobai treated Gu Jun so well.

  Gu Jun was also a little stunned at this time, and the whole person was flattered.

   "Jiang Dong, I'll do it myself, I'll do it myself..." Gu Jun saw that Jiang Xiaobai was going to pour tea for himself, so he quickly reached out and said.

  Jiang Xiaobai smiled: "It's okay, I'll give it to you. It's been hard for the past two days. It is a blessing for these more than ten natural villages to meet a leader like you."

   "Hey, what a blessing I am, I have no money, and I have no ability, this is not Jiang Dong's generosity, willing..." Gu Jun shook his head again and again.

  Jiang Xiaobai didn't argue with Gu Jun about this. After Gu Jun drank the tea, Jiang Xiaobai said slowly, "If I guessed correctly, the relocation plan I mentioned, are you ready to try it?"

   Gu Jun was stunned again, and asked in confusion, "Dong Jiang, how did you know?"

   "Looking at you like this, I guess you don't know if you've been at home in your 30s. You've been busy with yourself like this. Is there anything you can't do?" Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

  Gu Jun was silent for a moment, Jiang Xiaobai continued: "There is nothing that can't be done in this world, it depends on whether you are willing to work hard or not. As long as you put in enough effort, there is nothing you can't do."

Gu Jun was silent for a long time before nodding his head. Jiang Xiaobai didn't say much, but just a few words benefited Gu Jun a lot. When Gu Jun left from Shangma Township many years later, all the people of Shangma Township went to the street. Farewell, it was raining, but the people gave Gu Jun their umbrellas.

   Sending each other off for ten miles, Gu Jun at that meeting once again remembered what Jiang Xiaobai said this afternoon.

   Of course, at this time, Jiang Xiaobai didn't know that his words had changed a person, and Gu Jun didn't know either. At this time, he was thinking about relocating eleven natural villages, and he had to do it.

   "Yes, Jiang Dong, during this time, I took the township staff to these eleven natural villages, and re-counted the statistics. I visited door-to-door, and it was true that I did not spend the New Year's Eve at home.

   It was in one of the poorest villages among these eleven natures, and lived with a poor family.

I was very poor, and I couldn’t bear to light a kerosene lamp. The New Year’s Eve dinner was just a few steamed buns with white noodles. The children in the family were very small. They looked at the stars in the sky and asked me what electricity was. Jin, even if they are thrown on the hillside in the natural village, they will all be relocated.

  I want to make their lives better, I, Gu Jun, will do this thing even if I don’t do anything in my life, as long as it makes them rich…”

   Gu Jun's dark face flashed an inexplicable light in his eyes, which made Jiang Xiaobai a little moved. He saw the former Jianhua Village.

The same is true for Li Laosan and He Lianghua. They also remembered the original Jianhua Village and the educated youth cannery. At that time, Jiang Xiaobai took them with them, and with one breath, forced Jianhua Village to come to this day. .

   Everyone can eat and wear warm clothes, live in brick houses, let their children go to school, support the old, and let everyone live a good life.

Gu Jun was still talking, Jiang Xiaobai listened attentively and did not interrupt Gu Jun once. He Lianghua and Teacher Li were no longer envious of Gu Jun at this time. They understood why Jiang Xiaobai treated Gu Jun so highly. .

   That's because Gu Jun deserves Jiang Xiaobai to do this.

   In the evening, Jiang Xiaobai invited Gu Jun to drink, and He Lianghua and Li Laosan kept toasting Gu Jun.

  When people shine, they may not feel it themselves, but they will infect the people around them.

   "Gu Jun, I'll be leaving tomorrow. I'm going on a business trip abroad. I still need to go to Yaohan's acquisition over there." Jiang Xiaobai said after drinking.

   Today is the sixth day of the first lunar month, and tomorrow will be the seventh day of the first lunar month. Wang Chao and Wang Meng have already left for the company. That is to say, Jiang Xiaobai felt that Zhang Weiyi was at the headquarters to be able to delay until now.

   For the acquisition over Yaohan, Jiang Xiaobai still needs to go there. He made an appointment with Wang Chao, and the two of them went there together.

   This Song Xin has called several times, urging Jiang Xiaobai to go.

   Now that the year is almost over, I definitely can’t continue to be idle.

"But I'm sure about this matter of yours. If you need any help from me, feel free to speak up. He Lianghua and Mr. Li are all in Jianhua Village. You can just come to them directly. If they can't solve it, you can contact me directly. This is my phone."

   Jiang Xiaobai said, and took out a personal business card from his pocket with his personal phone on it.

   "Including the reaction in the city, I can help you, do you know that Zheng Qingyun who went out from the county?"

   Jiang Xiaobai asked with a smile.

  Gu Jun's eyes lit up: "Secretary-General Zheng, I know, I know."

   This is the leader of Zhangxuan County who went out, and now he has the highest status and is well-connected in the city and in Jin Province.

   "Well, that's right, it's him. I'll leave you a phone number for him later. If you need anything, you can also call him." Jiang Xiaobai said.

   For the relocation of eleven natural villages, it took a lot of effort for Gu Jun to persuade other leaders in the township to agree, because many leaders were unwilling to take on this responsibility.

   But this plan still needs to be reported to the county and the city for approval. It is unclear how much resistance there will be.

  Gu Jun is a small leader in Shangma Township, and he may not be able to withstand many opposing forces.

  Gu Jun of course understood what Jiang Xiaobai meant by saying this, his eyes were bright, and he kept nodding his thanks to Jiang Xiaobai.

   "Don't thank me, I will come back when all the villages are relocated." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

   "Jiang Dong, I'll let you know when the time comes."

   "Okay, I'll wait." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

   (end of this chapter)

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