Chapter 2280 Regret

   Although Li Longquan had a lot of contact with Jiang Xiaobai at that time, Li Siqi never liked to deal with friends outside the school like Jiang Xiaobai.

   always wanted to let Jiang Xiaobai get rid of these things, and went to school with him in Beijing, or said to study abroad.

   Actually, at that time, Li Siqi's idea was not necessarily wrong, because everyone thought that way at that time.

   Being a self-employed person is looked down upon, even if you earn hundreds of thousands of dollars a month, it is not as decent as a state-owned enterprise earning 180 yuan a month, because the name of the state-owned factory is "Tie".

   Whether to do business or speculate, a college student with a bright future, going into business seems unimaginable at all.

   At that time, Li Siqiang thought that Jiang Xiaobai should go to school well and don't do those messy things outside. As for supporting Jiang Xiaobai when he was in Jianhua Village, that was because he would not be able to live without doing business, and people would starve to death.

   Therefore, Li Siqi at that time didn't like to contact Li Longquan and the group of people who were doing business around Jiang Xiaobai, that is, he met Li Longquan several times.

   Jianhua Hotel arrived soon. Li Siqi was a little stunned when she saw the words of Jianhua Hotel. She also knew the origin of the name of Jianhua Hotel, Huaqing Holding Group.

  Jianhua, educated youth, the last two words, every time I think of Jianhua Village, Li Siqi always feels that this memory is very far away, and it is too far to be remembered.

   "Let's go, the chef I hired from Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang cuisine is very good, you can try it." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

Li Siqi nodded, and the two walked into the restaurant. The news of Jiang Xiaobai's arrival had been notified in advance. The private room was reserved here. After the two sat down in the private room, they didn't need to order food. What does Jiang Xiaobai like to eat? The restaurant is here. The edges are clear.

   "How are you all these years?" Li Siqi asked this vulgar statement. In fact, Jiang Xiaobai is good or not. She knows very well that there is a lot of news about Jiang Xiaobai in newspapers and media.

   But sitting here, I don't know what to say to Jiang Xiaobai. It was a whim to eat with Jiang Xiaobai.

   Even she couldn't figure out why she wanted to eat with Jiang Xiaobai.

  After all, the two of them don't even have a topic to chat with now.

   "Very good, how about you?" Jiang Xiaobai nodded and asked.

   "It's pretty good too, by the way, how is the health of the uncles and aunts at home?" Li Siqi asked.

  Jiang Xiaobai's mood was a little down: "Mother died from bad health a few years ago, and father's health is also very bad..."

  Li Siqi looked at Jiang Xiaobai and wanted to comfort Jiang Xiaobai, but she didn't say anything, just reached out and patted Jiang Xiaobai's arm.

   "It's okay, what about your family, how are Uncle Li and the others? And your little brother?" Jiang Xiaobai was not too emotional, but he still asked.

   Since breaking up with Li Siqi, Jiang Xiaobai has not been to Li's house again. As for what to say about breaking up with the other party, and taking care of the other party's parents as his own, Jiang Xiaobai never had such an idea.

   Mainly at the beginning, there was not much contact with Li Siqi’s family in the capital, especially after Li Siqi’s family moved from the hutong to the family home.

  Li Siqi's father just came back from outside and hadn't resumed work. Li Siqi's family was very grateful to him. Although he didn't need it, it was also a virtue to show gratitude.

   When Li Siqi went back from Jianhua Village, Jiang Xiaobai gave Li Siqi a lot of money, so that Li Siqi could carry things and find some original networking activities.

  Although the money may not seem like much now, it was a huge sum of money for both Li Siqi and Jiang Xiaobai at the time.

   And after Li Siqi's father resumed work, the Li family looked down on Jiang Xiaobai a little bit. Jiang Xiaobai understood it in his heart, so he didn't deal with it very much, and he didn't care much about it.

   Anyway, I want to live with Li Siqi in the end, not with the Li family, but I didn't expect to break up with Li Siqi later, so Jiang Xiaobai no longer needs to communicate with the Li family.

   "It's all good." Li Siqi nodded.

   The two chatted with each other and didn't talk about business matters. If it was purely business-related, the two were still competitors.

   talked about some things about Jianhua Village. Seeing that Li Siqi was very interested, Jiang Xiaobai told Li Siqi about the changes in Jianhua Village over the years.

  Li Siqi was stunned when she heard it. She didn't expect that Jianhua Village had changed so much now.

   "You can go back and have a look when you have time." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

  Li Siqi nodded, but it was uncertain when she had time. After all, her feelings for Jianhua Village were not as deep as Jiang Xiaobai's. The memories of Jianhua Village left her with nothing good except for Jiang Xiaobai.

   After all, Jianhua Village couldn't get enough to eat at that time, and these educated youths were hungry and full, so they could have some good memories.

   "By the way, you spoke very well at the meeting today." Li Siqi looked at Jiang Xiaobai and said.

   "Really? Don't you think I'm exaggerating?" Jiang Xiaobai asked with a smile.

Li Sichang was stunned for a moment, then nodded honestly: "It is true that the domestic economy is developing very well, and it is unexpectedly fast. Maybe your original choice was correct, but the country wants a short period of a few decades. can chase after the state of the state,

   is still too far away, you have also been abroad and you know some things abroad..."

   "Yes, I know the current situation abroad, but I know more about the speed of development in China. You and I can feel this speed..." Jiang Xiaobai said and paused.

   smiled and shook his head: "Okay, let's not talk about this, time will prove everything right, we are still young, we will see that day."

  Li Siqi shook his head with a wry smile: "That's because you men are young, I'm in my thirties and almost forty this year, and in twenty years I'll be in my fifties.

   Men in their fifties can be said to be in their prime, but what about women in their fifties..."

  Li Siqi stared straight at Jiang Xiaobai, and there was an indescribable loneliness in her eyes. To be honest, Li Siqi felt extremely regretful at this moment.

   I regret that I wanted to go abroad at the beginning, and even more regret that when I went abroad, I said so absolutely to Jiang Xiaobai and broke up with Jiang Xiaobai. Otherwise, it might not be like this now.

   (end of this chapter)

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