Chapter 2283 Ends

  Two discussions on the Internet, one on e-commerce, and one on the world in the Internet, everyone listened very carefully and excitedly.

  Many people are full of scumbags, the Internet is so stubborn, and the e-commerce is so brilliant.

   It turns out that the Internet industry is so promising, it’s really awesome, it’s amazing.

   But what about the emotion? What should I do when I go back, because everyone does not understand the essence of the Internet.

   After listening to this, many people forget about it when they go back to sleep that night, thinking in their hearts that even if the Internet can really change the world in the future, it will be a matter of the future. When will the future be? Tomorrow is also called the future.

   But thirty years, fifty years later is also the future. Who can say for sure? For most people, the Internet is still something that is out of reach.

   After all, TV sets were not popular at this time, and mobile phone pagers and the like were even more wealthy, and only business people could use them.

   Go out and put the big brother on the table, and others will know that this is the big boss, even the mobile phone, not to mention the Internet that needs to rely on the computer.

  Although the price of computers is really not as expensive as that of mobile phones at this time, the two are completely different in terms of practicality.

   Because mobile phones are more practical than computers, you can do without a computer, but you can’t live without a mobile phone.

   This is also one of the reasons for the rapid development of the mobile terminal in the future. It is not a problem to rely on the computer terminal to make the Internet an outlet.

   But if you want to rely on PC to realize e-commerce, how should I say, it is somewhat overestimated.

   The symbol of the rise of e-commerce in the previous life was Mr. Ma’s treasure. There was a big breakthrough in the sales of Double Eleven, and that year was also the year of the breakthrough of smartphones. The two sides complemented each other.

And at this time, even the eldest brother is still something that the rich can afford, and there is still a distance of 108,000 miles from the smartphone. What are you talking about e-commerce at this time, and how the Internet will change the whole industry.

   Even if you listen to these words, even if you believe them, you will feel that there is still a long way to go. This is a sure thing.

   So it is not too surprising that many people put this matter aside after listening to it.

   Of course, there will also be some. After listening to it, I feel that this matter can be manipulated. The future of the Internet is indeed very important. I want to do something, but when it comes to actual operation, everyone will find out.

   It is also very difficult to combine the Internet with your own business. It is not that there is no idea, but the most important thing is the limitations of the times and the immaturity of the market.

   So many things are not only accidental, but inevitable.

There are more than 200 domestic enterprises present, who participated in this annual wealth meeting. You said that they can achieve this in the industry. In China, it can be said that they are among the top 200 domestic enterprises, or at the very least. is a representative company.

   There are all fools here, isn't there a wise man?

   And at the Fortune Annual Conference, the Internet was mentioned twice. Who can't see the importance of the Internet, but the market is immature. Even the professional Internet users are stumbling and stumbling, and they don't know where the way forward is.

  In front of Zhongguancun, there are still hundreds of meters of advertising signs on the information highway. It has not been removed at this time. It was the first Internet company in China. It was very impressive, but it was stillborn at this time.

You expect other unprofessional people to challenge the situation where the Internet market is not yet mature. The most challenging thing is to integrate your own real economy and Internet online and offline, which is basically impossible. done things.

   Therefore, for the domestic participants, several topics on the Internet are basically just listening to a loneliness, which is of no use.

  29th, the last meeting in the afternoon of the last day was the plenary meeting, the speech by the chairman of General Motors, and the specially invited former senior officials of Citi, which drew a successful conclusion to this annual wealth meeting.

  The last is the closing ceremony.

   The three-day event is over, but although the annual meeting of wealth is over, the influence of this annual meeting of wealth is still spreading to other places.

  For example, the content of Jiang Xiaobai's speech, such as the speeches of some of the world's top 500 giants, this time, the integration with the world is more important to many domestic enterprises.

   Some of these classic words have also been circulated as famous aphorisms, such as Jiang Xiaobai’s three-step journey abroad.

   For example, Jiang Xiaobai’s words broke through with points and faces.

   For Jiang Xiaobai, after this conference, what interests him most is that the dinner hosted by Jin Jiang Group is really good.

  The name of the banquet menu is carefully conceived, which can be regarded as a profound artistic conception and full of wit. The fragrance of Xiao Temple, the double dragon in the sky, the purple air coming from the sky, the more than one year in the Huifu, the fortune in the garden and the spring, the accumulation of pearls and greenery in the rich years, and the bow and celebration.

The names    came up one by one, obviously it was a normal dish, and abruptly gave a name that made people scratch their heads.

  For example, the legend of Xiao Sixiang is the Buddha jumping over the wall, and the rich season of Jizhucui is sago. Jiang Xiaobai thought that the tomatoes sprinkled with white sugar in later generations are called volcanoes covered snow, which may have started from this banquet.

   From now on, everyone no longer studies the dishes, but studies the names of the dishes. One dish name is more strange than the other, which makes people puzzled.

After the annual meeting of    Fortune was over, Jiang Xiaobai, as the host, invited Director Lu and others over for dinner that night.

Of course, the most discussed thing at the dinner party is the annual wealth meeting. This annual meeting of wealth is useful to domestic companies. It must be useful. How can it be useless to guide the future development of the economy.

   At least there is some stimulation, but if you want to say how big the effect is, it is not very obvious. Of course, it also improves the vision of domestic enterprises.

   Of course, the trend of the world's top 500 time schedules was once again set off in China.

   Jiang Xiaobai is speechless, but for many companies, having a goal is always better than no goal.

   After all, there is a goal, where the qualifications for the world's top 500 are placed every year. After setting a goal, you will know where to work hard and how far you are. It's a bit like Qingbei's score line.

   (end of this chapter)

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