Chapter 2291 Ideas

  Jiang Xiaobai stayed at the headquarters for three days, mainly focusing on the reorganization of Yaohan Company and making some arrangements.

   First of all, after the reorganization, the problem of domestic supermarkets and department stores.

"The five companies in Xiangjiang can be appropriately reduced. Let's reduce one branch. The remaining four, the three branches of the magic city are all retained. Since the Fortune Annual Conference, the magic city has returned to one of the important cities in the world economy. , the future development will definitely get better and better..."

  Jiang Xiaobai was sitting in the conference room, holding a meeting for Zhang Weiyi and other members of the domestic acquisition team, arranging reorganization matters.

  The domestic stores and the preparations for reopening are left to China to do. With so many store inspections abroad, Jiang Xiaobai, Wang Chao and Song Xin are too busy.

   "The inspection of this domestic store will be handed over to you, Mr. Zhang, this is your responsibility. If you have time, go out and inspect the store to determine which stores to keep and which ones to withdraw. Talk to the staff to appease them.

   Those who can stay stay as much as possible, but if they really can't stay, they will also be paid three months' salary, which is considered severance. "

  Jiang Xiaobai reminded that Yaohan has a lot of stores in China. In addition to Xiangjiang and Moyou, there are also branches in many places in the south. There are probably more than 20 stores.

   There must be trade-offs. In the past, Yaohan’s stores were considered department stores, including supermarkets.

   But if the supermarket of Huaqing Holding Group reopens, it will definitely not open directly on the original basis, and the work of increasing or decreasing is certain.

   "Okay, Jiang Dong, when will this work be completed?" Zhang Weiyi asked.

  Jiang Xiaobai pondered for a while: "It's October now, it's probably November, is there any problem in a month?"

   "No problem, what about the decoration plan? Is it still in the original style?" Zhang Weiyi asked.

   "Well, the name, including the decoration style, and the management model, etc., we still use the original Yaohan model for the time being. The collapse of Yaohan is mainly due to family-style management and Wada Ichiro's greed for success.

   As for Yaohan's model, there is no problem, but I have an idea, and that is to make it more specific. "Jiang Xiaobai said.

   Zhang Weiyi's eyes lit up, looked at Jiang Xiaobai and asked, "Jiang Dong, tell me in detail."

"In the past, Yaohan was mainly engaged in department stores. In shopping malls and supermarkets, there were some department stores. They were well-done and well-known. Of course, they weren't big things, just some bits and pieces of daily necessities. .

But for this part, I'm going to take it out and make a brand for him, put it on the edge of the supermarket, in the best store, take the delicate route, the petty bourgeoisie route, from childhood to scalp, issuing cards, big to cups and pillows, These things are doing well, let's take it out separately and make a small brand.

  Put it on the edge of the supermarket, it’s a little high-end and more refined, but the price is a little bit cheaper…”

  Jiang Xiaobai said, and wrote the four words "unblemished prints" on the notebook.

"It's this unscrupulous print. You can refer to this company. This is a fairly good company that I found when I inspected Yamato. Of course, this company has a special historical period. "

  Jiang Xiaobai said, at that time it was a period of Yamato economic crisis, and the market demand was for things with high quality, but still cheap, and unscrupulous prints appeared in this special period.

   There is no brand of good goods, this is the meaning of the name of the unqualified printed product, but later, the name itself is a brand, a brand without a brand, but it still does a good job.

"But our company doesn't need this. With the support of Yaohan Supermarket, we can build this brand even in a special period. Go back and collect some information on this unscrupulous print, study it, and come up with a plan. Come and show me."

  Jiang Xiaobai's meaning is obvious, that is plagiarism. This unscrupulous print was still very popular in China in his previous life. It can even be said that it is the best in China. Chinese people are really willing to pay for these brands.

   As for the moral pressure, this is a business market, interests are the first, and it is not plagiarism from your own country. Other countries have good business ideas, take it over and use it yourself, can this still be called plagiarism?

   This is really a reference. As long as the name is different, it cannot be called plagiarism, but the style, business ideas, and strategic direction are the same.

   Zhang Weiyi and others did not care about this matter. A foreign brand has done a good job. It is normal to use it for reference in China. It is just learning.

  Things like this happen every day in every corner of the world. Not only Huaqing Holding Group, but also state-owned enterprises and foreign capital cooperation, also have the purpose of learning, but sometimes the learning is successful.

   Then you can get rid of foreign capital and do it yourself, but many times it is unsuccessful, and it is just wiped out by foreign capital.

  The market is just a process where big fish eat small fish and small fish eat shrimp.

   "Okay Jiang Dong, we will study this matter, but it is estimated that such a store will not be able to catch up in a month." Zhang Weiyi said with some worry.

   It is really difficult to create a brand in one month and make it into a boutique.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "It's not a month, it's three and a half months. We can wait until it opens before the millennium. What we have decided for now is to think that before the millennium, Yaohan Supermarket will be able to reopen in more than 40 supermarkets around the world. countries and regions to open.”

   "There is definitely no problem for three and a half months." Zhang Weiyi said with a sigh of relief.

  Three and a half months is more than enough, and there is absolutely no problem for the current Huaqing Holding Group.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said: "Don't worry, I haven't finished yet? In three and a half months, not only these things, but also I plan to increase the number of stores in Yaohan Supermarket nationwide. Now Yaohan Supermarket The stores in China are mainly concentrated in Modu and several surrounding cities.

This can’t be done. Since Yaohan has accepted it, we should spread the stall. Yaohan’s successful experience is in, not to mention showing off its strength in the national market, at least in the southern market to spread the stall and occupy certain market share. "

   (end of this chapter)

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