Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2310: Corporate Bank

   Chapter 2310 Corporate Banks

   "Corporate Bank?"

   "Yes." Jiang Xiaobai nodded affirmatively.

  Liu Qing and others were very surprised. They had to say that Jiang Xiaobai really had a solution. This just overruled their opinion and gave them another solution in the blink of an eye.

   There is a difference between a corporate bank and a branch, and the biggest difference is two points.

   In fact, this is mainly aimed at foreign banks entering the country.

  A corporate bank is equivalent to re-registering a bank in China. The legal person is a Chinese national, and the registration place is also in the country. It is completely regulated by domestic laws and regulated by domestic financial regulators.

  The branches of foreign banks are not regulated by domestic laws or by domestic financial regulators when they enter the country.

   This is the first, and the second is that the legal person bank bears limited liability according to its registered capital. If it goes bankrupt due to poor management, it only bears limited liability and has nothing to do with the head office.

   But in the case of a branch, the head office is also responsible.

  For example, if Huahua Bank registers a corporate bank in China with a registered capital of one billion US dollars, then if it fails to manage the one billion dollars and goes bankrupt, no matter how much it owes, it is the legal entity bank.

   has nothing to do with foreign flower banks, and foreign flower banks do not assume any responsibility.

   However, if it is a branch in China, if it is not well managed and goes bankrupt, the head office of Huahua Bank abroad is also responsible.

   So this corporate bank can also be said to be a double-edged sword.

   Now, Liu Qing and others are a little embarrassed again, and need to discuss it again. After Jiang Xiaobai perfected the idea of ​​a corporate bank, he got up and left with Mr. Huang, giving them enough time to study this matter.

  Talking about this kind of thing is like this. It is impossible to settle it in one fell swoop. There is still time to negotiate. Jiang Xiaobai doesn't expect to be able to discuss the matter of Huahua Bank's entry into the country this time in Beijing.

   Even the next time you come to the capital, the next time you come to the capital to deal with this matter, it is not bad to be able to negotiate.

   This time I came to the capital, mainly to have a general direction. If the legal person bank can go through the road, and if the above allows it, then Jiang Xiaobai is also going to expand the scope.

  The Oriental Club is a private gathering. How can we say that it is a gathering of like-minded people to discuss, but there needs to be a project that can connect these companies together, not to mention integration.

   However, it is necessary to further strengthen the connection between everyone, and if Huahua Bank follows the path of a corporate bank, then in Jiang Xiaobai's view, this corporate bank of Huahua Bank is such a project.

  Jiang Xiaobai believes that as long as the wind is released, there will be people in the Oriental Association who are interested in this project.

   This is a bank, nothing else. Chinese people have a special culture and situation about houses, and the same is true for banks.

   Jiang Xiaobai left here, and Jiang Xiaobai reported the matter of the corporate bank, which also sparked some discussions.

   For the idea of ​​a corporate bank, many people are still very optimistic. This is not only about the fact that Huahua Bank can do this, and even foreign banks that want to enter the country in the future can do so.

However, doing this is not without any risks. This is a double-edged sword. If the branch is not supervised, the head office will also bear joint and several liability. It is not afraid to pat the buttocks and leave after an accident. leaving a mess.

   But if it is a corporate bank, although it is regulated, there is such a possibility.

   is really hard to choose, but since the discussion has started, it means that the plan of Jiang Xiaobai Corporate Bank is still supported by a considerable number of people.

In particular, although this foreign-funded bank is said to be a foreign-funded bank, it is actually in the hands of Jiang Xiaobai. This other foreign-funded bank might run away and leave a mess if something goes wrong, but Jiang Xiaobai and Huaqing Holding Group are there, how can they run away? what.

   So Jiang Xiaobai was notified soon, this matter can be discussed, although the French bank is applicable to all foreign capital entering the country, and it can be regarded as a general approach, there is no way to determine this matter.

   After all, this is equivalent to a double-edged sword. If you don’t dance well, you may hurt yourself.

   But the matter of this corporate bank is definitely not a problem for Huahua Bank. After all, although this Huahua Bank is also a foreign-funded bank, this foreign-funded bank is somewhat special, and this method can be considered to solve it.

   After Jiang Xiaobai was notified, he sat in the conference room for the third time. This time, the regulatory authorities made a request. First, the state-owned funds wanted to occupy part of the shares.

   It is impossible for the corporate bank to let Jiang Xiaobai occupy so many shares by himself, and the state is not involved at all.

   Jiang Xiaobai had expected this in his heart. In fact, the matter of the corporate bank can be regarded as a trick by Jiang Xiaobai, which is equivalent to having a bank quota.

   Although it is said to be a corporate bank, it is equivalent to getting a qualification to open a private bank in China.

   If you think about how much effort Minsheng Bank took to get this qualification, you can see how difficult it is to have a private bank in China, and the state also wants to take a part of the stake in it.

   However, Jiang Xiaobai did not agree at the first time, but began to negotiate the conditions. Jiang Xiaobai knew that it was certain that the state would occupy the shares, but it was a question of how much.

   If the promise was too happy at the beginning, the shares in the back would be given a lot.

   And Jiang Xiaobai suggested that since this is the case, it is not only the business of operating the RMB, but also other businesses. The normal domestic business for banks, Huahua Bank must operate, and there can be no restrictions.

   Mr. Huang handed over the plan he prepared, and the next step is to negotiate with each other. There must be differences, and it is very big, which requires a little discussion.

Of course, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't stay in the capital for so long. After the legal person bank was settled, Jiang Xiaobai set off directly from the capital to the east longitude. The Yaohan supermarket was going to reopen before the end of the year. This is related to Hundreds of stores in more than 40 countries and regions around the world.

   As for the matter of the Flower Bank, we can discuss it in detail at this session of the Oriental Conference. Anyway, this is not something that can be settled in a short time.

  Jiang Xiaobai estimates that it will be settled by the end of the millennium, that is, at the end of next year, which is very fast.

   (end of this chapter)

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