Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2315: lucky person

   Chapter 2315 Lucky people

  UFO, alien civilization, Liu Jian thinks about it now and doesn't know how he believed Jiang Xiaobai's nonsense at that time, Jiang Xiaobai had seen UFO, a mysterious phone call came in, and a few specious words, he actually believed Jiang Xiaobai.

   Thinking about it now, if someone fooled him like this, he could slap him in the face, talk nonsense, and fool people. Who would believe this, it looks like a joke now.

But for me at the time, that was the discovery of the new world. I was so innocent back then, no, I couldn't say that. The people at that time were pure, not as ghostly as Jiang Xiaobai. Everyone was like this. Excessive, but I really believe in qigong, UFO, these unscientific things.

   ran from the capital to Jianhua Village. Thinking of this, Liu Jian's mouth evoked a smile. If it weren't for Jiang Xiaobai, he might be like many of his classmates now, in the Animal Husbandry Bureau, or a related unit, working as a deputy or something.

   Drink tea and read newspapers in the office all day, or go to the animal husbandry, forestry and cattle farm for guidance. How can you have such a wonderful life.

   I still remember when I first went to Jianhua Village and was fooled by Jiang Xiaobai to raise pigs and sat on the earth pusher to point out the country. Who knew that this day would actually come true.

   Liu Jian called both Liu Aiguo and Liu Xiaomei, and asked them to hand over work to their deputy.

  Liu Xiaomei was prepared, but Liu Aiguo was a little confused. After calling Liu Jian, she knew what was going on. She was going back to China. Although it was Xiangjiang, it was still a country after all.

   is completely different from the feeling of being in a foreign country. For Chinese people, when to go home is the happiest thing.

   After Liu Aiguo and Liu Xiaomei handed over their work, they rushed to Mosco, and Liu Jian met with the two of them.

   "The two of you are really lucky. To be honest, after you have been abroad for a long time, you know that China is really good.

   Jiang Dong also had the opportunity to go abroad at that time, but Jiang Dong gave up. At that time, I was puzzled and asked Jiang Dong why he had the opportunity to go abroad but did not go abroad. He knew that abroad is much better than domestic.

   The words of Jiang Dong at that time made my memory very deep. Jiang Dong said that if you think there is something lacking in this country, then instead of running away from this place, you must work hard to build it well.

It’s been so many years, and now the domestic economy is getting better and better. Your return to China at this time is your chance to show off your skills. Work hard and leave our Huahai Automobile Company. Don’t embarrass me, don’t give Jiang Dong shame.

   Yaohan Company, the idea of ​​a supermarket, Jiang Dong has long ago, this industry is very big, and the future development prospects are very broad. I hope you can make a career and live up to Jiang Dong's heavy trust. "

  Liu Xiaomei and Liu Aiguo nodded vigorously. Liu Jian's words were not very gorgeous and sensational, but the language was particularly simple, which made people feel that there was no hypocrisy.

   Of course, Liu Jian couldn't be guilty of lying to them. This Liu Xiaomei is Wang Chao's wife, and it seemed that Jiang Dong had rescued Liu Xiaomei at the beginning, and had saved Liu Xiaomei's life.

   Liu Aiguo was an educated youth at the time, and Jiang Dong was a young man. To be honest, it was a detour. It was too late to come to Huaqing Holding Group. Otherwise, he would be a big boss now.

   "Thank you, Mr. Liu, don't worry." Liu Xiaomei nodded, she didn't say anything unnecessary, it's too early to say, what kind of achievements will be achieved with Yaohan Company, and what kind of position will it go to?

   She is a strong woman, otherwise she would not study abroad, and she has been living abroad for so many years, leaving home affairs and children to the elderly, just want to make a career.

   Now that she has returned to China to be the head of Yaohan Company, it is time to show off her skills. She knows how much Jiang Xiaobai has delegated power to the head of the company. At this time, she is very ambitious.

   Liu Aiguo doesn't have such great ambitions, but he certainly can't embarrass Brother Xiaobai.

   After the two greeted Liu Jian, they headed for the east longitude directly from Moss.

  After getting off the plane at the east longitude, it feels like two worlds. It can be said that winter has already arrived in Moscow in November. All kinds of cotton clothes, down jackets, and leather clothes have been worn.

   In fact, since the end of last month, the weather has been cold, but this east longitude has just entered the autumn, and the temperature is still more than 20 degrees.

   The two of them were sweating as soon as they got off the plane. It’s not that they have been running around the world for so many years, and they are still a country bumpkin and have no idea about the temperature difference.

But the two of them have been busy handing over work since they received Liu Jian's call, and after returning to Moss, they were so excited by Liu Jian's words that they thought of coming here to take over Yaohan. The company will do something big in the future.

   Normally, this is not the case. Even Liu Aiguo also has assistants, secretaries and the like. There are people around him who do this kind of work, but this time it was a transfer between Huaqing Bank and Huaqing Holding Group.

  This person is of course not suitable for large transfers, so the two of them just brought a secretary and an assistant each even if it is over, and the secretary has been so busy in the past two days that he has no time to worry about these things.

   So it was embarrassing to get off the plane, but after leaving the airport, the people who picked them up arrived.

It was Matsushita Lang who came to pick up the plane. Who is Matsushita Lang? I have already found out. They brought thin clothes for Liu Xiaomei and Liu Aiguo, and prepared a car for changing clothes, so that the two people got on the car and changed clothes. .

   As for the two secretaries, Panasonic will leave it alone. Your secretary's work has not been done well, and you still expect me to serve you. What a joke.

   As for those who offend people and not offend, his Panasonic wave is not the original Panasonic wave. If the original Panasonic wave would still be afraid, but now he has Jiang Xiaobai's attention.

  It is right for him to serve as the number one leader of TAL, and the number two leader, but he doesn't care about the assistant secretary of the number one and number two. Does he really think he doesn't have a card like Panasonic? He served Jiang Dong and was the person beside Jiang Dong.

   In the future, no matter what, I am not afraid of the two secretaries.

  Liu Xiaomei and Liu Aiguo changed their clothes and came out. They also found that their secretary had no clothes to change. Both of them looked at Panasonic.

   (end of this chapter)

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