Chapter 2325 Handover

Jiang Xiaobai's Huahai No. 1 car was specially customized for Jiang Xiaobai by Huahai Automobile Factory. Not to mention the luxurious decoration and space seats inside, the key is that this car has high safety performance, and it looks a bit like the old model on the outside. Hongqi sedan is similar.

   But the width and length of the body are much more than normal cars, and the car is very atmospheric.

  The overall bulletproof, this is for the safety of Jiang Xiaobai.

Of course, the space in the back is of course large enough. Song Xin and her three children sit in the back seat. They are very spacious. Of course, this child is lively. If you want to move about, this is limited.

  Jiang Xiaobai looked at it, and was about to turn around and tell the auto factory to customize a nine-seat commercial vehicle and a customized bus, not to mention the rest, mainly for the sake of safety.

   In the first two years, there were very few cars on this street, and the probability of a car accident was small, so it was basically impossible.

But in the past two years, there have been a lot of cars on the Modu side, so there is a high probability of such a car accident. In addition, the Modu City is a large construction site now, and it is in the construction period. There are many trucks and the like. .

   If something happens to this, whether it's an ordinary car or a commercial vehicle, it's useless.

   Still need a customized vehicle, the overall steel structure, such a car sits at ease.

  Jiang Xiaobai obeys the traffic rules very much, whether he is driving by himself or the driver, but at this time other drivers are really very weak in traffic awareness, it can even be said that they are not at all.

   What kind of drunk driving or the like, this is not a thing in the eyes of some people, this is also normal, it takes a period of time to become regular, this is a very normal process.

   And not only for himself, but also for Zhao Xinyi, as well as some senior staff of the company.

   took the children to play happily all afternoon, and after having dinner outside again in the evening, Jiang Xiaobai drove home with his family and Song Xin and his mother and daughter.

Except for the eldest Jiang Langlang, the children were still awake, and the other two little things were already asleep. Zhao Xinyi sat behind and looked after the two children. Jiang Langlang was also a little sluggish. After playing for an afternoon, he Also very tired.

   In fact, not to mention the children, even Jiang Xiaobai and the others felt a little tired, but Jiang Xiaobai and Song Xin were not less interested.

   Both of them have not seen their children for a long time. When they met, they cherished the time spent playing wildly with their children. Although they said they were tired, they were very happy.

  Song Xin and Zhao Xinyi made an appointment to take the children out tomorrow, and Jiang Xiaobai also wanted to go, but tomorrow they made an appointment to hand over domestic business between Zhang Weiyi and Yaohan Company, so there was no time to go.

  Song Xin is different. Although he and Wang Chao have been busy with the acquisition of Yaohan Company from beginning to end, they both belong to help after all. Now at this stage, Yaohan Company also has a person in charge.

   also has high-level staff, and the two of them don’t care about these things, so they can really relax for a few days.

If Wang Chao didn't need to accompany Liu Xiaomei, he would have returned to Jinling long ago, or he would have gone back to Longcheng to see the children. Of course, Wang Chao also wanted to discuss the company's business with Yaohan Company when he stayed in Modu. is also a factor.

   But Song Xin is completely fine, and the investment company does not need to cooperate with Yaohan.

   On December 27th, in the conference room of Huaqing Holding Group, Zhang Weiyi and others handed over to Liu Xiaomei and other senior staff of Yaohan Company.

   Handed over 15 domestic Yaohan company stores and one department store.

   Originally, Yaohan Company had eight stores on the domestic side, not counting Xiangjiang. Among them, the one on the Magic Capital side was the largest, and the number of stores in East China was not too many, but not too small.

   After Zhang Weiyi closed some of the stores that were not suitable for selection, he prepared a few new ones. After adjustment, it is now a total of 15 stores.

   The person in charge of these stores also came in to greet Liu Xiaomei Liu Aiguo. They were arranged by the group headquarters and had not met Liu Xiaomei and the others.

   In addition, suppliers, supply channels, franchisees, etc., these lists have also been handed over in a unified manner, and the other is the financial issue.

  Whether it is a newly established department store or a new store, this is the headquarter's advance, and Yaohan has to repay the debt.

   As for making a profit, it is a matter of profit, but it must be clear in the accounts.

  Although the handover was not slow, it was noon after all the work was handed over. After everyone had a bite in the cafeteria, Zhang Weiyi wanted to go directly to the meeting room, but Jiang Xiaobai stopped him.

   "Forget it, let's rest for a while before talking, there is enough time in the afternoon." Jiang Xiaobai stopped Zhang Weiyi and said.

   He really couldn't take it anymore. It was tiring from running around outside, getting up early in the morning and getting into the dark, and finally returned to China. When he came back yesterday, he took the children out to play wildly.

  In the evening, Zhao Xinyi and Zhao Xinyi had been away for a long time, and they had been busy with their newlyweds for a long time. If it wasn't for this morning, Jiang Xiaobai really wanted to get a good night's sleep.

  It was not easy to hold on for a whole morning, and if he continued to revolve, and did not rest for a while at noon, Jiang Xiaobai was afraid that he would not be able to hold on.

  To be honest, this time for Yaohan Company, Jiang Xiaobai can be said to be exhausted because he was in a hurry to open before the millennium, and he was still nervous when he was abroad.

   Every day I get up early and go to bed late. But after returning to China, my nerves suddenly relaxed, and I felt really tired.

  Jiang Xiaobai asked Zhang Weiyi very surprised. Jiang Xiaobai offered to take a lunch break, which is rare in the company.

   This is the first time since I even met Jiang Xiaobai.

   The company has a lunch break, and the noon break is not short. Huaqing Holding Group has never meant to squeeze employees. It says that they work eight hours a day for eight hours, and they will pay overtime if they work more.

   But basically when there is something, everyone works overtime, etc. There is never a lunch break. Jiang Xiaobai is active all day long, and it feels like he has endless energy. Take a lunch break. Now Jiang Xiaobai actually has a lunch break.

   Of course, Zhang Weiyi has no opinion, he just looked at Jiang Xiaobai with some doubts and asked, "Jiang Dong, are you healthy?"

   (end of this chapter)

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