Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2336: Pies from the sky

   Chapter 2336 Pies fall from the sky

   It was quiet in the conference room, and everyone's eyes were fixed on Jiang Xiaobai and Mr. Huang and swallowed.

  Jiang Xiaobai said at this time: "Manager Huang has given you a general introduction to the situation of Huahua Bank just now, I believe everyone should have a general idea in their hearts.

This is the case. To enter the mainland, Huahua Bank needs a legal person bank, so I will see if everyone is interested in participating in the established legal person bank. Of course, this share will not be divided too much. We Huahua Bank will occupy it. 51% of the shares of the corporate bank, the state-owned capital above will occupy 10% of the shares, leaving 39% of the shares. "

   The above originally wanted to occupy more shares, but after negotiation, Jiang Xiaobai did not give this opportunity, he wished that the state capital would not take a penny.

   It doesn’t mean that they don’t want to let state-owned funds enter the market, but after the top enters the market, although they can’t achieve any controlling rights and are not major shareholders, there are a lot of troubles.

   When choosing the board of directors, if the candidate for the director is a smart person, it is not necessary to do a good job in the supervision of funds. This is also the original intention of the state-owned funds.

   But if you encounter that kind of ignorant, point-blank, who thinks that the flower bank is opened by his family, it will be a headache.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaobai has always been very strict in the state-owned capital's shareholding, and does not allow too much money to come in. After all, Jiang Xiaobai is not short of money to spend. It can be said that after negotiating the conditions with the regulatory authorities, this flower bank is a fragrant fertilizer. Meat.

  I don’t know how many people are thinking about it. If it wasn’t for the fact that the owner of the fat meat was Jiang Xiaobai, it is estimated that many of them would have to use chopsticks.

   Before Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, everyone in the conference room became tempted and held shares in the bank. This is something that many people dare not think about.

  In the domestic bank, will you lose money? Everyone doesn't have this concept at all, how can the bank lose money, and only make money.

   And if you become a shareholder of a bank, you will need funds in the future, and your status will be different.

  39% of the shares, there are about 30 people present, if they are evenly distributed, the average is a little more than 1% per person.

   But you must know that this is a bank, and it is not a dispensable enterprise. The shares of the bank, a few tenths of the shares are all shares, which makes people tempted.

Therefore, a group of people looked at Jiang Xiaobai with fiery eyes. The Liu brothers and the factory director Lu and other people who were close to Jiang Xiaobai had expected it in their hearts, but when Jiang Xiaobai really broke the news, it still made them excited. endlessly.

Needless to say, other people who are not prepared in their hearts feel like a pie falling from the sky. They were hesitating whether they should stay or not. Now it seems that this may be one of the most correct decisions in my life. one.

  If I left yesterday or this morning, I would probably regret it later when I found out about it.

   Needless to say, such a good opportunity, Jiang Xiaobai will keep it. If anyone regrets it, there is still a chance. This is impossible. It would be strange if the 39% shares were not wrapped up by these people present.

   There is only enough, if you fight for it, there will never be a situation where no one wants it.

   So some things are missed and missed, many people can imagine, those who had something to leave last night or this morning.

   It is estimated that after knowing that the intestines will be able to regret it, those people will not talk about it, and there are a few who are really anxious, but compared with this matter, nothing can be pushed back.

   It's not that I have something to do with my mother. It's important to do other work.

  Unfortunately, the opportunity is only one time.

  When I felt sympathy for those who left, my heart was full of joy. Fortunately, I stayed, so I could have the opportunity to join the Flower Bank.

"The company has initially decided that the registered capital is 10 billion yuan, and our Huahua Bank will provide 5.1 billion yuan. You can discuss the rest by yourself. How much money will you get? How many shares will be initially set, with 100,000 shares per share. dollars."

   After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, he stopped and waited for everyone to discuss. There were more than 30 people at the scene.

  39% of the shares are equivalent to 3.9 billion RMB, which is a lot of money, and it needs to be paid in real and funded.

Many companies, looking at the size of their assets, have a market value of one billion or more than one billion, but if they take cash, they can't get much money at all. They are wealth on paper, and when they want to realize it, will be much lower.

   Taking out hundreds of millions of cash flow will affect the operation of the company.

  To be honest, not to mention the people in the venue, it would be difficult for Huaqing Holding Group to spend billions all at once.

  Because the planning was done in the previous year, although the company has a great business, there are also many places to spend. It does not mean that you can spend so much money casually.

   In other words, Huahua Bank itself is a bank, and the cash flow is very abundant. The more than five billion dollars, which is only a few hundred million dollars, is less than one billion dollars. It is enough to squeeze in from other places.

  Flower Bank has a lot of money, but other companies can't. 1% of the shares is 100 million in cash.

   Although this piece of fat is tempting, it also requires strength to be able to eat it.

  Everyone began to discuss, the Liu brothers and Lu factory director are all powerful, and there is no problem with a few hundred million, but it is not suitable to make a statement first, because there are only so many shares.

  If you have more shares at the beginning, others will not be enough, and you can only wait for others to express their opinions first. If others can’t come up with so much money, then they will give the plate to the next.

   "Jiang Dong, are you in a hurry? When will you ask for this money?" Someone asked, with such a good opportunity, no one would not want to take more shares, even if they had no money, they would have to make up for it.

"In a week, after the New Year's Day, I will be ready to register. Before the millennium, the bank will be opened, and the headquarters will be located in the magic capital. There are places in the Huahai Center and Huahai Building. I will use it first, and if I want to later. You need to build your own building."

  Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile: "Everyone will decide this matter today, and then sign a contract. How much can you eat as much as you can."

Jiang Xiaobai won't give it too long. There are a lot of people watching from the outside world. Many people are looking for connections and want to come in and get involved. If it can't be settled now and the news spreads, the pressure on him will be even greater. It's big, so there's simply no time for everyone to grumble.

   (end of this chapter)

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