Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2348: must stand to make money

   Chapter 2348 Must stand to make money

   "I won't say how many achievements the company achieved last year. Everyone knows this. President Zhang also said it just now. I mainly want to say three points about the development after this year.

First of all, on the issue of connecting enterprises with international standards, we have a good strategy for our own positioning and bridgeheads, but we must let the bridgeheads realize their own role, and they can acquire but not arbitrarily. Come up, don't report it as soon as your brain heats up.

   Then let the headquarters check for you. The headquarters does not do this. All the lists reported from today will agree. If there is a problem in the company, it is easy to change the person in charge. "

  Jiang Xiaobai is mainly aimed at the heads of various subsidiaries. As for ordinary employees, it doesn't matter. This is the company's development policy.

   But the more this is the case, the more tense the atmosphere in the conference room is. The leaders of Wang Chao, Wang Meng, Sun Jianyun, Chu Beiping and a group of subsidiaries have serious eyes.

   But Jiang Xiaobai didn't give them more time to think, so he moved on to the next topic.

   Repeated a sentence over and over again, one thing, that is what middle school teachers do. After going to college, teachers don’t do it anymore, let alone in such a big company.

   If you don’t have this comprehension ability, you don’t have this memory, then just go home and save yourself from pooping in the dungeon.

   "The second point is the listing of the company. It is a good thing for the company to be listed. Not only you want to be listed, but I also want to be listed, from the home and company at the beginning to the Changxing Real Estate Company.

   Now, Jiang Xiaobai's clothing, which has applied for listing, is all about capital, but there is a problem to consider, where to list, the domestic plate is not big enough now, and the stock market is just that money.

   And it's still a little unhealthy, the dealer is a predator, and the leeks are cut wave after wave..."

  Jiang Xiaobai said, Zhang Weiyi on the side couldn't help twitching his mouth. This means that there are no outsiders or reporters in the conference room today. Otherwise, talking like this will definitely cause an accident.

   Although what Jiang Xiaobai said is true.

   "The plate of foreign U.S. stocks is big enough, but I don't trust those people. It's not that there is no administrative intervention in the economic activities of enterprises. It's just in a more hidden corner, or it's not worth it now.

When you need it someday, those foreigners will definitely be able to pull their faces, unless you kneel down for him as a dog, but it's not my Jiang Xiaobai's style, I'm in one day, not only our Huaqing Holding Group You can't kneel down and be a licking dog, and neither can other well-known private companies. I'll take care of whoever does this. "

Jiang Xiaobai's remarks are very domineering, and many people can't help thinking that last year, after the incident at the embassy, ​​Jiang Xiaobai did not say anything about foreign companies, and even thought that the other side was unwilling, but it was completely useless. .

  Jiang Xiaobai just said one sentence, if you don't want me, I'll take care of you, and finally agreed.

"It's not okay to eat policy meals. Everyone knows what foreign capital thinks. If we don't make money and let others earn it, they may scold you when they make money, and then keep it on the surface. fairness and justice, kneeling to make money, if I don’t make money, I have to stand even if I don’t make money.”

   Jiang Xiaobai said, many people in the venue nodded secretly, this is Jiang Xiaobai's style, of course, Jiang Xiaobai's situation is also the current domestic reality.

   "Many foreign brands sell well abroad, but after they come to China, they are unwilling to sell them well. What defective products are brought for sale, and what has a recall system in other regions and countries, there is no domestic market.

   For some things, you have to look at the qualifications and review. It’s pure nonsense. When you sell a watch, you need to review the qualifications. It’s just some marketing.

  Jiang Xiaobai scolded for a while before he breathed a sigh of relief. He also knew that his topic had gone too far, but every time he mentioned these things, he couldn't control his heart.

   Just talk about a recall system, which many companies have in many countries in Ouzhou. If a product is released, if there is any problem, it will be recalled.

   But there is no such thing in China. They would rather spend money to fight lawsuits and control public opinion, but they are unwilling to recall them. To put it bluntly, it is typical to look down on them.

   What other watches and qualifications are there? It’s just a watch seller, and the whole thing is mysterious. In terms of history, there are many century-old brands in China.

   But if the customer goes to eat and is not satisfied, he will scold him as he should, there is no problem, this is just normal consumption, and the king can also scold him.

   To make a watch, the result is abruptly to be reviewed, to be qualified, to become a VIP to be able to buy it, and to have a good reputation. For true watch lovers, the process of becoming a VIP is a test of mutual sincerity.

   This is simply not paying attention to consumers, it is a marketing system, but a lot of people who are willing to pay IQ tax.

   It is very good to bring such a watch and feel superior.

   There is no problem with studying abroad normally. After all, in many aspects, people are indeed better than domestic ones at this time, but there are problems with people who worship foreign countries.

   To put it bluntly, the bones were broken. After kneeling for a long time, he couldn't stand up. Jiang Xiaobai's thoughts were flying, and then he continued.

"I think the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in Hong Kong is good. If any subsidiary has a real plan to go public in the future, it will be listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. If you don't want to, then there is no problem. The Oriental Bank has been established. If you need money in the future, go there. normal borrowing."

   "Now let's talk about the third thing, and that is the issue of employee wages."

Jiang Xiaobai had just started talking, and he could clearly feel the people in the conference room breathing tight. After all, there were many middle- and lower-level employees at the annual meeting. For them, other things were not important. is the most important.

   "Mr. Zhang, what is the salary level of our company's employees now?" Jiang Xiaobai turned his head and asked.

   "Now the average salary of our employees is..." Zhang Weiyi was interrupted by Jiang Xiaobai as soon as he started.

"Don't average, say the highest value, say the lowest value, talk about the number of people distributed in each salary stage, don't talk about the average. The most unfair thing in this world is the average, average your salary with the bottom. The number calculated is not low.

   But after the salary is paid, will you give them points? "

   (end of this chapter)

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