Chapter 2404 Caution

  After Lin Sheng told Mr. Lin about the matter, Mr. Lin was also a little stunned. After a while, he sighed: "This is Jiang Xiaobai. It seems that the wind is going to blow up again. You can prepare according to Jiang Xiaobai's instructions."

  Lin Sheng nodded, turned to leave, and Mr. Lin sighed again, but unfortunately, his son Lin Sheng is also excellent, but compared with Jiang Xiaobai, it is really too far behind.

   In the face of Mr. Li, Jiang Xiaobai was ready to go to war without saying a word. If they told the Lin family to suppress Mr. Li's property, it showed that Jiang Xiaobai had not yet made up his mind to go to war, but was just going to beat Mr. Li.

   But now we need to mobilize funds, which means that we need to make some moves in the stock market. It is not a petty fight, and the losses may be hundreds of millions or even billions of Hong Kong dollars.

   But to Jiang Xiaobai, it doesn't seem to matter at all, they are people in this way.

  Jiang Xiaobai is really decisive, without the slightest hesitation, this character, even if he doesn't do business, can also stand out in other industries.

   After a lot of money accumulated in business, the energy that can be used is even greater.

   Mr. Lin can think of the coming **** storm.

  Jiang Xiaobai didn't go home in the office that night. Zhang Weiyi and Mr. Huang came over from time to time to report some information about Mr. Li's Changjiang Group.

   To be honest, the identity and strength of Mr. Li's richest man are still very equal, and his strength is very strong.

  Jiang Xiaobai kept analyzing the collected data in the office to see where he could start, or where it would be better to start.

  The time passed a little bit, and Jiang Xiaobai didn't rest in the office until after three in the morning. Of course, Jiang Xiaobai's office has a rest room, which is even more comfortable than at home.

However, Jiang Xiaobai slept with clothes on, and woke up early the next morning. Zhao Xiaojin came very early and brought Jiang Xiaobai breakfast. This morning, Zhao Xiaojin received a message from the staff on duty. Jiang Xiaobai, Zhang Weiyi, and Mr. Huang were busy all night and did not go home.

   She immediately realized what happened to the group.

   "Okay, you can put breakfast on my table, I'll go home and take the children to school, and then come back and eat." Jiang Xiaobai said while putting on his coat.

   Zhao Xiaojin looked at Jiang Xiaobai's bloodshot eyes and said, "Jiang Dong, let me drive, you can eat something in the car."

  Jiang Xiaobai didn't refuse either. He took breakfast and got into the car with Zhao Xiaojin.

   After arriving in the community, Jiang Xiaobai also finished his breakfast, and he felt a lot more energetic, but he still couldn't hide the tiredness on his face.

   opened the car window and smoked a cigarette and said, "Go to Song Xin's house. The two children slept with her last night."

Zhao Xiaojin nodded, but there was no surprise. When Zhao Xinyi was on a business trip, she often helped take care of the two little guys. Song Xin couldn't hide in a community, and it was impossible to count on Jiang Xiaobai. Emergencies need Jiang Xiaobai to deal with.

  After the car got downstairs, Jiang Xiaobai asked Zhao Xiaojin to wait downstairs and went upstairs to pick up the two children.

   "I'll go up and help you clean up. Sister Song takes care of the three children alone. How can you clean up? You haven't had a good night's rest, so you happened to wash up at Sister Song's place." Zhao Xiaojin came down and said.

   Jiang Xiaobai smiled wryly, nodded, and the two went to Song Xin's house.

When    knocked on the door and came in, Song Xin and Mother Song were busy washing and eating breakfast for the three children.

One child is a little better, and can be busy. When these three children are together, it is not like one plus one equals two. One child can eat and wash quietly. Three children are together, and they will play together after a while. Ah, it's a pain in the ass.

   Even though she was so busy, Song Xin still noticed the tired look on Jiang Xiaobai's face, and came over and asked with concern, "What happened? Were you busy last night?"

   "I have something to do, let's send the child to school first and talk about it later."

   "Have you had breakfast?"

   "After eating, Xiaojin brought breakfast."

   "Then go wash up, you don't have to worry about the child's side." Song Xin pushed Jiang Xiaobai to the bathroom and prepared toiletries for Jiang Xiaobai.

   Jiang Xiaobai simply tidied up. With Zhao Xiaojin's help, the children were soon tidied up.

  After sending the children to school, Song Xin drove directly to the headquarters with Jiang Xiaobai, instead of going to the investment company.

   After arriving at Jiang Xiaobai's office, he saw a pile of documents on Jiang Xiaobai's desk, and glanced at it, it turned out to be the documents of Changjiang Industrial Group.

   "Jiang Dong, isn't this the one from Xiangjiang?" Song Xin asked suspiciously.

   Jiang Xiaobai nodded, just at this time Zhang Weiyi came over, Jiang Xiaobai simply asked Zhang Weiyi to explain to Song Xin.

   After Song Xin knew what was going on, she immediately prepared to stay and help Jiang Xiaobai deal with these matters.

   "The investment company has nothing to do recently. I'll call a few trustworthy people to come and help."

   "Also." Jiang Xiaobai nodded, this pile of information was a headache for him to analyze.

   On this side, Jiang Xiaobai went all out to collect the information of Changjiang Group, on the other side, at the top of the headquarters of Xiangjiang Changjiang Group, in the chairman's office.

   Mr. Li was also looking at a newspaper in the southeast, and saw the words about Jiang Xiaobai and the brand names of Huaqing Holding Group on it, and a smile appeared on his face.

   But he quickly thought of something and called his assistant in.

   "It's a good job, but you didn't leave anything in the southeast, right?" Mr. Li asked.

   "No, it was arranged by Manager Zhang of our public relations department. He has always been clean in his work, and there is no problem. The money is given in place, and nothing will happen." The assistant replied.

"That's good, you are like this, give Manager Zhang a sum of money, let him take a vacation, arrange for him and his family to go to Wuzhou to take a vacation, have a good rest, and tell him that he has contributed to the company, The company will not forget it." Mr. Li ordered.

   "Mr. Li, it's not like..." The assistant asked a little puzzled. Mr. Li said it nicely, but isn't this just letting people go out to avoid the limelight?

   But as for? This is Changjiang Group, does anyone dare to touch Manager Zhang? Or the people who moved them in the Changjiang Group?

   (end of this chapter)

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