Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2431: Soft persimmons

   Chapter 2431 The persimmon picks a soft pinch

   "Of course I know that Huaqing Holding Group is now the largest of our domestic private enterprises, and the only one of the world's top 500 private enterprises, plus a Fortune 500 company, Flower Bank.

These two companies are in the hands of Jiang Xiaobai, and they are in the hands of Changjiang Group. Needless to say, Changjiang Group. Mr. Li has long been the richest man in the Chinese, and Changjiang Group is even more famous. Of course, there are many collisions between these two companies. Opportunities, and even the pattern of some industries will change. "

   Mr. Liu watched everyone speak slowly, everyone nodded, the opportunity to make money is just like this, for some small companies, there may be opportunities for collisions between some large companies.

   For example, in the current color TV industry, the CPT factory, in the past, home appliance manufacturers ignored them, but now the fierce competition in the home appliance industry has given the CPT factory an opportunity.

Several CPT factories have finished eating, and the food is full. Mr. Ni of Changhong wants to use CPT to restrict other color plants. As a result, the CPT factory signed a contract with Changhong at a high price. Monopoly supply agreements.

   The other side secretly supplies other color TV stations.

   This is the change brought about by the competition among large enterprises. Compared to Huaqing Holding Group and Changjiang Group, these people here are equivalent to small enterprises, and they can also take advantage of this opportunity to benefit themselves.

  For example, many of Changjiang Group's subsidiaries in the mainland are stuck upstream and downstream by Jiang Xiaobai, so they can take advantage of this opportunity to help Changjiang Group at a high price, or use this to negotiate with Jiang Xiaobai or something.

   These are normal business practices, and this is also a great opportunity for them.

   Mr. Lu, Mr. Zhang and others all thought so.

However, Mr. Liu shook his head and said, "I understand what everyone means, but although we are a small company compared to Huaqing Holding Group and Changjiang Group, our scale is also relatively large. We have not figured out the grievances between them.

  Yes, the two of them have already made a real fire now, but maybe the above will mediate the two sides at any time. If we participate at this time, it may be unflattering. "

   Mr. Liu said, Mr. Lu, Mr. Zhang and others immediately reacted. The matter between Jiang Xiaobai and Mr. Li cannot be viewed purely from the perspective of business competition.

   is also mixed with certain political factors. If it is just business competition, it doesn’t matter what the reason is. Now that the real fire has been launched, it is impossible for the two sides to stop.

   But there are political factors involved, and there may be mediation from above at any time, so it is meaningless.

   Several people at the dinner table looked at each other, and the problem returned to the original. They couldn't get the reason for the outbreak of competition between the two sides.

   "Then let's just let this opportunity go in vain?" Lu Qiang asked unwillingly. If such a good opportunity was missed in vain, it would be distressing.

   Mr. Liu said with a smile: "I think you can take this opportunity to occupy some of the market vacated by Changjiang Group."

   Mr. Zhang asked in surprise when he heard the words: "Why didn't we target Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Xiaobai and us have a grudge, why don't we take this opportunity to take revenge."

In the matter of Mou Qizhong, they were pitted by Jiang Xiaobai. Their impression of Jiang Xiaobai at Taishan Club was very bad. Usually, they would not dare to provoke Jiang Xiaobai, but now that Changjiang Group is dragging them, it will be different. .

  Mr. Liu smiled bitterly: "Of course I am willing to target Jiang Xiaobai, but now Jiang Xiaobai is covering the sky with one hand. In the mainland shopping mall, Jiang Xiaobai caught Changjiang Group with a hammer. You can see that Changjiang Group is passively dealing with it.

  Let's provoke Jiang Xiaobai, I'm afraid Jiang Xiaobai will free up a hand and press the rest of us there for a hammer. "

   What Mr. Liu said was very aggrieved. Facing Jiang Xiaobai, they hated their teeth so much, but they couldn't do anything.

  Jiang Xiaobai's strength is too strong, although he usually does not show a mountain or water, but once the tip of the iceberg is revealed, it is a behemoth.

Just like this time, although they were watching the excitement, they were also taken aback by the energy Jiang Xiaobai used. Even a company like Changjiang Group could rub one hand on the ground. is afraid.

   At the same time, it was a blessing, but fortunately Jiang Xiaobai was not cleaning up himself.

   Mr. Lu, Mr. Zhang and the others all sighed bitterly. This Jiang Xiaobai is a mountain sitting on their heads, oppressing them at any time, bullying them from time to time, but they have no ability to resist.

   This feeling is really bad.

   "Then take advantage of Changjiang Group." President Zhang said.

   Mr. Lu and several people nodded, this is just picking soft persimmons, Jiang Xiaobai can't do it, and can only take advantage of Changjiang Group.

   "What about you, Mr. Liu? Why don't you start the Changjiang Group?" Suddenly someone asked curiously.

   Mr. Liu's face darkened, and he explained in a low voice, "We even thought it was a Hong Kong-owned enterprise."

   After saying that, Mr. Liu got up and left. Damn, this is not emotional intelligence at all. I have to force Lao Tzu to say it.

  Yes, I can't provoke Jiang Xiaobai, nor can I provoke Mr. Li, but do you have to tell yourself about this kind of thing?

   Don't you want a face at all? Can't save a little face for myself, motherfucker.

  Mr. Liu walked away with a dark face, and the person who asked the question also realized it, and quickly looked at the crowd and explained: "Oh, I really didn't mean it, I didn't think of it..."

   "Okay, it's okay, it doesn't matter, whether it's intentional or not, it's irritating Boss Liu anyway." Boss Lu said cheerfully.

   The others also laughed, and a group of people began to discuss how to take advantage of the Changjiang Group.

  Actually, there were quite a few people who were going to take advantage of the fire at this time. They followed Huaqing Holding Group and wanted to take the opportunity to bite a piece of meat from Changjiang Group.

  Changjiang Group is very fat. For example, Wang Shi personally went to the magic capital at this time. He wanted to see the specific situation, and Jiang Xiaobai to understand the detailed situation.

   What's more, he has a good relationship with Jiang Xiaobai. President Liu and the others can only guess secretly, but Wang Shi was going to go to the magic capital to ask Jiang Xiaobai about the specific situation, and then he could have a purpose.

   and Feng Lun are the same, they don't want to miss such an opportunity to bite the Changjiang Group. He also personally brought people to the Demon Capital.

   (end of this chapter)

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