Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2434: go for meal

   Chapter 2434 Went to eat

  Compared to the original time, this time Vice-Director Zhao came over to be a great contrast. Except for a few frowning people in the company, no one else came over at all.

   The social events that he usually avoided, but this time, there were none, which made his heart feel empty, and made him feel as if a tree had fallen and scattered.

   Of course, he will not talk about these messy feelings. The key is the problems faced by these industries that make him helpless.

  I wanted to find some people to clear up the relationship, but no one wanted to see them at all, so it was okay to put on a business-like face, the key was to give them a punishment decision.

   Let’s put it this way, how enthusiastic you were when you first came to invest, then how cold you are now, it’s simply two extremes.

   I went to newspapers and media, and I wanted to spend money to suppress public opinion. As a result, newspapers and media turned into messengers of justice one by one.

   Saying that they don’t want money, we must resolutely report this kind of land hoarding behavior, and we must resolutely crack down on it.

   What to wear? If you want to report it, it has already been reported. Why is it only reported now, isn't it because Jiang Xiaobai is looking for someone?

  What is it? Don't want money, how can you live without money? what to eat? what to drink? Pretending to be anything, I just don't dare to ask for my money, but Jiang Xiaobai's money.

In the    system, the media reporters don't pay any attention. Well, let's find some partners in the shopping mall. As a result, these partners in the shopping mall are even more excessive.

They did not hide away, but after meeting, they were thinking about the industry of Changjiang Group. This is not a matter of being able to help. This group of people is a group of wolves. I can't wait to pounce on them now Woolen cloth.

   Not to mention help.

   He arrived in the mainland overnight on the night of the 20th, and it has been more than a day and a half now. The result is that there is no progress at all, and things are still deteriorating. Running around, it is useless.

   And it was during this process that he could feel Jiang Xiaobai's strength in the mainland personally, which made it difficult to move.

  Fortunately, he has to negotiate with Jiang Xiaobai now. Otherwise, if he continues, he thinks that he can go back to Xiangjiang to find Mr. Li to resign. He really does not have the ability to turn the tide under the current circumstances.

   "Director Zhao has worked hard." Li Da said while holding Deputy Director Zhao's hand.

   Deputy Director Zhao shook his head: "Where did Mr. Li say, I am ashamed of Mr. Li's trust, and I didn't do well what Mr. Li explained."

   "What did Zhao Dong say? In the current situation, hey, Jiang Xiaobai is too deceiving." Li Da patted the armrest in the car angrily.

   "Anyway, Mr. Li, you are here now, so I can rest assured. I will cooperate with you now, and this time the negotiation will be dominated by you." Deputy Director Zhao said.

  Li Da said modestly, seeing that Deputy Director Zhao was sincere, so he did not refuse. After all, this was the first time he had come out on his own, and he was still very excited, especially at this time when the Changjiang Group was in crisis.

  If you can do this beautifully enough, then it will also be an opportunity to show your face within the group.

   "Then Mr. Li, I'll arrange a restaurant, let's have some food first." Deputy Director Zhao said.

  Li Da shook his head: "If you don't eat it, go directly to Huaqing Group."

   Deputy Director Zhao was stunned, it's already noon, don't you want to eat?

"Director Zhao, this is what I think. Now the group is in crisis. In the morning, the stock price of our Changjiang Group is still falling. If this matter can be solved as soon as possible, the losses can be recovered as much as possible." Li Da said confidently.

   Deputy Director Zhao nodded helplessly, and then praised that Mr. Li was right, but he was scolding his mother in his heart. This little bastard, you don't eat, and I don't eat?

  You are young and in good health, but I can't do it. I am so old, how can I not eat at noon.

The two of them brought a group of assistant secretaries and negotiators without eating, and went directly to the Huaqing Building. Standing under the Huaqing Building, Li Da looked at the towering Huaqing Building and Huahai Center, still a little shocked. of.

   Not to mention the rest, these two buildings are enough to illustrate the level of capital of Huaqing Holding Group in the mainland.

   Of course, there are many skyscrapers in Xiangjiang, but they belong to various groups, not one family. The Changjiang Group used to work in such a building.

   Li Da took the people up and went to the front desk, and reported his identity directly.

   But soon I got the news that Jiang Xiaobai went to dinner and was not in the company.

  Li Da was stunned. Although he said it was lunch, when the competition between the two companies was so fierce, his father was so old that he was in the company for food and lodging, and he did not go out for two days.

   As a result, Jiang Xiaobai was able to go out to eat leisurely. Isn't this a joke?

   Deputy Director Zhao looked at the fussing look of Young Master Li on the side, and felt a little disdain in his heart. Jiang Xiaobai has such a big advantage now, and he is not in a hurry. It is not normal to go out for a meal.

  Where, like you, come here without eating at noon.

   Deputy Director Zhao pondered for a while and said, "Young Master Li, otherwise, let's go out for a meal and come back.

  Let's run over without eating. If we don't talk about other things, we will lose in terms of momentum, which may make Jiang Xiaobai feel that this will kill us, and it will not be conducive to the negotiation. "

   Deputy Director Zhao is getting old. He really can't stand it without eating, and he's dizzy, so at this moment he activated his brain and persuaded him.

   Let Vice-Director Zhao persuade him like this, Li Da looked at the expressions of the others around him, and nodded in agreement.

   But I didn’t go far, I ate a meal nearby and came back quickly.

  Jiang Xiaobai came back a little later than the others, but Jiang Xiaobai took his own elevator back to the office and did not see Li Da. After returning to the office, Zhao Xiaojin reported that Li Da and Zhao Deputy Director of Changjiang Group had come.

   "Li Da and Deputy Director Zhao? Or Deputy Director Zhao and Da Gongzi Li?" Jiang Xiaobai asked casually.

   Jiang Xiaobai asked, Zhao Xiaojin understood what Jiang Xiaobai meant, and replied, "They seem to be headed by Young Master Li."

  Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "I see, you tell them I'm taking a lunch break, let them wait, and I'll talk about it after I get up from my lunch break."

   Zhao Xiaojin nodded, and soon Li Da and others who were waiting in the living room received the news. Li Da's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe that Jiang Xiaobai would reply to him like this.

   (end of this chapter)

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