Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2439: look down on

   Chapter 2439 I don't like it

   On April 24, Jiang Xiaobai received a call from Zheng Qingyun as soon as he arrived at the company.

   "Xiaobai, have you arrived at the company?"

   "Just arrived, what's the matter?" Jiang Xiaobai asked directly, Zheng Qingyun must have something to do with the call so early.

   "There's a call from the capital, asking you to go to the capital, I'll accompany you to the capital, and now I'm at your company, you arrange for someone to book the latest flight to the capital." Zheng Qingyun said.

  Jiang Xiaobai was taken aback: "Okay, I'll talk about it when you come over."

  Jiang Xiaobai hung up the phone and asked Zhao Xiaojin to pick up Zheng Qingyun. Zhang Weiyi and others on the side were already watching.

   In the past two days, Jiang Xiaobai's office has become a temporary headquarters because of the Changjiang Group.

   Zhang Weiyi, Song Xin, Mr. Huang, Lin Sheng and others were in Jiang Xiaobai's office at work. Although they didn't know the content of Jiang Xiaobai's call just now, Zheng Qingyun wanted to come over, and Jiang Xiaobai asked Zhao Xiaojin to pick them up.

   Zheng Qingyun's identity is different, and he often represents the side of the magic capital, so they also attach great importance to it.

   "Old Zheng said there was a call from the capital, let's go to the capital, and Zheng Qingyun wanted to accompany him to the capital." Jiang Xiaobai explained.

  The faces of everyone in the office suddenly became serious. At this time, no one would believe Jiang Xiaobai to go to the capital. If it was not because of the Changjiang Group, no one would believe it.

   Then why did Jiang Xiaobai go to the capital? Obviously, it is to limit the actions of Huaqing Holding Group.

   "This Mr. Li has done such a thing, can the above come forward for him?" Lin Sheng asked suspiciously.

   Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "Yes, it depends on how much you pay."

  Yesterday, he still hadn't figured out how Mr. Li was going to deal with it, and what was he planning behind his back.

   But after receiving Zheng Qingyun's call, he roughly guessed that Mr. Li should be taking the upper-level route.

  I didn't think about this aspect before because Mr. Li made mistakes before, and subconsciously felt that after Mr. Li understood the attitude of the above, he would not go to the top, and would tend to solve this problem by means of the market.

  Because if you take the initiative to look for the above, the price you pay is not small, and it is equivalent to taking the initiative to surrender, completely falling to the mainland, the impact is not a single star, it is equivalent to taking the initiative to admit defeat.

   But now I realize that I still underestimate Mr. Li. For Mr. Li, his own interests are the most important.

  This **** is really worth it.

  Jiang Xiaobai's face was a little ugly, Zhang Weiyi, Song Xin and the others were also gloomy, obviously thinking that things would definitely change next.

   To oppress people with momentum, Mr. Li is ready, going to the capital to talk will definitely be suppressed.

   Mr. Huang is used to doing business abroad, and he is more used to using capital to solve problems. He does not understand Zhang Weiyi and Song Xin's concerns. This is just a discussion in the capital, not a settled matter.

   "Okay, go ahead and do your work, continue with our previous plan, you don't have to worry about other things, wait for my notice." Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand and said.

   Zhang Weiyi and Song Xin hesitated to speak, trying to persuade Jiang Xiaobai, but they didn't know how to speak.

  Jiang Xiaobai's temper, if he went to the capital to make trouble because of this, it would be inappropriate.

   Zheng Qingyun came very quickly. Jiang Xiaobai was sitting on the sofa and just finished smoking a cigarette when Zhao Xiaojin brought Zheng Qingyun in.


   "Well, Lao Zheng, what's the situation?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

"Changjiang Group has found the commercial sector and signed a series of investment agreements. In the next three years, it will invest more than US$5 billion in the mainland and US$10 billion in five years. These investments involve labor-intensive investments. industry, there are high-tech industries.

   and will help introduce more than ten urgently needed technologies. We have been talking about it for two days, and it is almost the same as what has been discussed above. Changjiang Group has also paid a huge price..."

   Zheng Qingyun said, Jiang Xiaobai snorted coldly, and said disdainfully: "What a huge price, what a price.

  These five billion dollars are not free donations. They are investments. Investment is to make money. The same is true for ten billion dollars. The average investment amount is only two billion dollars a year in five years. What’s the big deal.

   It’s not that they invest so much at once. As for the high-tech industry, Changjiang Group has a far-sighted high-tech foundation. Apart from playing financial securities, they will build a house as a hotel, and they are good at speculating on land.

  The most high-end is just playing with telecommunications, what kind of high-tech can it be? "

   Zheng Qingyun listened to Jiang Xiaobai's words and smiled wryly. Jiang Xiaobai really didn't look down on Changjiang Group.

   But it is understandable, now that Changjiang Group has been docilely cleaned up by Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Xiaobai really does not move, and it is scary to move, Changjiang Group, a veteran real estate tycoon of Xiangjiang.

   In the 1970s and 1980s, it was a behemoth, and it was also a Fortune 500 group, but now, Jiang Xiaobai is forcibly pressed and rubbed on the ground.

  Although Changjiang Group's investment in the mainland accounts for half of the company's assets, and the mainland is Jiang Xiaobai's home field, this strength is still surprising.

   Jiang Xiaobai really surprised too many people this time.

   But what Zheng Qingyun didn't know was that Jiang Xiaobai didn't look down on Changjiang Group not because Changjiang Group was rubbed on the ground by himself, not because his strength was stronger than Changjiang Group.

   But Changjiang Group has such a strong strength. If you don't do anything else, just do some land business and enjoy the dividends brought by this land.

   This is the case in Xiangjiang, as well as in the Mainland.

  To say that when you started primitive accumulation, it is understandable that you do a little land business, but if the business is so big, it is still building a house besides speculating on land, so this business is really meaningless.

   Although it is said to be huge, as long as it is not irreplaceable, there is nothing to be proud of.

  Because of speculating land and building houses, there is really no technical content in this matter, and it does not contribute much to society. As long as the opportunity is right, many people can do it.

   This is the reason why Jiang Xiaobai dislikes Changjiang Group, and what is the high-tech industry? The only high-tech industry in Changjiang Group is telecommunications.

   But will the mainland let in this investment? Obviously not possible.

   So the so-called high-tech industries are nothing more than some technologies that have been eliminated from abroad.

   (end of this chapter)

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