Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2447: On meritorious deeds

   Chapter 2447 On meritorious deeds

  Jiang Xiaobai got off the plane at the airport in Modu. Zhang Weiyi came to pick up the plane, saying that Vice-Dong Zhao and Prince Li had already arrived.

  Jiang Xiaobai sneered: "Didn't they go back to Xiangjiang? They have already arrived, so it's not too much trouble."

   Zhang Weiyi nodded, Jiang Xiaobai had already told him the result of the negotiation last night.

   "By the way, Jiang Dong, didn't Leader Zheng come back?"

   "He has other things in the capital and hasn't come back for a while. How is our negotiating team preparing?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

  Zhang Weiyi: "It's ready, just wait for you to come back and arrange the task, and then you can devote yourself to the negotiation."

   Jiang Xiaobai nodded, then went to Zhao Xiaojin to take out his mobile phone and called Wang Shi.

   "Hey, I'm Jiang Xiaobai."

   "Jiang Dong." Wang Shi quickly picked up the phone.

   "I have negotiated with Changjiang Group. There are twenty-six parcels of land. Which parcels of land of Changjiang Group you are interested in, come and talk directly."

   Jiang Xiaobai said it very casually, but Wang Shi became excited in an instant: "Jiang Dong, twenty-six plots of land, can you use anywhere?"

   "Well, as long as you are in the mainland, you can talk about it." Jiang Xiaobai said lightly.

   "I'll take people to the magic capital now." Wang Shi said excitedly.

  You can choose at will, this one is exciting enough, because the Changjiang Group has a lot of land locations in the mainland that are really good.

  Some land can’t be bought with money at all, even if you increase the price, it’s like a century-old shop on the commercial street of some big cities.

Putting it there is the golden rooster that lays eggs. It can truly be passed down to three generations by one store, not by developers. Except for specific opportunities, ordinary people cannot buy such stores even if you have money. It is not that you increase the price or not. question.

  Some land has such a location advantage. The location is the city commercial center once it is developed. Whether it is to build high-end residences or commercial real estate, it can become an exemplary project.

And Changjiang Group has a lot of such land in its hands. Usually, people will not sell it even if they increase the price. People are waiting for the appreciation and price increase, or waiting in their hands. You simply can’t afford that. price.

   So there is such an opportunity, how could Wang Shi not be excited, although Jiang Xiaobai did not say the price of the land, but they can accept it even if it is a little higher than the market price.

  Jiang Xiaobai hung up the phone and called Feng Lun again. Feng Lun was even more excited than Wang Shi, and he couldn't control his emotions on the phone.

   "Thank you Jiang Dong, I will go right away, Jiang Dong, I will invite you to dinner in the evening, and I must give you a few drinks."

   "Okay, hurry up and bring the staff here." Jiang Xiaobai warned, hung up the phone, and continued to notify others.

   This time, Huaqing Holding Group was the main force in this action against Changjiang Group, but others did not contribute less.

   The momentum is huge, this is the first impression of Changjiang Group and domestic shopping malls about this action of Huaqing Holding Group, but this momentum is not enough to talk about.

   caused such a big blow to the various companies and subsidiaries of Changjiang Group. Jiang Xiaobai used many people, many of whom have good relations with the members of the Oriental Club and the partners of Huaqing Holding Group.

Now that the matter is over, Huaqing Holding Group has won. Naturally, it is impossible for Huaqing Holding Group to give all the benefits to others and not to share it with others. In that case, no one will help you when you have an emergency next time. .

  It is love for others to help. At the risk of offending Changjiang Group and being given help by Mr. Li in a small book, this is a heavy love. Now that it has benefits, of course, it must be distributed to everyone according to the contribution.

   Rewards for meritorious deeds. This is not only used in marching and fighting, it is the most important thing in a team action.

   Therefore, Jiang Xiaobai will certainly not take all the benefits that Changjiang Group has given up now. Whoever helps, according to the size of the contribution, will give everyone a share of these benefits.

  You eat meat, and those who follow you must drink soup.

   Liu used it well, Director Lu waited for Jiang Xiaobai to make calls one by one.

   After receiving the call from Jiang Xiaobai, everyone agreed, and no one refused. The relationship with Jiang Xiaobai is good, but everyone has a company behind them, and thousands of people point to them to eat.

   So you can't help in vain. If Jiang Xiaobai loses, it's fine. If he wins, he cuts flesh from his opponent. Of course, everyone has to come and have a bite, and no one will be polite.

  Jiang Xiaobai also felt that it was very normal. It was not until the car stopped under the Huaqing Building that Jiang Xiaobai completely put down the phone.

   Walking towards the building, he instructed Zhang Weiyi: "Apart from the people I called just now, who do you think needs to be notified to come over and get a piece of the pie, you can contact them directly to arrange."

  Zhang Weiyi nodded and asked again: "Jiang Dong, Zhao Deputy Director and Li Da, they have arrived, do you want to meet?"

  Jiang Xiaobai saw that it was almost noon, so he said: "In this way, you can arrange to meet them at the Jianhua Hotel at noon. This time it is a formal negotiation, and the specifications are arranged a little higher. Don't let people think that we are rude."

  In the largest private room of Jianhua Hotel at noon, the private room that can accommodate forty people is full, and Jiang Xiaobai sits on the main seat.

   Deputy Director Zhao is the guest seat, Li Da is the vice guest seat, Zhang Weiyi, Mr. Huang, Song Xin and even Lin Sheng all came to participate in this reception banquet for the negotiating group of Changjiang Group.

  Nuo's big table, all kinds of dishes are full of color, flavor, and taste, because the preparation is a bit rushed, and there are no precious ingredients, but even the common ingredients are very luxurious under the chef's cooking.

  Jianhua Restaurant, people who come to eat here are mainly for this place. What they eat is feeling, and it is a status symbol in the business field. As for what to eat, no one cares about it.

   Therefore, there have always been no precious ingredients in the store.

But that's it, it also makes Zhao Vice-Dong, Li Da and others feel very good. Compared with the simple meal in the cafeteria last time, this time in the luxurious private room, a sumptuous meal and bottles of good wine. Ambilight in the light.

   The other party, Jiang Xiaobai and others, all wore formal clothes, showing the importance and respect for them. In fact, they are used to this kind of attention and respect.

   But on the side of Huaqing Holding Group, only after the last comparison can we feel how precious this attention and respect is.

   (end of this chapter)

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