Chapter 2467 Warning

   Jiang Xiaobai's dissatisfaction is already obvious and directly expressed. It's not that he doesn't understand the difficulties of the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

   But when you have a problem, the first thing you do is not to solve the problem, but to solve the problem.

   Although it is said that such a method is nothing new in the shopping mall, it is not a new thing in various places. If it cannot solve the problem, it will solve the problem of the person who asks it.

   But it also depends on the situation. Obviously, these fund companies have big problems, and the person who raised the problem you want to solve is still my person.

   Can this Jiang Xiaobai be happy?

   It is one thing to know and understand the darkness in reality, but it is another thing to have it happen to you.

   Jiang Xiaobai's words were very rude, and Director Lin and Deputy Director Zhang were also embarrassed.

Director Lin knew Jiang Xiaobai's character, and the relationship between the two was very good. He brought Deputy Director Zhang here today because he didn't want to make the relationship between the two people stiff, but he didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to speak so rudely, and Such a great response.

   didn't save face for him, and now Director Lin is not too happy.

   Director Lin stopped talking. Deputy Director Zhang couldn't keep silent. After organizing the language, he said, "Jiang Dong, we are also very embarrassed..."

  Jiang Xiaobai raised his hand to interrupt Deputy Director Zhang: "Okay, I've said it very clearly just now, there's no problem, right and wrong, there are rules everywhere, and whoever has mistakes should be dealt with.

   Violations will result in dismissal, and crime will result in arrest. "

   "No, no..." Deputy Director Zhang's face was flushed by Jiang Xiaobai's scolding, and he didn't know what to say now.

   "Okay, then thank you Jiang Dong for understanding our work." Director Lin suddenly stood up.

   "We still have a few things to do. We will meet again another day."

   "Walk slowly, two leaders." Jiang Xiaobai also stood up and said, without giving in the slightest.

   Director Lin and Deputy Director Zhang left in tandem. After exiting the gate of Jianhua Hotel, Deputy Director Zhang looked at Director Lin with a wry smile on his face.

   "Director Lin, this matter just collapsed, what shall we do next?"

   "What to do next? Just deal with it normally." Director Lin said with a dark face.

   "A serious warning?" Deputy Director Zhang asked tentatively.

   Director Lin sighed: "Let's talk about it at a meeting tomorrow, if it doesn't work, give it a warning."

  Severe warning punishment, and warning punishment, seem to be a grade lighter.

   Deputy Director Zhang knew that Director Lin had compromised a little bit, but in reality, the effect was not much better.

  There is such a warning and punishment, and then the future has cast a shadow.

   If this is just a job for the unit, I won’t say it, as long as it’s not fired, it won’t matter.

   The key point is that these two employees definitely don’t want to mess around, they want to do something.

   So this is a punishment, and the two of them are definitely not happy.

   Of course, it doesn't matter if two people are willing or not, can the arm be twisted over the thigh?

But the key point is that for Jiang Xiaobai, the relatives of others have been punished here. If it really goes too far, it's fine. The key point is to say that there is nothing wrong with doing this. The main culprit is the fund company. Ah, not these two people who asked the question.

   As long as the punishment is given, can Jiang Xiaobai be able to give up instead of not giving Jiang Xiaobai face?

   Deputy Director Zhang also felt a headache thinking about it, but fortunately there was Director Lin who was the leader in front of him, so he didn't care.

   On the other side, after Director Lin and Deputy Director Zhang left, Jiang Xiaobai also took the car home. Jiang Xiaobai's face was not very good along the way.

   It’s not about giving or not giving yourself face. Although everyone outside thinks Jiang Xiaobai is a person with head and face, Jiang Xiaobai doesn’t think that his face is so important.

  It's nothing if you don't give yourself face. Even Jiang Xiaobai has seen this kind of social reality, so he won't be angry.

   It was Director Lin who made Jiang Xiaobai uncomfortable. The former Director Lin was also a person who hated evil. Although there were compromises, it was not the same as it is now.

   Yes, people are changing, but this change is a bit too big.

   And it has changed a little too fast. In the past two years, I asked myself to help clean up those bookmakers in the stock market.

   As a result, it was replaced by people from the fund company, and it began to change.

   After returning home, a smile appeared on Jiang Xiaobai's face. As for what to do with Zhang Jingwen, Jiang Xiaobai plans to talk about it tomorrow, it's not too early today.

   In the early morning of the next day, the Shanghai Stock Exchange held another internal meeting, and this time the decision to deal with Zhang Jingwen and Zhao Yugang was soon decided.

  Zhao Yugang and Zhang Jingwen warned against punishment.

   Warning punishment, this is equivalent to the lightest punishment. After the punishment is finalized, not to mention Zhao Yugang and Zhang Jingwen, even other comrades feel a little light.

   This is equivalent to picking it up high and putting it down gently.

   Zhao Yugang, needless to say, originally thought he was going to be fired, but now it's just a warning, what is it, if he was given such a punishment at the beginning, he would definitely feel resentful in his heart.

   But after so many days of deliberation, all kinds of news spread all over the sky, he has long been afraid, and now this warning is punished, he is extremely happy.

Zhang Jingwen also breathed a sigh of relief, but he always felt weird and not so comfortable in his heart. He clearly did the right thing. To say that there are mistakes in the middle, there are indeed, two articles circulated outside. .

   It seems normal to give a warning on the grounds of divulging the confidential information of the unit, but the key is those fund companies, those fund companies just let it go.

   What's the point of your own sacrifice?

   It can be said that the depressing atmosphere in the supervisory department has been swept away, and Zhao Yugang is going to ask the leader to thank him.

  Other colleagues also felt that Zhao Yugang and Zhang Jingwen should thank the leaders for their generosity.

   But what they don't know is that, with such a warning, many leaders are under pressure. I didn't think that giving a warning was just letting it go.

   (end of this chapter)

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