Chapter 2470 Protection

  "I want to say, this warning is not excessive, no matter what, you must recognize the leak of internal information of the unit,

   But your achievements must also be affirmed, the work you do must be taken seriously, and the fund management companies involved should be checked.

   Those involved in violations will be dealt with, and those involved in violation of the law will be arrested. The merits are merits and demerits. It cannot be said that it is only dealing with the unintentional disclosure of information.

   But it doesn’t matter what the bigger and worse effects are. "

   Jiang Xiaobai said, Zhao Yugang kept nodding, Zhang Jingwen was the same, if only Jiang Xiaobai were their leader.

   "So, your unit has also taken care of it now, but I think it's impossible for the two of you to do anything in this matter in the short term.

  If you are willing, you can come to our fund management company controlled by Huaqing Holding Group to help our group carry out self-examination activities.

   Of course, the salary, needless to say, will definitely be better than when you were at the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and you may be a little more tiring at work, but there are absolutely no checks and balances in doing things. "

Jiang Xiaobai stated his purpose, then smiled and looked at Zhang Jingwen and said: "Jingwen, you are the same, it's all your own choice, I'm just happy to see the hunter and give you two other choices, not to say You must come."

   Zhang Jingwen nodded, Zhao Yugang also pondered.

   "That's it, don't worry, you can think about it when you go back, eat and drink tonight." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

  After dinner, Jiang Xiaobai got in the car and left first.

  Yin Xiaojun drove Zhao Yugang back. On the way back, Zhao Yugang asked Zhang Jingwen what he thought.

  Zhang Jingwen said honestly: "To be honest, I didn't think about it."

   Returning to the fund management company of Huaqing Holdings Group, it must be like a duck to water for Zhang Jingwen.

   As for salary, treatment, etc. Zhang Jingwen didn't think about it at all, she knew that Jiang Xiaobai's words were also for Zhao Yugang.

  Yin Xiaojun, as Jiang Xiaobai's adopted son, is not bad at all.

   But returning to Huaqing Holding Group to do things always makes Zhang Jingwen feel a little awkward.

   So she didn't think about it.

   "Well, I have to go back and think about it." Zhao Yugang said, he was also very entangled, Jiang Xiaobai personally invited him, and this honor is enough for him to boast for a lifetime.

   Not everyone can see Jiang Xiaobai, not to mention Jiang Xiaobai personally invited guests to dinner and toast.

   After going to Huaqing Holding Group, there is no doubt about the future, and Jiang Xiaobai's salary is also guaranteed.

   But the only point is that Huaqing Holding Group is a private enterprise after all. Although it is said to be a Fortune 500 company, the Shanghai Stock Exchange is a stock exchange.

   There are only two in this country. Go to the fund management company, and the natural short one, although it is said to be controlled by Huaqing Holding Group.

   But it is still incomparable with the Shanghai Stock Exchange, which is a lot worse.

   The car became quiet for a while, and after dropping Zhao Yugang off the bus, Zhang Jingwen asked Yin Xiaojun what Jiang Xiaobai meant on the way back.

  Yin Xiaojun smiled and said, "What do you mean? Isn't it obvious?"

   Zhang Jing just asked casually in the text, I didn't expect to hear that Yin Xiaojun really knew what he meant.


   "It can't be more obvious. Although the Shanghai Stock Exchange gave you a warning and punishment, the aftermath is still there. It's obviously protecting you by sending you to Huaqing Holding Group." Although Yin Xiaojun said that he was doing research work.

   does not participate in the intrigue work in the shopping mall, but after all, growing up in such a family, the knowledge under the influence is not comparable to Zhang Jingwen and Zhao Yugang.

   This has nothing to do with being smart or not. It’s because the position of the station is different, and the things you see are different.

  Zhang Jingwen suddenly realized that this might be the case.

   "Husband, what did you think of?"

   "It's not what I thought, I've heard a lot of things. Capital has never had anything to do with benevolence, righteousness and morality. Once your two reports came out, it caused such a big impact.

  Look, there must be a follow-up to the matter, not all capital is Huaqing Holding Group, and it can be divided into right and wrong.

   A lot of times, capital does not see right or wrong, but only interests. My father, Jiang Xiaobai, is special. Otherwise, my sister and I would not be today.

   When the incident happened with Jiang Xiaobai's clothing and sportswear, if he changed to another brand, he would definitely not deal with the matter at the first time, but because he was afraid that a scandal would be exposed, which would have an impact on the brand, he would suppress the incident as soon as possible. "

  Yin Xiaojun was also a little embarrassed when he said that. Fortunately, Jiang Xiaobai was the one who met him at the time. If he changed the boss, he and his sister would have no room to resist at that time, and the final result might be uncertain.

   Private enterprises are good at surviving in the cracks, but when doing things, they will also consider their own interests more.

  Zhang Jingwen listened, although he agreed with Yin Xiaojun's words, but at the same time he was even more unwilling.

  Why does capital bully people like this? I originally wanted to go to Huaqing Holdings Group, but now, I haven't gone yet to see how capital bullies people.

   Zhang Jingwen and Zhao Yugang had different reasons for not going to Huaqing Holding Group. Zhao Yugang felt that the Shanghai Stock Exchange was still the Shanghai Stock Exchange after all, and its reputation was bigger.

   He didn't even know that Jiang Xiaobai asked him to protect him, but Zhang Jingwen understood what Jiang Xiaobai meant under Yin Xiaojun's explanation, but instead had a rebellious heart.

   But the final choice of the two is the same, that is, neither go to Huaqing Holding Group.

   Zhang Jingwen called Jiang Xiaobai to tell the decision of the two, Jiang Xiaobai just smiled and said it was okay, and didn't say anything else.

   I invited two people to come over to protect the two young people, but since the two young people have the idea to beat them outside, then let’s beat them.

   Huaqing Holding Group Fund Management Company is not short of two young people.

   Three days later, Huaqing Holding Group Investment Company officially announced its withdrawal from Jiashi Fund Management Company and Bosch Fund Management Company.

  The shares in the two companies were transferred to the major shareholders at a price exceeding 30% of the market value.

   As for the other five equity fund management companies, two fund management companies are willing to cooperate, and the investment company acquired some shares and became a major shareholder, and officially started internal self-examination activities.

   Regarding the unwillingness of the three companies to cooperate, Huaqing Holding Group Investment Company announced its withdrawal and transferred its shares.

   (end of this chapter)

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