Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2524: Fun facts from the past

   Chapter 2524 Interesting facts from the past

   Zhang Junshan has no doubts about Zhang Weiyi's words. If Jiang Xiaobai is unwilling to find him, there is no need to lie to himself, and he doesn't even need to give himself an explanation, because Jiang Xiaobai's status is there.

   Zhang Junshan invited Zhang Weiyi and Hu Jinshan to eat dinner. In fact, Zhang Junshan was very curious about Jiang Xiaobai's original story.

   After all, this is the founder of two Fortune 500 companies, and he is still so young. Needless to say, such an achievement is a legend for ordinary people, and it is also a legend for their executives.

For example, Zhang Junshan and Hu Jinshan have read books for many years, have very beautiful resumes, and attended world-class famous schools, but this does not teach them how to create a Fortune 500 company. , but to teach them how to be an executive in the Fortune 500.

This is the difference. The knowledge in books is always dead. You can learn a lot of things, but you cannot learn to innovate and create. To create two Fortune 500 companies requires ability, courage, opportunity, and need. courage.

   It’s not as simple as graduating from any school.

   "Mr. Zhang, when did you come to Huaqing Holding Group? Can you tell us about the first meeting with Jiang Dong? I'm very curious." Zhang Junshan asked with a glass of wine.

  Hu Jinshan was also interested and looked at Zhang Weiyi.

   Zhang Weiyi saw that the two were interested, finished the wine in the glass, and recalled: "Why did you come to Huaqing Holding Group? It's not actually called Huaqing Holding Group, it's called Zhiqing Cannery.

   It would still be a real township enterprise. Our educated youth cannery was in a village. At that time, Jiang Dong was still a college student.

   found me through the introduction of a friend. My friend is Liu Jian, and now he is in charge of the car factory at Mosco.

  I can't remember now, how did Jiang Dong invite me at that time, maybe he said some words, maybe some actions made me go to a small mountain village after resigning and follow Jiang Dong to start a business together.

In fact, I didn't dare to tell my family about this news at all, and I didn't dare to meet some classmates and friends. I was afraid that people would laugh at me and leave a job with a bright future and go to be the deputy factory manager... …”

   Zhang Weiyi's eyes were full of reminiscence, and he was really enthusiastic when he recalled that time. If he hadn't agreed to Jiang Xiaobai at that time, maybe if he was lucky in the system now, he could be a moderate leader.

   Or go to some companies, be a person in charge, etc. There is definitely no way to compare with now.

   Take the company's dividends and manage such a large company.

   At first, I didn’t dare to contact my old friends, relatives, etc. Later, as the Huaqing Holding Group gradually became bigger, I got in touch, but people have no idea why they do this.

   But in the past few years, when I went back to Beijing for the New Year, many friends, relatives, etc. were very enthusiastic, invited me to dinner, and wanted to sit with myself.

   Even if they don’t do business themselves, but they can’t keep their children from going to state-owned enterprises after graduation, if they look for private enterprises, the first choice is definitely Huaqing Holding Group.

   Just don't come to Huaqing Holding Group, go to other private enterprises, Zhang Weiyi, as the person in charge and general manager of Huaqing Holding Group, can also talk, there is no problem with taking care of him.

   Besides, if the children in the family also do business, there are more places to borrow.

   What's more, Zhang Weiyi's current status is also very important in the outside world.

"Actually, my experience is nothing. The reason why my friend Liu Jian went to the educated youth cannery is interesting. At that time, he was deceived alive by Jiang Dong. Then, seeing that he was a talent, Jiang Dong detained him and refused to let him go. .

  The educated youth would lack talents..."

   Zhang Weiyi said it as a joke, but Zhang Junshan and Hu Jinshan listened with gusto and deducted it directly. Is this the king of Bandit Mountain?

   also detained people and did not let them go.

   Many things in Jiang Xiaobai's entrepreneurial process, many people in Huaqing Holding Group are aware of, and many people are talking about, and there is nothing confidential.

   Zhang Weiyi told the two about Jiang Xiaobai's use of UFO to deceive Liu Jian.

   Zhang Junshan and Hu Jinshan were dumbfounded, how could they still be like this?

   The two of them couldn’t understand it, but it wasn’t impossible for such a thing to happen at that time.

   But Jiang Dong's imagination is too rich. Using a UFO to trick a college student into raising pigs for him, Jiang Xiaobai can also do it.

  The atmosphere at the dinner table was very high. Listening to these things can also satisfy the curiosity of Zhang Junshan and Hu Jinshan about the founders of two Fortune 500 companies like Jiang Xiaobai.

   Zhang Weiyi came early, and he knew very well what happened to Jiang Xiaobai, so it was vivid and interesting to talk about. Of course, it was mainly because Jiang Xiaobai himself was not taboo about these things at all, and sometimes he even talked about it himself.

   A person who dares to face his past.

  Jiang Xiaobai does not deny that he has deceived others, nor does he deny that he was chased by creditors during the Chinese New Year to avoid debts and dare not come back.

   There is nothing to be ashamed of, maybe it was embarrassing to do these things at the time, as if there was nothing particularly shameless.

  It seems that people with stronger self-esteem can't do such a thing, and people with good face dare not, and it is even more impossible for timid people.

   But when you have achieved something, it is a valuable experience to talk about these things.

   Now there is no creditor who can let Jiang Xiaobai escape during the Chinese New Year, because Huaqing Holding Group has money, but Huaqing Holding Group is not so rich from the beginning, Jiang Xiaobai is taking everyone step by step to today.

After Zhang Junshan and Hu Jinshan sent Zhang Weiyi away, they were still full of emotion. It wasn't Zhang Weiyi's speech. Who would have known that Jiang Xiaobai was chased by creditors, and who would have thought that the founders of two Fortune 500 would be able to Liar to come and raise pigs for yourself.

   Who knew that Jiang Xiaobai's original intention to found Huaqing Holding Group was because he was poor and could not afford to eat, and his work points were deducted. Because of the five cents of wages that day, he began to embark on the road of creating the world's top 500.

   This may be a legend.

  Zhang Junshan let out a long sigh of relief. If he could be at the top of the industry one day, then his legendary experience should have started with the Moutai that Jiang Xiaobai drank in Citiland.

   (end of this chapter)

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