Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2551: Xiaobai Factory Manager

   Chapter 2551 Xiaobai Director

   After starting from Shangma Township, the convoy got longer and headed towards Jianhua Village.

   When they arrived at the archway at the entrance of Jianhua Village, He Lianghua, Li Laosan, Li Xiaoliu and others had already brought a group of people waiting to greet them, and lion dance teams were also invited on both sides.

   When the team came over, firecrackers were set off immediately, and then the gongs and drums began to welcome them, which was very grand.

   is also considered enough face, and the scene of welcoming everyone is very grand, which is also the beginning of the ceremony.

   But after everyone got out of the car, He Lianghua and others discovered that Jiang Xiaobai was not there.

   "President Zhang, where is Director Jiang?" He Lianghua asked suspiciously.

   "Jiang Dong was in Longcheng last night, and it is estimated that this time will also arrive." Zhang Weiyi said with a smile.

  He Lianghua was relieved. Today's scene, if Jiang Xiaobai doesn't come back, it will not be perfect. No matter how many other people come, it is not what Jianhua Village wants.

   This was not only clearly felt by Zhang Weiyi and others, but also by Wang Ze and Gu Jun who got off the car behind.

   Actually, this feeling is what they can see every time they come to Jianhua Village.

   Gu Jun used to be like this, but in the past two years, the villagers in Jianhua Village have also seen Gu Jun's dedication. At this time, Gu Jun got off the car and a group of people surrounded Gu Jun.

   "Gu Shuji."

   "Leader Gu, thank you, if it weren't for you, there would be no new village now."

   "Director Gu..." A group of people gathered around Gu Jun and said with smiles. As for the name, it was a mess. Gu Jun was a cadre in the township, but he was also the director of this new village project.

  Wang Ze was a little taken aback by this scene, the leaders of his county were not as popular as Gu Jun here.

   "See, the common people are like this. As long as you do things for them sincerely, they will remember you." Wang Ze said with some emotion to the secretary beside him.

  Jiang Xiaobai is popular in Jianhua Village because without Jiang Xiaobai it can be said that Jianhua Village would not be what it is today.

  Gu Jun is also welcomed now, because everyone appreciates Gu Jun's efforts in the past two years, so everyone is willing to get close to him.

   As for yourself and others, you can't come twice a year, so is it because you are sitting in this position that everyone is close? It's not like that, the eyes of the common people are sharp, and they are clear in their hearts who treats them well.

   Although Song Weiguo hasn't come back for so many years, there are still old people in the village who recognize Song Weiguo. They don't know the problems between Song Weiguo and Wang Chao, or the conflict between Song Weiguo and Jiang Xiaobai.

   All they know is that Song Weiguo made a lot of contributions to Jianhua Village when he was in Jianhua Village, so they are willing to get close to Song Weiguo.

   "Wei Guo, I heard that you didn't work in the group anymore. You went out to work on your own. What are you doing now? Why haven't you returned to the village for so many years."

   "Wei Guo, I'm old, I remember when you came here, you were still in your prime..."

   "Wei Guo, pay attention to your health, come back to the village to have a look when you have nothing to do, everyone misses you..."

  's simple words made Song Weiguo feel sore in his nose in an instant, and his tears were a little unsatisfactory.

   He is so old, he is not young, he has experienced many things, and he is also intriguing in the business field. Originally, he thought that his mentality should have been as hard as iron, but he did not expect this moment.

   With just a few words, his mentality collapsed, and he really had no defense at all.

   There are no lofty words, but the care and kindness revealed in those simple words can truly be felt.

   Looking at a group of familiar but unfamiliar faces around him, Song Weiguo knew that he had come back this time, no matter what others said,

   No matter how ugly what others say, it doesn't matter to me, because the people here understand themselves and know how they want to come back and see.

   Maybe he has been wrong all the time, he should have come back long ago, he should not have been delayed for such a long time.

   "Uncle Wang, are you still healthy? Where's Auntie?"

   "Brother Liu, the children in the family are all married."

   "Aunt Zhang..."

  Song Weiguo greeted each other one by one, and at this moment there was a commotion in the crowd, causing everyone to look in the direction of the commotion.

   It turned out to be a black Huahai car with the license plate of Longcheng, driving towards the entrance of the village.

   Those who came from Longcheng at this time, there was no one else except Jiang Xiaobai. After all, the media reporters from Longcheng had already arrived yesterday, and some people had already seen Li Longquan from the windshield.

The combination of Li Longquan and Jiang Xiaobai has always been in focus, and Meng is inseparable. Li Longquan has been a driver for Jiang Xiaobai for more than ten years and almost twenty years. Basically, wherever Jiang Xiaobai appears, there must be Li Longquan not far away. Longquan is here, and vice versa.

   Now that Li Longquan has appeared, Jiang Xiaobai must be in the car.

  Everyone involuntarily moved towards the direction of the car and greeted him. The car also slowly stopped in front of everyone. Jiang Xiaobai, who was wearing a long black woolen coat, opened the car door and walked out without waiting for anyone to come.

  Jiang Xiaobai never pays attention to those messy habits.

   "Director Xiaobai."

   "Director Xiaobai is back."

"Director Xiaobai is back." Everyone shouted, the name of Director Xiaobai originally accompanied Jiang Xiaobai for a long time, but as time went by, Huaqing Holding Group became bigger, everyone called it Jiang Dong, and no one will call Jiang Xiaobai the director of Xiaobai anymore.

   But there is only one place, and that is Jianhua Village. The name of Jiang Xiaobai has not changed at all. He is still the director of Xiaobai. The four words convey not only a title, but also a cordial meaning.

   Of course, the voice was also mixed with a few: "Jiang Dong".

   This was shouted by the guests, but as soon as they shouted, they were drowned out by the enthusiastic noise of the villagers in Jianhua Village.

   Many guests were taken aback by the enthusiasm that erupted from Jianhua Village.

   When there are hundreds of people, it will appear humming, not to mention that there are thousands of people. The voices gather together and go straight to the sky, as if the clouds in the sky are also scattered by the shouting at this moment.

   If I said that I was very enthusiastic about them just now, after all, I was setting off firecrackers and beating gongs to encourage lions.

   But at this moment they know what true passion is.

   (end of this chapter)

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